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The Snow Arena


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Aurvandil Military and Government Building, Aurvandil, 0855 hours:


"Sir! Our fleet is under attack! Charlie, Delta, and Bravo report heavy damage! It seems that Pack Rat has discovered some new weapon...."



Aurvandil Military and Government Building, Aurvandil, 1300 hours:


"Sir! We have lost 65% of the Planetary defenses!"


"This is but a small victory for them. They have no idea of the sheer size ofe our Fleet. Send word to Ugelm and Halgim to send all available forces to our Planet. Begin work on repairing the damaged ships, and begin to rebuild our lost forces. And we still have our special fleet....Its location is undisclosed. It will remain hidden until it is needed..."




Aurvandil Government Body Headquarters, Aurvandil, 1730 hours:


Slaiv's Intergalactic Address:


"This is a declaration to all Nations, Races, and Peoples. We as a planet and as a people declare our Neutrality to all. We will not take hostile action unless provoked to do so. Make no mistake- this is not a declaration of peace. We are still in alliance with the Mighty Peregrine. We will fight on his side when the Great War comes. Until then, however, we will not harm anyone unless circumstances determine so.




Aurvandil Military and Government Building, Aurvandil, 1825 hours:


Slaiv's Message to Pack Rat:


"We will not retaliate for this disgrace brought upon us. We wish to avoid incidents like this. We did NOT come in war- we were simply preparing for it. You, too, are obviously preparing for it. You know that the Great War is inevitable. We did not harm you in any way. We did not break any alliances with you. We declare our neutrality on you and all other nations until war is upon us. Make no mistake- we still hold our alliance with Peregrine. Do you accept our neutrality?"

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"Oh bloody hell.... we're stuck here, aren't we?" Armiena stares in awe at her damage-control reports.

"Um.... yes. Normally, we'd send out technicians in vac-suits for repairs, but with the Nebula...."

"Right, right. That stupid lightning. Didn't even block out their sensors."


A few minutes later, Scylla shakes, and suddenly a whole host of back-up systems come online.

"What the hell? What just happened?"

"I... um... don't know. We didn't even know Peregrine's ships had all these



"Set a course for the Haley Comet and meet up with our fleet. I've got a crazy idea for our next base......

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Pack Rat sits in his office reading Slaiv's word and decides to send Slaiv- a message.


Lord Slaiv-,

let me be the first to give my condolences on the lost lives of your men. The Red Nation has always fought for peace.

You must understand we cannot take any risques.

The Red Nation stands, besides Lord Malchik, alone in this conflict, betrayed by former friends, betrayed by the ones who used to share the same ideals...


Lord Slaiv, I have seen what Peregrine does. I have seen how he brought death and murder, pain and sadness to the universe... I was there during the First War.

You must understand that I cannot tolerate any hostile ship into our space and defenitly not a fleet the size you sended, not in these tides...

However, the Red Nation respects your neutrality, avoid our space and we shall do you no harm and we wish to none...


Your sincere

Lord Pack Rat, Public Leader of the Red Nation

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I nthe darkness of the ruin almelexia dwells with even more troops to begin a battle. In the ruin all is quiet all that hears is the wind of the icy cold snow outside. She thinks to herself at the same thime as she reads a book.


-Hmm i wonder what the trurly tactic is for sucsess.


And for an little time later she stands up and starts to walk around and look at the skeleton army she has made.


-There must be a way


And with a quiet wispering she says to herself


-How did the dwemer do to make themselves mighty


And with another thought she sits down again and looks upon her skeleton warriors that stands in the grotto.


-Hmm I have heard many stories that the dwemer tryed to become gods with the tecnology as their help but where? where could i find a living dwemer.

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Malchik receives Pack Rat's letter and shouts a reply.


"Hey, dude, anyone'd do it! Can't have Peregrine toggling God mode unchallenged. But I ain't no lord. Just a common serf."


He thinks for a bit and swigs a kriek beer.


"How's ohGr coming on? Has he stopped thinking yet? Every time he starts thinking I keep getting these strange pictures in my head! I 'm sure it has something to do with that hipflask full of Kahlua he keeps under his pillow with the - er - magazines."


After a little more beer he adds: "When Shin wakes up we can have a shindig! Get it? Hahahahaha!"


Perhaps it's time he took a closer look at the dwemer influenced Almelexia. He eats a piece of shortbread and studies her skeletal army closely. Somehow they all seem to have biscuits instead of fingers. What beastly new development is this?

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Almelexia starts wandering in the ruins for more information about the dwmer and the dissapearence of the dwarves. And in a chamber full of blue light there are some runes on the wall that could not be translated. There are some pictures on the wall of a man standing with a dagger on the left side and a hammer on the right.


-What could this mean?


Almelexia wispers for herself about the runes.


And when she looks up and around in the ruin room she sees a pint of beer standing alone there in a corner.


-Could it be so bad to drink it?


She wonders as the same time as she are walking across the rooms to the beer.


-Ah what the hell could happen?!


And with a single move with the arm she gets the beer in her mouth and the strong beer whas trurly made by the dwarves cus she fell asleep in just two seconds.


And after the awake she looks trough the room.


-The runes are gone?


And after some time when she had sleeped she has renegrated some magicka to summon rom the old dwarven books some dwemer fabricants, about two more to her army. But there is getting cold in the dwemer stone ruins so the plans for getting out to a village with the troops on a attack is very tempting.


And shortly after she feels that somebody is nearby, but she dont sees anybody, is this the beer or is someone looking at her. M

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Malchik is amazed that Almelexia has not noticed that her skeletal warriors are turning into gingerbread men. Somewhere the work of an evil witch must be operating.


"By the pricking of my thumbs..."


Or was it "By the thumbing..."


No, it definitely wasn't that!


But Malchik is struck down suddenly by that weak end syndrome (er sorry too much beer) weekend syndrome. He needs to recouperate. He flies off to Hell reminding Pack Rat to save the spells for an emergency.

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Almelexia looks around in the new room and sees nothing more, the rooms just stands empty so almelexia decides to walk back to the mainroom to her summoned skletons and make some more of them. But after an hour or two when almelexia returns to her mighty skeletons and what the eye tells her is a thing that she wont beileve a whole bunch of gingerbread men is laying on the ground and crawling.


-Whos work is this! she screams


Will the gingerbread men fight with honor for her or will they just be what they are.


-Well i have food on my way to a town always she says

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Armiena's Flagship:


As the crew tries to bring all the backup systems online, a message appears on the main screen.

"Are you capable of making the hyperspace jump? We have no weapons, but if your ship is too damaged we can dock and carry you and your crew to safety. But in any case... our time in this war is not now. Go to the coordinates I am sending you, and bring your fleet. A stasis field awaits you... it will protect you until the Second Age."


Slaiv's Fleet:


A message arrives for Slaiv. It is short and simple:

"NO! Get out of there! The time for our attack has not yet come! If you insist on war now, we can not help you. Go to the coordinates attached... there you will find a stasis field that will shield your fleet until the Second Age.

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Mars II - Office of War


"Armiena succeeded in restarting the engines..."

"Good, appearantly your men fixed them well after the boarding..."

Eric smiles

"She is moving out to the Comet, where apearantly her fleet was hiding..."

"She does what ever she likes, we warned her, she crosses the borders she will be shot like any other traitor... Word of Alpha Centauri?

"Seems abandonned... She will need a new docking place..."

"Indeed... Keep an eye on her, I dont want her to come to close towards us"

Eric knods, presses his right-fist against his heart and leaves to execute the order.


Pack Rat sits down and thinks...

He still cant figure out what Peregrine is up too. Peregrine never shared power nor cared about lives nad all the sudden he even asks forgivness for his actions? Peregrine has changed, in a good way or in a terrible bad way...

Slaiv on the other hand is way to predictable, he misses the experience from the war and only joined up for the same reason as Armiena gave up her ideals for...

Fear... The fear for Peregrine. Spies report that he has numbers but his troops miss experience and equipment. He might get crushed between the two titans..

And then there is Armiena, the traitor... Also she has become a riddle. Cowardly and treacherous she turned her back towards the Red Nation, resulting she has become an outlaw in the eyes of the Nation's Law and risks death everytime getting near the borders of the Nation...


Pack Rat thinks about the men who gathered up behind the ideals of Liberty and Equality. The humble Malchik, who may have made an significant deed for the war and then there is ohGr, the strange commander... And off course the copyright breaker Sinjioh but Pack Rat doesnt expects much of him, except getting sewed for breaking copyrights...


He wonders...

What will the future bring...

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