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The Snow Arena


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evilkoal builds his grand black-snow fortress [with the help of his newly built snowbots (adding in ice koolaid to the tower mix)] and starts up his snow blower.
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The Old One had spent far too long on a most stunning reposte to all of the above. So long, in fact , that the borrowed laptop on which he had prepared said reposte decided to go on 'work to rule' strike, resulting in shut down of all creative endeavors, and unsaving of same.


Following the most fruity string of expletives, of a quality and variety of invention scarce combined in the known English language- such fruity-ness as to cause the aforementioned incontinent fell hound to run howling from the room - the Old One finds himself so bereft of the will to live that he cannot contribute what was to be his master stroke. Only one thing motivates him now, and that is to take his revenge on this expensive piece of inanimate crap which is this laptop belonging to his son and heir.


Now, where is that eight pound sledge hammer? Or shall the Old One use the lighter weight one so as to prolongue the enjoyment ... and revenge.

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*Spyro the young purple dragon flies with fiery colums of fire in to the snow arena,noticing all the chaos.Quickly he hides behind a billboard that reads "welcome to the snow arena,have fun and make sure to survive :biggrin: " after several moments of hearing bombs,guns and yelling he decides to take action! Within seconds everyone (with a :blink: look on their face)stare at a big colum of blazing fire in the sky in the form of a dragon.A moment total silence and wondering what the heck was that they decide to resume battle,but everything is yet disturbed when an army of giant dragons fly through the sky with buckets the size if a standart snow fort,filled with ice cold water with Spyro's command "WATER AWAY" all the H2O is dropped onto the planet.But the low temperature frezes the water,thus covering the whole planet in in ice and with that everyoneelse(exept himself)Satisfied with his victory he disides to lay down and relax but one of his helpers told him that the ice wont last long.Within an hour of building an ice fort fortified with the wood from the billboard with a little poster next to the front gate saying "We Want You to help us win the snow arena and we'll share the reward"
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"suddenly out of the blue(or is it snow)a time portal made of snow and ice opens and your hero and returns the favor"


P.S.was that line "n00b" for me :verymad:

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Yes it was definitely most for you.


Usually, Marcus uses his giant crossbow on vampires, but, as he discovered, they were excellent for puncturing dragons scales.

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The Goddess...still in Raven form...sits unnoticed on an icy tree branch....

She kept one eye on the others and used her other eye to look at the shiny object she had handing from her beak.

"This is going to be great.." she though but wisely kept said beak shut...

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*evilkoal lobbed a gigantic icicle at the wolfe's chest, and grabbed the "shiny object" just in time to return it to the goddess's feathered neck.
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