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Steamworks confirmed.


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(On BGS forums)


I can confirm that Skyrim will be using Steamworks. We'll have more details soon.


I guess that's that, then. Skyrim will require Steam.


On the plus side, no GFWL nonsense like with Fallout 3.


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Edited by Thomas Kaira
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I don't really give a(n) [insert word of your choice here]


As long as I can buy it from the store as well, and I surely can, it's not a problem for me.


And that they won't release some very tiny updates and fixes that break all the mods every 2 days (I don't even know if bug fixes do that or not). Maybe it'll be like that in the start, but I'll probably first play through the game without mods anyway

Edited by Nysba
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I'm not a fan of Steam but it certainly did not get in my way of enjoying Dirt2, New Vegas or Half-Life 2.


Since Steam works for me, I certainly won't go on any kind of boycott because I liked Oblivion waaaaay too much to let that get in my way of checking out the next iteration of a series I've grown to enjoy immensely.


EDIT: Do I get a prize too? Maybe one of those Skyrim book-end statues? :biggrin:

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Actually, I do have one gripe about it: I can't put it on my probable future SSD! Unless they do something to make it possible to separate the folders. Which is kinda far-fetched imo


I could just uninstall all other games alltogether but I wouldn't want to do that.

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Actually, I do have one gripe about it: I can't put it on my probable future SSD! Unless they do something to make it possible to separate the folders. Which is kinda far-fetched imo


I could just uninstall all other games alltogether but I wouldn't want to do that.


Arm yourself with knowledge. I did this when I got a second hard drive: Move the steamapps directory to the new drive and put a junction to the new location in the Steam folder on the older drive. It'll all work flawlessly.

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Actually, I do have one gripe about it: I can't put it on my probable future SSD! Unless they do something to make it possible to separate the folders. Which is kinda far-fetched imo


I could just uninstall all other games alltogether but I wouldn't want to do that.


Arm yourself with knowledge. I did this when I got a second hard drive: Move the steamapps directory to the new drive and put a junction to the new location in the Steam folder on the older drive. It'll all work flawlessly.

I remember reading about this for... something, don't remember.

Thanks for reminding me though ;D


Also, to anyone else who might have the same "issue", here: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=664376

And for me as well :P Thank you, google

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