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The Snow Arena


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This time...the Goddess took her mighty hand...picked up Marcus..the Wookie..the loot...and everything else Marcus-related...wadded it up in a giant ball...and threw it into the next universe over.
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But before he was tossed into the next universe, Marcus fired his grappling hook into the center of the universe. It caught on the only chunk Ultra matter* in the universe, and he pulled it into the next universe with him, eliminating our universe.



*Ultra matter is the fundamental necessity for the existence of all things.

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OT:Marcus will stop destroying everything with one move.If you ask me thats cheating.To all who agree with me will ignore that destruction of the universe post.can't you just bring yourself back with a space ship or a portal or something like that.


The young dragon was carried to his room and put on the bed.Unfortunately he he was still in a coma.Since Spyro was in a coma and not dead the dragon statues couldn't do anything.Not even Sparx's magic couldn't help.The golden colored dragonfly constantly flew over Spyro waiting for some kind of response ,but alas nothing.Too bad wolfie isn't here because Sparx will give him a piece of his mind. :verymad:


"tzat wzolfz bzetzeh szays whzes hez isz"(translation:that wolf better stay where he is)Said Sparx with anger.


http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg193/photo-kid_2008/toughsparx.jpg < thats Sparx (yay i managed to post a pic)

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Marcus peered through his inter dimensional telescope. "Fascinating...." he said. "Their universe doesn't exist, yet somehow they exist."




And then Marcus and the wookie engaged in a long conversation about how something can exist in a non existent universe.

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"So Spyro" said the Goddess...."You are looking better!"


As she said this she kept rubbing her ear...seems there was an incessent and annoying buzzing and she couldn't figure out what is was...

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Spyro slowly opened his eyes and slowly made a smile,but he could not talk.The dragon looked at his injured leg and tail,they were in casts made of ice and then looked away.Sparx the dragonfly flew in threw the window.When he saw Spyro consious he smiled as well.The dragon lifted his finger and Sparx landed on it.Sparx led out a golden glow because of his happines.Afterward Spyro went back to sleep.He'll need all the rest he can get to survive the arena.
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The weird buzzing continued.....so the Goddess decided she had enough and just shoved some of the snow and Spyro's gems into her ears...connected it her her Ipod and proceeded to blast Megadeth and quickly forgot about the annoying noise.
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Bored, Marcus and the wookie were using the Ultra matter to alter the universe.


"Ok, now throw it in the fire."




The universe suddenly got very hot.


"Now throw it in that bucket of ice water."




The universe suddenly got very cold.


"Here, let me have it for a sec-"


Marcus tapped some holes into it lightly, and soon enough, there was a constellation that looked a lot like a hot naked woman.

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OT: so much roleplaying beyond the own character. One can decide only what he/she will do, not what others does.
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