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The Snow Arena


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Jun'Ko storms inside the office and is exhausted from the haste she made to get to the office

"Armiena has left her fortress... The base is being evactuated and they're all leaving for Alpha centauri... It seems like she's accepting the alliance with Peregrine!"

Pack Rat rises up and hits with his fist on his desk.

"First she insults us with this false alliance she offered... Then she is willing to ally herself with the murderer of her people and millions of ours..."

Pack Rat now stands in front of the window...

"Where is she going?"

"The Nebula ring, My Lord..."

Pack Rat's rage now made place for laughter...

"She is actually meeting Peregrine? And I thought she would be more sane than that... Peregrine hasnt shown himself for weeks and now he is going to resurrect just to ally himself?"

Jun'Ko knows Pack Rat too well... He knows something and kept it hidden from everyone...

"My Lord, what is so funny about that?"

Pack Rat turns around and Jun'Ko can clearly see the smile on his face.

"For starters, Peregrine does not share power... He never did, the only way you might be on his side is by becoming one of his minions. Second... Peregrine hasnt shown himself for weeks now and now he is willing to appear just to sign an alliance? And third. Peregrine does not go to them, he wants them to come to him..."

Jun'Ko now has a confused

"My Lord what are you saying?"

Pack Rat now looks to the sky trough the window

"I have a feeling Armiena will not return from the Nebula Ring..."

"Shouldn't we do anything?"

"Yes, you ask the situation and location of Armiena, if they lie you tell them that we know already and they increase their insults by lieing to us..."

Pack Rat sits down again...

"I'm sorry Jun'Ko but she made the choice herself... She is out of our reach now..."

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*Ancalagon chuvkles to himsvelf (oh! RVSSIAN!) while drinking a very expensive Champagne...Bottle. From his mighty tower in the Blah blah blah True Gods and whatnot, he says to Slaiv via divine thought


"You know, when you join Peregrine, it isn't so much an 'Alliance' as it is being bound unto him until death. You give up all of your rights, thoughts, desires, dreams, cocktail drinks, and lives to a Mad 'God' and the only thing that ends that contract is your deaths. At the hands of your 'Enemies' or at the hands of Peregrine remains to be said..."

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ohGr hears someone call out on the megaphone

Lights off!!!

in a matter of seconds the base was no longer lit up like a christmas tree, it was as dark as an abyss

ohGr turns to the front of the adv. communications center, in the next room he hears some screaming, not violent screaming, it sounded like sarah was having a session with her good time buddy, the guys name was jack, he was a complete nut, before ohGr became a CO, jack had already pulled out a gun to ohGrs face 6 times, normally over childish things, like who stole his seat and who burned his bunk, ohGr could sense that there would be a moment untill him and jack get into a fight, and because this guys such a nutter, itll probably be a fight to the death, ignoring the bad side to things, ohGr walks into his office, closes the sound proof door, and turns on some music, so loud that he could not hear himself think, he was depressed

****, why does that ****head always get to me, if anyone can hear me, why is this happening, i cant even seem to put a gun to my own head, instead im put in a office with the vilage bicycle

the music suddenly stops, and he sees the sillouete of a technician, ohGr jumps up and says

what are you doing here, its lights out


the technician hesitates to reply, then says

just before i say what im meant to say, whats going on in that other room, it sounds like jacks in there


ohGr looks up, surprised, he says

you know that ****head, i suppose your up here to complain about him, theres nothing i can do about him, his dad is really in charge of this army, im only second in charge, so unless someone kills him for a good reason, im stuck here getting tortured by him


the technician thinks for a while, then replys

whens the next time hes going out in the field


ohGr replies

tomorrow, thank god, we get rid of him for 3 days


the technician gets surprised and says

since your fully aware of everyone in this base hating him, when hes out in the field we could get him to set off a mine, killing him, and call it his own fault, or friendly fire, his dad wont be able to do anything that way


ohGr looks back up and replies

thats a ****ing great idea!, hang on a minute, i have to buzz my private guard up


in a few minutes a man walks in, heavily armored, he says

you buzzed


ohGr says

ok, i know even you hate jack, so we're going to kill him, assassinate, if you will, i need you to talk to the head demolitians expert to set off some explosives at these locations, when hes dead, im sure his dad will resign, causing me in charge, and giving this base, or army, their own choices, not strict ******* like his dad did, everyones own free will...except mass murdering, thats a little too far, and rape...none of that ****


the guard runs out of the room, before he ran out ohGr caught a smirk on his face, he could tell this was the right thing, for everyone, except sarah, whom he wasnt concearned about.


ohGr smiles, then says

so, technician, you wanted something?


he replies

uh yes, in about a weeks time, we'll need to test your brain waves, apparently a statue made for someone along the word, malchik, looked too much like Jayne Mansfield, so i wouldnt try that pickup line anymore


ohGr looks up, surprised at his knowledge, he says

dont tell anyone about that


the technician smiles and replies

of course not, i mean she had some big breats, hahahahaha


ohGr smiles and says

just shut up, alright, im already in a bad moon hearing those 2 moaning for 40minutes straight, ill tell you, the guy must be on a drug


the technician walks out, and ohGr turns back on the music, this time, hes prepared for this, so he goes to his closet, gets out a hockey mask, a chainsaw, and a jacket with a 8 ball on the back, and decides to be a complete idiot for once, he starts up the chainsaw, and runs in the room while sarah and jack are at it, ohGr then growls

you will all die at dawn mother*******!!!, ROOOARRRRR


ohGr runs out, back into his room, and locks the door, he throws down the chainsaw, takes off the jacket and mask, he then heard some banging on the door, its jack, he shouts

your lucky i was laying down you smartass, because when i find you im gonna kill you this time, not just shoot you in the leg, you hear me!, DEAD!


ohGr laughs and calls out

if theres anyone whos going to be dead, itll be you, because im sure someone out there just loves you to peices, hahahaha


ohGr turns the music back on, and sits back, relaxed, calm, happy, for once he is confident things will go his way.


<OCC Malchik, did the same for this post, swear words are now bleeped 4 stars instead of 1>

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*Shin discovers everybody's sudden lust to be on the side of peregrine.

"and to think when this all started we were against that pesky pidgeon"


"unless..., There is a force beyond force being applied here. I must go to the omniscient MALCHIK with his galadriel second hand scrying bowl. I must see for myself what mysteries lie beyond...."


*Shin flies through purgatory, to where malchik is only to find people shoting at him with coulourful and vibrant flak cannons that whistle and explode making huge balls of light.


"What foul creature/s have plaugued these peoples minds......"

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Pack Rat wakes up cause of the sunshines in his face. He stands up and looks trough the window. It's amarvelous day, birds are singing, the plain white snow gives a beautifull view, no the day is too beautifull to think about the upcoming tides. He dresses heimself and walks trough the hallway with the other rooms. When he passes Jun'Ko's room he notices the door has not been shut and has a peak inside. He see Jun'Ko enjoying a beautifull dream and smiles.

"Thank god for the dreams..."

He shakes his head and moves himself towards the kitchen to get some food.

Soon the others enter the dining room, the one more awake than the other.

"Rough night, men?"

They all smile and most of them take some bread and coffee and site them around the table with Pack Rat.

"What news?"

"Not much, we were able to pick up Armiena on the long range scanners."

"Did you send some ships after her?"

"No... If she wants to ally herself with Peregrine the choice is hers.. Not ours..."

"What about the coalition that we signed?"

"I might say we might even ignore it... Armiena apearantly has no longer intrest in our sides... By the way, has Aplha Centauri responded yet?"

"We've asked the location of Armiena but they did not respond yet. I told them they have insulted and betrayed us by forging an alliance with Peregrine but apearantly they do not answer..."

"Let them do.. our times will come"

"What other news?"

"Ohh... this is nice F.C Mars won by 3 - 2 from Sparta Saturn"

"Finally some good news"

They all laugh and it seems that they are finally succeed to carry the burden...

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Armiena's Fleet:


As Armiena's shuttle departs, the Peregrinist freigher jumps to hyperspace, making no effort to attack or do anything but leave for the nebula.


Nebula Ring: 16 Hours Later


Armiena's shuttle arrives to find the freighter sitting alone at the designated coordinates. As she approaches, a man appears on her main screen. "I am the Emissary of Peregrine, given the sacred duty of preparing the universe for his Return. First, let me offer my sincerest appologies for the deaths of the innocents in past battles... it is unfortunate, but many unfortunate things happen in war. They will be remembered as martyrs for the most sacred of causes. And allying with Peregrine will surely help them reach a more pleasant afterlife. But now, to the present business... I come with an offer of alliance... when Peregrine returns, in exchange for your support, he will grant you favored status in the Second Age. As well as, and perhaps more importantly to you, full technology exchange and near complete authority over your territory. So what do you say?"


Slaiv's Command Center:


The reply was simple. "Your offer of alliance is accepted. The time for Peregrine's return has not yet come. But when it does, your instructions and payments will come. For now, remain true to Peregrinism."

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ohGr wakes up, he looks at his watch, its 11:30am, perfect timing, he walks out, notices that the communications room is locked, he walks back into his officer, and buzzes up the guard, minutes later, the guard arrives

did the demo squad do it


ohGr hears a loud bang, he then heard sarah scream and run out of the building


the soldier laughs and says

does that answer your question


they both laugh and ohGr sits down at his desk, he says

my good friend, for this, i am giving you a a raise of 75%, now donuts and coffee dont cost you anything, we make them anyway!


the soldier smiles, it was obvious that he was happy, he walks out, four rooms up, he hears 8 people cheering, ohGr stands up, he all of a sudden feels great, as if he can do as he wishes, go he grabs his hand gun, walks outside to see the damage, outside he sees the head of jack, he was obviously dead, sarah walks up to him, with a sad look on her face, she then smiles and says

just as i predicted, you would kill him, after he threatened you, like a coward


ohGr smirks and replies

not too much different from sittin on my ass all day pressing buttons


they both laugh, as they are, ohGr thinks to himself

what the ****s going on, shes not pissed, maybe something happened after their session


sarah then says

im glad hes gone, maybe i can actually talk to you some time


ohGr thinks again

oh ****, thats that smile, this means....phwoar....yep, killing people is good this year


ohGr restrains himself from going nuts in joy, he decides to go to his quarters, he locks the doors, turns on some music, really loud again, then goes nuts, after 30 minutes straight of throwing things around in happiness, he drops to the floor and says to himself

ahh, finally someone to get close to in this hellhole, looks like everything is turning my way


he turns off the music, walks out in the clothing he has worn for 2 days straight, so he quickly changes into the same pants, only clean, and a different shirt, a Soilwork t-shirt, he walks into the now unlocked communications room, he sits down, and sarah smiles at him, she then continues to work, ohGr bursts out in the akward silence

chainsaw massacre


sarah looks at him, and says



ohGr replies

about that chainsaw thing i did, you two wernt really....were you?


sarah smiles and replies

of course not, in fact, between you and me, he and i have never really done it, we just did stupid things, completely unrelated to...it, in fact, and dont tell anyone, ive never been through it she gives him a tempting smile


ohGr, out of hesitation, says

excuse me, im a little thirsty


ohGr walks out of the room, into his quarters, and grabs a warm cup of coffee and a donut to relax him, he begins talking to himself

get a ******* frip, just because she says that doesnt mean itll happen, even that smile, i mean sure she used to be a model but that doesnt mean ****

after finishing the donut and coffee, ohGr smacks himself across the face for absolutley no reason

get a grip


he walks back in, as if nothing had happened, he then hears music, the same music he listens to, death metal, yet, for some reason, sarah is the one listening to it, unlike ohGr, she can contain herself from going nuts.


ohGr bursts out

you never listen to that


sarah doesnt turn around, she just faces outside and replies

its not like you ever knew, now did you? she turns around smiling


ohGr replies

no...no i didnt, oh, about those ice tanks, have we got the plans on how to build them yet, same for the Obleisks Of Light


sarah replies

your in luck, we did, i got the techies to make one, first a prototype, compare it, then actually make one, although, they say itll be twice as better, their also upgrading the Obleisk Of Light, they felt it didnt charge up fast enough, so their halving the time, and tripleing the damage it can do, their also working on it firing at 2 targets, at the same time, also installing anti-air lazers, incase something comes from above


ohGr replies

ahh, the infamous gifts from heaven


sarah stands up, walks into ohGrs quarters and walks out, she then goes downstairs to check on some things, ohGr walks into his office to see a note that she has written

2am, you know where

it seems ohGr was correct, she wants to get closer, probably since she spends more time with him then anyone else, as ohGr is thinking, he remembers, his promise to everyone when he becomes lead CO, ohGr decides to wait on this one, because he doesnt want to make any decisions before he is titled, so ohGr sits down, and begins to think about whats to happen...ohGr then remembers.

oh crap, she better be on the pill

ohGr looks back on the note, it says

p.s. the rubber helmet isnt coming in my quarters, i think you can take a hint

ohGr says to himself

this is just too conveinient, this time im having 2 donuts, and a cafe late

so ohGr stands, up, and helps himself to the machine, he then gets out a dvd and says to himself

the good new dvd, instead of the original dvd, its spelled backwards


<OCC - Malchick, ive edited the swearing to all stars, as you sortof requested, ill do the same for my other one, but not now, im tired :!: >

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Malchik is busy dodging the light crackers.


"Hi Shin, pull up a pew. What are we doing in the middle of a Cathedral by the way?"


He sends an enchanted email to Pack Rat. An alliance with ohGr seems more than ever desirable. But do not despair of Armenia yet. Her intentions towards Peregrine may not be honourable.


"In the mean time, please accept this offer of a free weekend in the rebuilt New Dehli all expenses paid and with dusky maidens* on tap."


*a kind of local beer


H sends a message to ohGr! "Stop messing with everyone's heads will you! I'm trying to think here."


Now, which side of bed did I get out of this morning?

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"why the cathedral, i dunno, i went to where you were. Malchik i need to borrow your rusty second hand galadriel scrying bowl. l need tofind out why everyone is so bent with joining the fallen forces of the dark lord peregrine, i need to find out what foul demons curse the minds of men."



*suddenly shin turns his head to hear the silent satisfaction of OhGr....... the silence is very defening.

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