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The Snow Arena


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There was another volcano that erupted in Iceland providing the changes during that time. Temperatures have returned to the highs that I was accustomed to that were in the 90s degrees F. and are now in more like the usual weather in the 80s as Augusts ends; and since the last Volcano gave us the strange weather.

There are so many forecasters declaring the worst weather are signs.   Giving future tellers a field day to say the least.   There is flooding in streets where there was heavy tourist traffic, and yesterday the streets were flooding up to their windows sills in a part of Thailand, yet they claim the tourists are still keeping them quite busy.

I scraped the frost off the inside of the mini-freezer box.



Just a little reminder to be ready for cooler weather and more snow.  Maybe I'll have to put the shop broom away and get out the snow shovel.  Or worse!  I might have to use the antique; twelve inch wide electric snowblower for my small sidewalk.

It's Autumn.  School starts tomorrow in some places around the U. S. A..

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