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The Snow Arena


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Marcus was stranded in his Bombardier and what was nosisab doing?


He was making acronyms.


Well, Marcus thought to himself, at least nosisab's English is flawless and extremely easy to understand now.

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Marcus was stranded in his Bombardier and what was nosisab doing?


He was making acronyms.


Well, Marcus thought to himself, at least nosisab's English is flawless and extremely easy to understand now.


gman021 wakes up, a little bit ticked off at Wolfe, but none the less grateful that he has enough junk food for a prolonged space trip. He then flies over to Marcus, and picks him up, knowing that he has to be the one to save Marcus from his own stupidity... again. :rolleyes:


"nosisab, what do you want with the snow goddess, Lisnpuppy?" he asks. "Are you willing to join my- er, our small crew?"

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The Goddess...still looking around 10 years old-debating suing Marcus Wolfe for drugging a minor..then remembered she wasn't really 10.


Hands still covered in Snow Cone goo (Thanks Spyro) she looked around for a place to clean them and spotten Marcus Wolfe panting in the floor.


She crawled over to him, stuffed white rabbit hopping along beside of her and wiped said sticky hands on Wolfe's beautiful fur coat. THere she left clumps of hair stinking up in all directions. It was quite unbecoming. She snickered to herself and then used Marcus to push herself from the floor. She really needed to do something about these safety pins...


She then loudly asked,


"Are we there yet?"

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She then loudly asked,


"Are we there yet?"


"Uh-oh,"gman021 thinks. "I REALLY hope this isn't going to turn into what I think it will turn into..."


"Not yet!" he yells back just as loud. "Just a couple more hours until we reach the Mjolnir System."


He then shuts and locks his cockpit door, which (luckily) is soundproof...

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She then loudly asked,


"Are we there yet?"


"Uh-oh,"gman021 thinks. "I REALLY hope this isn't going to turn into what I think it will turn into..."


"Not yet!" he yells back just as loud. "Just a couple more hours until we reach the Mjolnir System."


He then shuts and locks his cockpit door, which (luckily) is soundproof...

Nosisab thanks the lovely invite from gman021 but decided to, maybe, join everyone at arriving. First he get bored at such morasses vehicles and second he seconds the wish from gman021 at keeping wolves alive.


And there is a wolf there that seems decided to follow the MADNESS faction tenets to the very end (literally)

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Seeing that everyone is going to the planet of Junk Food Spyro decides to join them but not even the combo power up can make his young wings strong enough to fly through space,so our hero uses his trusty "guide book" to make a temporary portal to the Junk Food planet's moon "1GFB" (first giant floating burger)Although the creation of the portal and traveling through such great distances takes 24 hours overall (damn it)So he gets right on it.No time like the present.

P.S. You're welcome Lisnpuppy ;)

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Marcus wolfed down (no, pun intended) another piece of meatloaf and looked out the window lazily. It was at this time he saw the approaching space pirates.


Almost immediately, he was wailing on the cockpit door.



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The Goddess was sitting in a large chair with her feet not touching the ground...she was spinning and spinning in the chair when she heard Wolfe's pirate announcement.


She quit spinning...waited for the room to then stop..and looked out the window...




Summoning her dimesional pocket she gave her stuffed white rabbit a kiss and he jumped inside. A glow began to immulate from her torso and The Goddess began gingerly removing the safety pins (with which Evilkoal had stuck her back together) and tossed them into the pouch also. You never knew when a safety pin might be handy.


With each tug and pull it reminded her that she still had a score to settle with the Wolfe, but that would wait.


Dispelling the pocket the Goddess rose and began to transform....


When she was complete she stood once again her shining and glorious self....then realized she was wearing Chesto's conjured carnival paint from several post ago.




Then she stood in her version best 1800's American Naval Admiral outfit complete with thigh high boots.


"Scurvy dogs on the port side Captian!" She yelled over Wolfe's pounding.

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Marcus wolfed down (no, pun intended) another piece of meatloaf and looked out the window lazily. It was at this time he saw the approaching space pirates.


Almost immediately, he was wailing on the cockpit door.




gman021 turns up the 70's rock and roll, and quietly settles in and gets comfortable.


He then realized that he forgot to bring food into the cockpit. :pinch:


So, he opens the door, and Marcus Wolfe then hits him in the face, as he was in the middle of pounding on the door.


"Space *pant, pant pant* pirates *huff, huff, huff*


*Gasp!* "Oh noes!" gman exclaims.


He quickly dropped out of Hyperspace, knowing that it would be impossible to fight them there. He activates his Wrathii Cannons, and starts bombarding the pirates with them and his Bio-Relay Laser. They quickly drop.


"Glad that's over with," he thinks.


Just then, an alarm blares on his control panel, and he sees a Pirate Reinforcement Fleet arrive.


"Oops," he says aloud.



Gman activates The Zephyr's cloaking device, but alas, it was too late.


Kablooie! A stray missile hit the Zephyr in in cloaked state, so the shield takes no effect.


He sees the Pirate Fleet advancing slowing towards his ship, knowing that he (and everyone on board) is about to be robbed and then killed.


Just as they are about to dock with his ship, a single Polaron Torpedo comes seemingly out of nowhere. This single torpedo then splits into 5 separate ones! A Polaris Arachnid deactivates it's cloaking device, releasing a fighter bay full of Manta Fighters. The Pirate Fleet desperately fights to survive. It is an amazing sight to see. Alas, the Pirate Fleet is no match for the Polaris' Superior Technology, and they are all quickly decimated.


"No life pods," gman021 thinks.



he then receives a transmission from the Polaris ship:



We heard that you were coming, and we thought we'd give you a proper welcome, the ship captain says.


The ship quickly moves towards them and picks them up.



On board, gman021 asks the captain where we are going.


"Well, I heard that you like snow and all, sooo... I think we'll go to Vero'q.

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The Goddess looked around the new ship and watched Gman and his little captain friend bonding.


Make it so number one... she thought.


THe Goddess was somewhat irritated that she didn't get to fight the pirates. Here with her cool new outfit and all.


So she began looking around for something...or someone to entertain her...


The Goddess smiled begain to walk while singing She's got the Looks that Kill by Motley Crew in her head.





(OT--sorry for the short post guys but I have been up a day or three and brain isn't working so well! Love ya mean it-Lis)

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