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Bring Out the Dead and buy their house


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I suppose taking the house would kind of revolve around the situation. A small little cottage out of the way where nobody would ever look would differ from a large mansion in the imperial city. Or you could create an NPC with a script allowing you to forge their will, or something along those lines.


Or are you thinking of once the NPC is killed, the house is up for sale?

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No, i've worked on an improved script with a friends (much better scripter) help, and added a variable for the script to trigger in three days.


Scn [owner]door

short LockLevel
short DoOnce
short deadowner01;one for each owner
short deadowner02
short controlvar01
short controlvar02
short controlvar03
short controlvar04
short button01
short choice
short forsale
float timer
float price
float Playergold

Begin GameMode
 Set deadowner01 to [owner1].Getdead
 Set deadowner02 to [owner2].getdead
 Set price to [price]
 Set Playergold to player.getgold
 if controlvar04 == 1
set timer to getdayspassed
 If deadowner01 == 1 && deadowner02 == 1
set controlvar04 to 1
If controlvar01 == 0 && timer > 3
  set forsale to 1
  [door].lock 100
  [door].setownership deadownerfaction
  Set controlvar02 to 1
 if controlvar03 == 1
if button == 0
  [door].setownership player
  player.additem [deed]
  player.additem [key]
  set controlvar01 to 1
  set controlvar02 to 3
  messagebox "Congratulations! You have bought the house! The deed and key have been placed in your inventory.", "ok"
  set controlvar03 to 2
  set controlvar03 to 0

Begin OnActivate
 if controlvar02 == 1 && controlvar03 == 0
if playergold < price
  messagebox "This house costs %g.", price, "ok"
  messagebox "Would you like to buy this house for %g?", price, "Yes", "No"
  set button01 to getbuttonpressed
  set controlvar03 to 1



The script will placed on the exterior doors of the house, and after three days from the NPCs death will trigger the whole place to be locked down tight, and whenever the player attempts to open the front door (even without the key) it will open a mesagebox asking if he wishes to buy the house. I would have put it into the local merchants like i earlier thought, but Reepicheep (the scripter) pointed out the hassle of changing a shop, and possible conflicts, so we settled for this. Not as 'real' as it would have been in the shop, but it worked.


What NPCs should i have the script running for?

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I'll leave out Umbaccano and/jakben,. reason being the servants they have in the place, im not sure if it would be appropriate for them to still be there, so it would require new ai and speech, which i would rather not create. Especially speech.
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or you could just get rid of them and place in servants guards and archers / barbrians and other people like blades (from merc mods/companion) and just give them the rumor mill (dont ask me to even try open a mod in CS as i cant even do that!)


Or you could create an NPC with a script allowing you to forge their will


or add a DB or Thieves Guild to (TG)Rob/(DB)kill the willmaker to get the new will. for the DB maybe a undocumented quest where you see a "Marked Man" walk down the street to (added willmaker) in the city, like the owner of the hall you buy in Skingrad.

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It's good to see that this mod is getting the attention it deserves. I also like how Infinite managed to get most of it done without my bulky and redundant coding (I was and still am a beginner when it comes to all this.). Personally, I feel that NPCs who die during a quest should be the ones to get the script. But, I have no clue how many NPCs actually die during a quest, how many of those have houses, and where those houses are. And there are probably many, based on the Dark Brotherhood quests.


Hope my input is of any help and I hope you manage to get this mod up and running. If you do be sure to upload it!

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It's good to see that this mod is getting the attention it deserves.....

Personally, I feel that NPCs who die during a quest should be the ones to get the script.

...I hope you manage to get this mod up and running. If you do be sure to upload it!

2nd that, wish you the best.

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