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New redesign implemented


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Ehh...ah....Today? I thought I had a little more time left to appreciate the old layout (which was by far superior)


I've loved this site, this layout, I've dreaded it since I've seen the Platform.Nexus version...now it's here, and...no offense, but I do not like it, the old version was, by far, the superior version, hell, I can't even find the "Hot Files" anymore, it took me about 10-15 minutes to find the "news" section..


I know a great deal of work was put into this, but honestly, this is going to go bad for the nexus, as the new design is going to easily turn off new members.


Honestly though, this won't stop me from continuing to browse and support the nexus.

Edited by Shadow Of Doom
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I don't understand why negative endorsement feature was removed?


Because there we're people who Disliked/Repped down something merely because it hadn't been before. And nobody cares if someone doesn't like something.


First sentence: There's always going to be trolls who abuse useful features to ruin other peoples' day. Removing a feature that can provide legitimate information is completely stupid. Youtube hasn't even done that, and they've got videos that have been thumbs-down-bombed all over the place.


Second sentence: Not so. A file with a lot of dislikes can be reasonably assumed to not be working properly, or to cause instability to your system. Without dislikes, you can't tell if that's the case unless someone says as much in the comments, and if the file's working fine for others, you might not see it in the first page of comments. And if there's nothing in the first page, most people assume there's nothing in any of the pages.

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Comment tracker appears to be broken: http://www.tesnexus.com/members/comments.php


I click on any of the links to any of the listed comments and nothing at all happens. No indication of a javascript error, no throbber indicating it's loading something, nothing. Dead stick. Trying to open the link in a new tab fails hard because it's just a javascript link to no actual page.

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I had a negative reaction, as most people did, to the new layout. Some of which is probably just the standard omg change, but there are things that Really worked better in the previous version.


PLEASE, please consider returning to the old endorsement format for images. At the very least, it would be very nice to at least see who has been endorsing our pics. I don't understand the reasoning for this change at all. (though, admittedly, I have theories, such as preventing cliquishness). But please reconsider.



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I'm liking it...


I have a big resolution monitor, 2048x1536, setting the letters bigger in my Chrome don't broke anything now.


Just give it a time...

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This would be an improvement if i was a 17 year old who LOVES ORANGE and is on a crappy laptop. I guess it was worth selling out on useability for the rest of us-

Coming from a mac background i can say that your icons are so 5 years ago- we all use English..it never needed replacing.

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I guess that I can get used to it if given time. I would like to see the 'Negative Endorsements' return. I make a lot of my mod choices by balancing the good with the negative remarks from other users.


My main problem, and the reason for this comment, is that I cannot get the 'Download' button on the Fallout 3 pages. I just get tool bar overlays. The Oblivion and New Vegas sites seem to work alright for me so far. My example follows:




I run my browser at 200% (I'm no spring bunny anymore), but it looks the same as it does at 100%. Refreshing the screen does not help. Thank you.



My best to you,


The Rabbit

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