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The Snow Arena


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The Goddess as wolf waits patiently in the corridor of the ship.


Gman and Wolfe materialize in front of her.


The Goddess Wolf jumps through the air with easy grace and lands smack in the middle of Marcus Wolfe's chest knocking him to the ground. Too fast to be seen...the Goddess takes Wolfe's throat in her massive jaws. She growls low but with enough strength to vibrate the interstellar ship.


To Marcus' mind she spoke...


"You have been doing better, dear Wolfe. But the time has come to decide.."


She closed her jaws a little tighter and bound him with her magik so that he had no chance of escape...


"We wish to have you join with us in battle..or against us in battle...but all the time using mind over might. Use strength of purpose more than strength of arms. It takes little minds to simply blow something up destroying eveything."


The Goddess let go off Marcus throat as he was turning colors from lack of air....


"I like where your mind has been of late and I hope it stays there. I like to battle with you in this way. But should you decide that doom buttons and apocolypse devices are the only way to play...make no mistake..no matter where you go or how fast you run I will be there. I will chase you like a rabid dog and there will be no escaping the Goddess's wrath."


Suddenly the Goddess bound off of Marcus releasing him from her spell. She transformed again to her mortal guise and held a hand down to help up Marcus.


"I think there is some ice cream in the freezer.." she stated amicabay..."want to go get some?"


She then turned with a smile to Gman...


"I think we need to talk about your Knight come to the rescue thing.."


Gman021 is slightly scarred and yet amazed at Lisnpuppy's prowess.


He replies to her question, "What is there to talk about? I simply help those who need helping. It's what I do."



OT: nosisab, I'm not quite sure what you mean... :unsure:

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Still smiling a smile that has made greater men than Gman wet their shorts, she kisses him on the cheek and whispers..


"Quit bailing the twit out and lets see if he can develop a plot line..."


She then walks off toward the walk-in freezer in search of Chunky Monkey Ice Cream and singing KISS's song STRUTTER....

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Still smiling a smile that has made greater men than Gman wet their shorts, she kisses him on the cheek and whispers..


"Quit bailing the twit out and lets see if he can develop a plot line..."


She then walks off toward the walk-in freezer in search of Chunky Monkey Ice Cream and singing KISS's song STRUTTER....


gman021 can't decide whether he should be glad, or scarred that Lisnpuppy kissed him...


"Alright, fair enough. I'll let Marcus do what he wants, even if it leads to the death of us all..."


After this, gman021 leaves the Arachnid in his Zephyr, off to go associate with his Polaris contact, Mu'Randa.


"Be good while I'm gone." He tells everyone. "Oh, and when you're around the Polaris, try not to mention the Wraith," he quietly adds as an after-thought.


"Be back in a few days," he says. "If I survive, that is..." he thinks to himself.

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The Goddess...with ice cream and spoon in hand wandered into the cockpit. She looked around at all the buttons and readings.




She quickly finished her ice cream....fished out a wet nap from her dimentional pocket and changed into her best Ferrari F1 racing drivers uniform. She then put on her Kimi Raikkonen cap so she could channel his amazing talent for driving damn near everything...


and took the spaceship screaming through the sky...



"Any location request..." she yelled out to anyone who may be listening....

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Lisnpuppy receives a signal on the spaceship radio.She answers it.


*hello...guys can you hear me.....it's me spyro im calling from 1GFB.I was wandering if you guys are coming to Junk Food planet,if not I'll kill marcus,he told me we were going there.That is,if i can make another portal.I'm using the remaining power in the guide book to call you and it will take a few days for it to fully recharge.Oh and before i forget anyone want some food stuff while im around here.There are all kinds of junk food:hot dogs,hamburgers,half frozen milk shakes,ice cream,roasted chicken...etc.*


While waiting for a reply,our hero picks up a raw,uncooked chicken.Feeling his stomach's emptyness,he let's out a small flame from his mouth roasting the chicken to a crisp.Mmmm chicken :thumbsup:

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evilkoal woke up from his koolaid induced stasis, on some weird alien ship unlike any he had seen before. he wondered to himself how long he had been out. his HUD built into his helmet was not giving him any information, it appeared that the information drive was damaged from rapidly dropping out of hyperspace. how could this have happened he wondered. i must have been kidnapped by some alien life forms he reasonably deduced. his surroundings resembled some sort of alien operating room, and when he tried to move his arm, he noticed that his power/air filter pack was removed from his back. it took great strength to do what he did, rising up from the table in a full suit of chaos space marine armor. luckily his head narrowly missed the alien thingamajiggy that was over his head, apparently at one time trying to dissect his suit. he slowly slid off the table, and started dragging his feet (since his armor weighed about 1.5k lbs) searching for his power pack around the room.
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The Goddess picks up the radio...


"Spyro...hold on to that chicken...I am bringing you over..."



And with nothing more than a thought...Spyro was on the ship.

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Marcus danced around his rooms to Aerosmith's 'Dude Looks Like a Lady'. Suddenly, without warning, the small planet (which Marcus had been transferred to) was under attack from a bunch of misprogrammed warbots. The civilians fled, but Marcus began looking for the nearest weapon.


"Godamnit! Why does this planet lack guns!?!?!"


He bumped into the large4 armed alien and only avoided a pounding when one of the robots shot the alien's ass with a laser. He used this distraction to grab a laser chainsaw and start cutting down the robots. The alien saw this and, inspired, grabbed 4 laser chainsaws and joined in the robot slashing fun.

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Marcus danced around his rooms to Aerosmith's 'Dude Looks Like a Lady'. Suddenly, without warning, the small planet (which Marcus had been transferred to) was under attack from a bunch of misprogrammed warbots. The civilians fled, but Marcus began looking for the nearest weapon.


"Godamnit! Why does this planet lack guns!?!?!"


He bumped into the large4 armed alien and only avoided a pounding when one of the robots shot the alien's ass with a laser. He used this distraction to grab a laser chainsaw and start cutting down the robots. The alien saw this and, inspired, grabbed 4 laser chainsaws and joined in the robot slashing fun.


gman021 sees Marcus fighting the robots, and decides to save him by killing all the robots... oh, wait, that was only a dream.


He sees Marcus fighting the robots however, and he decides to help out. He bombards a few with his Wrathii, and vaporizes a few with his Bio-Relay laser, but there are still plenty to share! :P

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'At last' pogo'd the Old One. 'He who fixes things has returned my blessed technical device. Everything is in perfect working order!


The Old One noticed that he, too, was now in a space suit. Floating in said space.

'Where the flipflop did all the fugitives from EVE come from ?', he self-queried'


He liked the fact that he, too, had an HUD. He especially liked the fact that he knew what an HUD was. He specially especially liked the fact that it warmed the back of his hairless little walnut-nut of a head. This, he deduced , after trying to focus his poor sight on the pretty colours being reflected onto the back wall, which should have been the front wall, or visor... that being the technical name, of the front wall...of the helmet...was because the helmet was on back to front. Which was alright, because the rest of the suit was as well. From the outside it would look perfect. It was just that from the inside... it lacked a certain logic. Also spoiling the overall effect of whatever the effect was supposed to be was the fact that his moonboots were on his hands, and his multifunction gloves were positioned , rather inconveniently he thought, on his feet.


Ah yes. He who fixes things had indeed put everything in perfect order. It was just that everything was in the wrong perfectly working order.


'This could take some puzzling out.', puzzled the Old One. ' I hope I dont have to have a bodily function anytime soon. That might take rather more co-ordination than I am capable of. Ever. Or... I could just revert to ultra low tech and *censored* off and do Conan. Course... I would have to get out of this suit first. Hmmm. Life can be provoking at times.', the Old One mumbled into the neck brace.

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