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New redesign implemented


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Lots of great new things.


I only have one issue that relates to lists like Images, Latest Files, etc. I used to display the list and Right-Click and open in New Tab to view an item or image of interest. The new system does not allow this and makes the whol;e process very combersome (click, view the image, back, find where I was and so on).


Would be great to enable a right click and open in new tab on items.

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*Looks at the new design* Personally, I like the new design. Can't really specify why, but it is really appeals to me. The design is nice, and the color scheme still reminds me of the old forum. Baring any gliches, I'd say this isn't bad at all. Good work guys d___^_^___b two thumbs up.
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Unverified user images are displayed when I view my files.




can anyone see an image of some chick getting bent over in the user images section? if so then I haven't verified that on my file


Yes, they are visible, are you sure they are unverified? Ghouly is having fun there, I can see that.

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A few fixes have been applied; the logout/login infinite loop should be fixed on New Vegas Nexus, unverified images will no longer show and downloading multipart files should now work.
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maybe its just me and i am too blind but i cant give a comment to an endorsement on image share and also unsure how i can check WHO gives an endorse and who not on the own images/mods as i got the feel u see only the endorses in futuretime without comments so u dont know where it comes from...hope i just oversee a button or something elsewhere this becomes cold and somehow..superficial IMHO.

another thing is the kudossystem as the amount kudos a member gives other members did say a lot of these person...(yes sometimes i have probs showing repect to others when they themselves just ignore others)but also not sure if i miss just something.

all other points about wasted space,small thumps etc are stated before,about its faster i cant say

truely anything..but...eahm..yes..it seems faster^^

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Hmm, looks like I don't follow the news - this morning business as usual and now *boom* what's that? Someone hijacked the nexus? Ok, just redesign. I guess I'll get used to it.


But what is that? Pictures and everything are so narrow/cut off that I can put them three times on my monitor. Don't web designers know that 16:10 monitors are quite common these days?

The new design is a huge step backwards in this respect.


Also where is the option to view the comments people left for their endorsements? Looks like comments have been removed completely. Sometimes they were quite interesting.


Ah well, worst thing is the narrow design. Hope this gets fixed.

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those of you with Windows 7 (and a widescreen monitor) can do the "snap to" feature and almost view 2 full separate pages at the same time.... I am trying to look for silver linings for the "squished" new Nexus.

*edit* you have to view the forum thread to see the whole image.



Edited by XTR3M368
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A few fixes have been applied; the logout/login infinite loop should be fixed on New Vegas Nexus, unverified images will no longer show and downloading multipart files should now work.


Thanks Dark0ne i can finally download that huge texture pack :D

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