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The Snow Arena


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The Goddess looked around the new ship and watched Gman and his little captain friend bonding.


Make it so number one... she thought.


THe Goddess was somewhat irritated that she didn't get to fight the pirates. Here with her cool new outfit and all.


So she began looking around for something...or someone to entertain her...


The Goddess smiled begain to walk while singing She's got the Looks that Kill by Motley Crew in her head.





(OT--sorry for the short post guys but I have been up a day or three and brain isn't working so well! Love ya mean it-Lis)



Gman watches Lisnpuppy pacing the corridors. He wonders what exactly is going through her head...



OT: Sorry Lisnpuppy! I guess I posted mine right after you did! :huh:


I've also been sleepless lately... I only got 3 hours of sleep last night... :pinch:

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...Well, I heard that you like snow and all, sooo... I think we'll go to Vero'q...

Hold it Wolfie said planet of Junk Food "Oh noes!" dont tell me im going to spend the rest of the snow arena on 1FGB alone :confused: I mean it isnt easy making these portals like the one i used to go there


[OT:i would post something more serious but im traveling through a portal,this was a call to gman021's cell phone]

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Nosisab reaches the fold of his mantle where his squirrel (the thought itself of thinking another living being as his is new to him) and pet it for a while. Although the little friend shows being happy with this, Nosisab can't avoid the waves of sadness coming from the little pet. He knows (Nosisab knows will never call him it anymore) he have no more kins there, all is gone from the MADNESS that struck the place. And so Nosisab take the Evilkoal's power suit gift and begins to analyze it. Cautiously he traces the energy patterns, the material toughness and concludes it being a honest and really good power suit.

I need to name it, he thinks while staring the suit but meaning his pet friend. At least he is well furnished with food supplies for now, he confirms.


Well, isn't a surprise at all that the acronyms were found, yet seems their significants wasn't well caught.


The BAD category is the most unstable, almost everyone passthru it and while in it one is commonly called newbie in that native terran language. The large majority goes so to the category that is not a category itself as it is large and wide and multipath to be labeled. Others evolve a love for BAD and will not quit it and becomes like aways promoted to n00bs, again in that terran language (or a jargon of it, it seems). The most significant feature of BAD is in not developing a plot, they will create a continuous vapt/vupt with no precedences and yet less consequences. No story, no char growing, nothing anyone will even like to read sometime. The promoted ones will even try to destroy all plot they can sense as a perilous affair their intuition screams they can't deal with.


Justice must be done to the blessed unlabel-able category that aways will try hard to make some sense from the mess BAD creates. For they alone are the only that can do this. Most of then will transcend to GOOD and EVIL, and from there they may and can, almost all then, shift at will.


MADNESS is a totally different category itself. It tend to be the more constant and stable one. It is composed almost by the promoted BAD that will just add to it, never quiting the former one.

Some seldom times it can be filled with and just temporally by the EVIL ones, and yet more seldom by the GOOD ones. That transcendent beings will do the job if plot requires it. Even that great undefinable category will pay the duty at MADNESS when time comes, and sometimes this is the very passway to the transcendent categories.


GOOD and EVIL categories are a diffused and merged class. Although some EVIL will play his role almost all times in it, most of then can play the GOOD one aswell. And is the most important one. No story (or even history) can be built to be rich without representatives from it. Be it from player(s) character(s) or NPC ones. GOOD is someway optional and seldom their representatives will be the archetype of the class, except maybe in epic tales.


The most intriguing property of the EVIL category is in its very capacity to disguise their most dangerous representatives as GOOD ones better GOOD can. And no seldom GOOD is seen as the evil in the core for some, most of times by machinations of EVIL.


GODDESS? well that is an unique category, yet not at the transcendent ones is itself a 'transcending' one, no surprise if establish itself as transcendent.


Time to follow the everchanging course of the events. Seems they are shifting destination once more.

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The Goddess walked the ship's cooridors wearing her "Notice me not" ring.


In her head she still sang...


Now listen up

She's razor sharp

If she don't get her way

She'll slice you apart

Now she's cool, cool black

Moves like a cat

If you don't get her game

You might not make it back

She's got the look's that kill





finally she saw that which she sought...


and so she transformed.


Shimmering light fell and where once a human form stood was now a wolf.


All black and sleek of build. Beautiful in form and built for the kill. Intelligent brown eyes looked out the well shaped wolf head. She was far larger than a real wolf and powerfully muscled. If she were in the wild this wolf would be alpha female...this wolf would be alpha anything..


Then the Goddess howled...


and shook the ship like thunder....






<OT...:) to you Nosisab)

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Ah...this is the life, Marcus thought to himself. Warm weather, cool drinks, babes in bikinis.....


Marcus was suddenly ripped out of his dream by the yelling of a drunken space man.




He wandered down to the main bridge and nonchalantly leaned on the table.


"So.......what's up people?"


Instantaneously the beads of several heavy fire arms were directed at him. A large, 4 armed alien picked him up and threw him back in his sleeping cell.


"What's the meaning of this? I demand to know why you are holding me!"


A tall alien, with a humanoid torso and the lower half of a spider, walked up to his cell.


"Don't play dumb with us! We know you robbed our meatloaf and potato chip plantations!"


"What? Oh...that.......I didn't know that food actually belonged to somebody......"


The alien sneered. "You should be aware that you cannot plead stupidity in the galactic court."


"What about ignorance? Can I plead ignorance?"


The alien walked away, coming back with the 4 armed alien and a large set of restraints. Before he knew it, Marcus was before the imperial galactic judge.

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Ah...this is the life, Marcus thought to himself. Warm weather, cool drinks, babes in bikinis.....


Marcus was suddenly ripped out of his dream by the yelling of a drunken space man.




He wandered down to the main bridge and nonchalantly leaned on the table.


"So.......what's up people?"


Instantaneously the beads of several heavy fire arms were directed at him. A large, 4 armed alien picked him up and threw him back in his sleeping cell.


"What's the meaning of this? I demand to know why you are holding me!"


A tall alien, with a humanoid torso and the lower half of a spider, walked up to his cell.


"Don't play dumb with us! We know you robbed our meatloaf and potato chip plantations!"


"What? Oh...that.......I didn't know that food actually belonged to somebody......"


The alien sneered. "You should be aware that you cannot plead stupidity in the galactic court."


"What about ignorance? Can I plead ignorance?"


The alien walked away, coming back with the 4 armed alien and a large set of restraints. Before he knew it, Marcus was before the imperial galactic judge.

How I'd love taking up from here, that wolf have so much more things to respond than meatloaf and potatoes theft...but...

once i solve some pending issues maybe I can arrive in time to add complaints my little friend is pressing me, about ecological and specimen extinction issues. If, of course, M wolfe can answer to solar systems, universe and peer destruction or trying.


Anyway is already good to see some plot construction at play.


OT: really this is rich material to role playing. Wonderful opportunity for ancient old ones not directly involved with present issues taking the judge role :)


Yet, not impossible anyone here taking double roles, and playing prosecutor, defender... and the current 'self' at testimonials. Anyone willing a try?

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"Marcus Wolfe, you stand accused of robbing our meatloaf and potato chip plantation on Bohola 47. How do you plead?"






"I plead ignorant."




"Well, hey, I didn't know it was somebody else's meatloaf and potato chips!"


"That is not an excuse in this court. What do you plead?"


"Unaware, oblivious, inexperienced....."





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"Marcus Wolfe, you stand accused of robbing our meatloaf and potato chip plantation on Bohola 47. How do you plead?"






"I plead ignorant."




"Well, hey, I didn't know it was somebody else's meatloaf and potato chips!"


"That is not an excuse in this court. What do you plead?"


"Unaware, oblivious, inexperienced....."






Gman021 quietly walks up to the judge, and begs him to pardon Mister Wolfe, because of his lack of intelligence.


"It's just not right," he whispered in the Judges Ear.


So, he agreed to drop the charges.


Meanwhile, gman is amazed at Lisnpuppy's transformation.


"I hope she won't eat me," he thinks. "I also wish that she would stop it with that ‘Looking-Glass’ thing. It’s really messing with my inner ear…”

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The Goddess as wolf waits patiently in the corridor of the ship.


Gman and Wolfe materialize in front of her.


The Goddess Wolf jumps through the air with easy grace and lands smack in the middle of Marcus Wolfe's chest knocking him to the ground. Too fast to be seen...the Goddess takes Wolfe's throat in her massive jaws. She growls low but with enough strength to vibrate the interstellar ship.


To Marcus' mind she spoke...


"You have been doing better, dear Wolfe. But the time has come to decide.."


She closed her jaws a little tighter and bound him with her magik so that he had no chance of escape...


"We wish to have you join with us in battle..or against us in battle...but all the time using mind over might. Use strength of purpose more than strength of arms. It takes little minds to simply blow something up destroying eveything."


The Goddess let go off Marcus throat as he was turning colors from lack of air....


"I like where your mind has been of late and I hope it stays there. I like to battle with you in this way. But should you decide that doom buttons and apocolypse devices are the only way to play...make no mistake..no matter where you go or how fast you run I will be there. I will chase you like a rabid dog and there will be no escaping the Goddess's wrath."


Suddenly the Goddess bound off of Marcus releasing him from her spell. She transformed again to her mortal guise and held a hand down to help up Marcus.


"I think there is some ice cream in the freezer.." she stated amicabay..."want to go get some?"


She then turned with a smile to Gman...


"I think we need to talk about your Knight come to the rescue thing.."

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Nosisab is astonished with the new news. Well, that's it, sorry little friend you will get another chance. That wolf will not amend so easy as the judges of nowadays are prone to listening whisper and freeing anyone for minor crime as bringing famine to whole planet.


Meanwhile his attention is at peak in the attempt to follow the several paths convoluting around. Will they converge someway?

The young Dragon seems decided to setup something he have in mind.

The Lisnpuppy goddess seems to have shielded her mind to him and so he is very curious about her plans. Some others important characters are a bit dormant for some time now, and this thought is not really an assuring one.


OT: So cheap, that was the worse interpretation I saw until now :)

Are you missing the BAD gman021?

someway I fear you spoiled even the Marcus incursion in plotting.


PS: posted before seeing Lisnpuppy reply.

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