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Q: Nexus and Download Managers?


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So I bought the premium service because you advertised download manager functionality...


Which I have no idea how to make work. You don't link directly to files; therefore any DLM I've ever used is useless, as they just try to download the PHP link. Not very useful.


How do use this 'functionality'?


Right now I use DAP.

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Eh. Even so. I'd like to be able to browse the site and simply make a list of what I want, then download it all later, so I can spend the downloading time doing something else. A shopping cart as it were...


I'll look for a manager that can capture links, then.

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I don't use anything other than what the browser has built-in.


I do know that the download manager / accelerator needs to support sessions (cookies) in order for the site to see you as a premium member.


One DL manager I know that works is called DownloadThemAll which is a plugin for FireFox.


I'd be willing to keep a list of known-to-work download managers if Premium Members are willing to share what works and what doesn't.



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I highly recommend DownThemAll. Very good download manager.


I have a feeling that this aspect of the site (file downloads) will be getting a make over in the not too distant (but still a little distant future). Nothing concrete as yet.

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As soon as I have a moment I can post a video or instructions on DownThemAll which I use regularly.

If you create a YouTube vid, we can create a wiki article with a transcription of what's being said as well as show the video directly on the page.




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I too use the DTA FireFox plugin.


Allowing multiple congruent file downloads without user input opens the site up to all sorts of bot and leeching abuse. The way i see it the two main purposes of a DL manager that are NOT inherently harmful to the site are 1) increased speed and 2) resuming interrupted file downloads. Beyond that I don't see any other safe way of allowing DLMs to operate here beyond a built in file queue.

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There's a direct link to the file in the window that opens up.


So why not just click on the link then?


Maybe I'm just not understanding how DTA works (which is entirely possible as I'm new to it), but this seems kind of pointless. DTA just wants to download php files and images, never any actual mods. The majority of mods are too small to even use a download manager anyway as someone mentioned so why use it at all? I thought the purpose of it was to automate a bunch of link grabbing since it ya know grabs links. Resuming interrupted downloads is nice but like I said most are so small that's not an issue either.


Does anyone know where one could actually find an actual link list to mods on tesnexus? I found the rtm list:




But that was about it. Nice list, but it's aimed at a lot of the more popular mods, any others?

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Hmm. Well I've been looking around and it seems the RM list is about all that's out there, at least on that kind of scale. It's a good list but the mods on it are aimed at what the creator likes, or what's popular, or what his machine could handle etc.


Would any of the administrators be against the idea of me creating my own list and sharing it here? One that's aimed not just at any one person? It would be a big job but I'm pretty sure I'm up for it. I've been playing with it the last few hours, I added about 20 small (under 2MB) and 20 larger (50MB +) mods to test the functionality out and it works brilliantly. I had all the patches, unofficial patches, utilities, tools, race replacements and overhauls all downloaded within minutes.


I'm interested in this because I had to reformat my computer today and there was no chance to save any of my data, I lost everything and the idea of having to manually download and re-install the sheer number of mods I had is making my head spin. Plus, it isn't exactly easy to back-up 20+GB of data when your computer is NOT facing a catastrophic meltdown. I'm sure I'm not alone in that crowd, a list like this would save a lot of headaches.


If not I completely understand, having a large chunk of the site opened up to automated DL accelerators would not exactly be fun for the servers I imagine. But only premium users could actually get any use out of it, standard users could just use it as a quick reference.

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