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The Snow Arena


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Oh, you say that now. But soon, you will say nothing! BWAHAHAHA!


1 turn until doom cannon activated..........

Nosisab is quietly observing the development of this MWolfe plot, and repeats several times wisely: "amazing"

No doubts this wolf earned the first point toward the already (in)famous prized kudos for interpretation.

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A powerful laser on Venus is fired and the Earth is cut clean in half at the equator.

-1 point toward tPKfI


PS: the big anti climax ... what to do? maybe give up and let snow arena die? (earth together)

Marcus Wolfe wins? Sure not, since seems he was the aim to the laser...


I'm sure wolfie will be adequately handled


Suddenly I got the certainty I have something to do elsewhere.

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The Goddess, who had been at the equator looking for a bit of warmth...

was hit by Marcus Wolfe's laser.


It cut her in half completely.


It appeared she was dead.

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evilkoal re-emerged from his coma caused by the grenade blowing him thousands of feet into the air, then landing on his dreadlocks which broke the fall. he saw that the goddess lisnpuppy was cut in half, so he decided to return the favor of sewing her back together, except evilkoal had little knowledge of the needle, so he resorted to safety pins, fishing string, 90mph tape, and superglue. she was just as whole as she was before, except she was a little shiny in the midsection. and missing a lot of blood, which was substituted with vast quantities of syrupy cherry koolaid.
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"My plan is almost complete," gman021 thought with joy.


Just as his new super weapon was being finished, Marcus Wolfe's Doom Laser hits the Earth and starts to cut it in half, slowly heating up the ground, the water, and everything on it. He knows it will soon be vaporised. Luckily gman likes the cold weather, and chose to work on his secret project in Antarctica.


"No time for testing," he thinks, as he feels the Atmosphere heating up, and sees the snow around him turning into piles of slush at an almost comical rate.


Gman021 lifts off, and starts to fly away in his Polaris Zephyr:





But, as he does this, he notices evilkoal sewing up Lisnpuppy, and he decides to save them both from being vaporised by the Doom Laser.


As he flies away, he activates his cloaking device, not wanting to be hit by another WMD.


He sees Marcus being attacked by the Sasquatch, and decides to save him too, knowing that he will need as many powerful allies as possible. He bombards the Sasquatch with his Wrathii, being VERY careful not to hit Marcus, in fear of burning away some of his fur.


Now all he has to do is talk to The Great nosisab.


"Now," he thinks, "I can create an alliance against the 405th Infantry Division..."

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The Goddess looked own at her midsection...she was grateful that she had been twice saved and would worry about cosmetic surgery at a later time.


She smiled at Evilkoal and thanked him for the KoolAid transfusion.

She smiled at Gman operating the Zephyr.


She saw Wolfe and though about spitting on him. But that wasn't particularly original....just right along the lines of WMD and all.


"Really Wolfe..." she said with irritation.."in half?"


She laid back down in the floor of the Zephyr.

She used her telephathic powers to call Nosisab.


<I need you> she said.


She used her telepathic power to call to the Old ONe


<I know you are having atomizing issues...but I need you too!>


She then collapsed weeping in the floor..still weak from her horrific injury. She wondered if she could ever be the same. Her wit organ was in her center you know.


As the Goddess fell into pain-filled and restless sleep she tranformed...


Instead of the brilliantly glorious form that all were used to seeing..


There laid a young child of about 10.... Long black hair spilling around her as she gripped a stuffed white rabbit.

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