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I had really hoped to post this yesterday, but things kept piling on.


I have currently removed the following people's content from our site and will be continuing to take requests to remove mods. If you need to get hold of me to remove a mod, you can e-mail me at tlsue[at]live[dot]com. I have also just gotten the list Sepherose was composing and will start working on those.





























On a personal note I would again like to apologize to everyone and that I respect Dark0ne's decision. I hope that things can be worked out. Oh, and please don't shoot the messenger...



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On a personal note I would again like to apologize to everyone and that I respect Dark0ne's decision. I hope that things can be worked out. Oh, and please don't shoot the messenger...



Um... How about ALL?


Everyone who you decided to add to your site without obtaining permission first.


Everyone who's mods you have listed without asking their permission.


All descriptions, usernames, images, file links to mods which you have obtained and used without explicit permission.


A handful of those who have voiced their complaints is not much of an action compared to the thousands who have not even been told of the actions of your site. Yes, I know that this leaves you with a pretty much empty database... But that is YOUR fault for taking underhanded methods to build this information from the start, and being deceptive about your site practices and policies.


It's not a matter of shooting the messenger... It's a matter of the one calling the shots having a clearly exploitative agenda, and everyone under him never pointing out that everything being done is just simply, from every perspective, wrong and ignorant of the very people who might create content for your site (that you will be making money from), as well as the users that might want to use it. Your model is bad, your execution is bad, and the song and dance for assumed PR is getting old... to be blunt.

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We are talking in the modder's area thread and this was brought up. Kreisher claims that it is not his intent to make money from your work, well we have another lie. He responded to a letter sent from the modders here and in it he cries his innocence and lays blame on the modders. Those big meanie modders here. :rolleyes: I wrote this in the modder's section and am reposting here along with the newest info in an article.


Let us not forget the facts...


1) Direct linking to Tes Nexus downloads. Any decent person would never, ever do something like that in the first place.


2) Created an account in your name. Identity theft.


3) Tried to bully people into signing up to his site, he even got it started for you by making you an account and you have to sign in to access it. He is holding your work hostage in order to bring you over to his site.


4) Basic copy/paste of all our descriptions and the theft of all our images.


5) We had to stand up and SHOUT in order to get them to remove our mods.


6) This site has 'Software' that must be downloaded onto YOUR computer in order to use the site. Sorry, but I don't buy the whole 'mod installer and downloader' bit. Love to see them install the likes of OOO or FCOM or any other mod for that matter. Given this man's past and current actions we are fully justified in believing this 'Software' to be or contain malware.


7) The 'take first and then ask for forgiveness later' attitude displayed TWICE by this company.


8 ) Like it or not their TOS claims ownership of everything of yours on their site, even your username. Which they stole already anyway.


9 ) And now! He tries to blame us for pointing out the facts to him. In his letter he tries to lay blame on the modders here, us big meanies.


Don't apologise after the fact, don't do it in the first place. Doing it a second time is just vile and proves that he knew what he was doing all along.


Fool me once, shame on you.

Fool me twice, shame on me.


I am sorry but it is clear the purpose is to fool us all.


HE claims his site is not intended to make money from YOUR work, well another lie....


Article from the horse's mouth


Kreisher said Gmod will encourage more people to create mods and upload them to the site. He also believes that Gmod could become a nexus for paid mods, not just the free mods that are all over the web.


Oh by the way, apparantly mods can ruin your computer. :rolleyes: That is rubbish.

Another quote...


One of the obstacles for monetization is that game companies often don’t allow mods of their games to be sold for profit, so they must often be given away for free.


Let us get down to the facts here. They want YOUR mods to make THEMSELVES money.


I look forward to Bethesdas response to his selling esps, they'll just love that.

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I had really hoped to post this yesterday, but things kept piling on.


I have currently removed the following people's content from our site and will be continuing to take requests to remove mods. If you need to get hold of me to remove a mod, you can e-mail me at tlsue[at]live[dot]com. I have also just gotten the list Sepherose was composing and will start working on those.





























On a personal note I would again like to apologize to everyone and that I respect Dark0ne's decision. I hope that things can be worked out. Oh, and please don't shoot the messenger...




I will second the notion that you just delete your entire database. Considering you basically stole it, you have no rights to it, no rights to host any of it, and for a company that claims to 'support modders', why is it then, you are walking all over them, and ignoring them? Read the thread, note the usernames, notice that UNIVERSALLY they do NOT want their work hosted on your site. Take it ALL down. THAT is the only way you are going to get any approval here. So far, all we have seen is lies, misdirection, misinformation, and some pretty serious dancing around the issues. Your credibility is zero, your methods are dishonest, you are making enemies, not friends. NOT a good way to start a 'community'. Unless, you were considering running a prison.

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On a personal note I would again like to apologize to everyone and that I respect Dark0ne's decision. I hope that things can be worked out. Oh, and please don't shoot the messenger...



I generally shoot the messenger and send that back to whom sent them. Funny thing is, for my mod all you had to do is ask but instead you went off on your little spree of "We'll do as we please".

Edited by Flintlockecole
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On a personal note I would again like to apologize to everyone and that I respect Dark0ne's decision. I hope that things can be worked out. Oh, and please don't shoot the messenger...



I generally shoot the messenger and send that back to whom sent them.


Cmon man, no need to be so aggro. :) Smile, this will get sorted out :)

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Your site should be opt-in, and not opt-out. Until that time I think you'll find that no mod author is going to be happy with your site since you're putting extra work on them.

This this this one million times this. Modding is fun, upkeep is unfun but necessary.


Plus if people are paying money to use our mods, then it places a much heavier burden of upkeep on us because you can't justify selling faulty goods or ignoring the 'customers'. I don't want a job; I'm fine with my hobby.

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I am going to post what I understand from a Skype interview I just listened to. The end result is that it confirmed everything we thought. Being the erm...troll...that I apparently am, I am not going to hold back. I shall simply state the truth which is what I did before.


Money. This is undisputably all about making money from your work and from downloaders. The End.


Now I am not putting my interpretation on this, this was stated....


-They are emphatic that the future of mods is in selling them and that there is masses of money to be made by doing it. If only there was a workaround that pesky Eula. For now though they can sell their mod installer and pay perks to modders.


-They are sorry their TOS states ownership of all your content and that it states that upon registering 'Software' will be downloaded on to your computer. They revamped it when they got it. but didn't actually read it. Whoops.


-For people that claim such knowledge of modding and modding communities the point of mods and modding has whisked right over their heads. They also have no concept of how the mods work together or not, or how much dedication and work is put into any mod. Charge for mods, no matter what round a bout way it is done....


a) Will result in far inferior mods. Why? Well take a look at every mod out there and look at the credit lists crediting other mod authors. You get paid for making a mod, you cannot use someone elses resources. Without the resources the majority of mods released would not have been released. Best way to make a quick buck is to release a quick cheap chainmail bikini. There would be a lot of those though.


The very best modders do this as a hobby and invest thousands of hours into their work, they have been here for years. A good mod can take months, even years to make. No real modder is going to invest that time for a few bucks. People mod when they feel inspired, not on demand. A pay site will simply attract unskilled modders looking to make a buck, that come and go.


b) This is the quickest way to destroy this community. Modders at each others throats trying to make a quick buck. Sod creativity and sod the end user. Can you imagine the squabbles and upset over who made what or used this or that idea that was implemented by another modder.


c) Way to isolate the community. Can't afford $9 a month or maybe even more, well you don't get mods then do you. Kreisher talks about how there are millions of gamers who don't use mods, cause they too technical, who will now have access to them because of his pay for 'Software' that will install them. Wrong, take a look at the age range of gamers. The vast majority are still in school and are not sportin' credit cards or cash. This plan actually does the opposite and removes mods from millions who are using them now. Mods will be for the select few.


The so called masses out there not using mods are playing on console, not PC.


-They believe they are not doing anything wrong, we are all wrong, we are all scared of change. Just like when we were scared of Google, Youtube and phone aps. Silly us.


-Mods are not handled correctly, not on my website, not on Dark One's site or Apy's site or Darkrider's site or Elric's site. Ye know, all the sites that have been here for years offering you a free service. Apparently, we all plebs building first time websites and doing a bad job with them.



Let us cut to the crux once again, this is about making money off other peoples work. The underhanded tatics already employed undermine the lip service being paid to the modding communities.


Sorry to be so harsh but this is true. I mean no personal insult Kreisher, despite the clear way we are getting the run around. You may consider me a 'troll' because I stated the facts in this thread, that is fine. The facts are there for all to see and come to their own conclusions. Your interview did nothing to explain other then the almost religious way you talked about making money from mods. You bluster over, around and past important points., which was extremely telling. You have missed the point here. Many have come with that money making intent and they have left disappointed and the reason why is because this is a community built on sharing, not on money grabbing. Try and turn it into some kind of money grabbing scheme and this community will be destroyed. Point is, you have been rumbled.


Your plan to corner the 'mod' market has been tried before, many times and it always fails. It fails because these communites do not want to be cornered, monopolized and commercialized by any company. We find mods just fine. Installation is not rocket science, we all started from the beginning so we all know exactly how it is. It is not hard and so many people are willing to help others learn.





How do you, the downloader feel about paying for mods? (which apparently is the future and things are heading there regardless of what you want or think.) You have a say in this too you know.

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