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a) Will result in far inferior mods. Why? Well take a look at every mod out there and look at the credit lists crediting other mod authors. You get paid for making a mod, you cannot use someone elses resources. Best way to make a quick buck is to release a quick chainmail bikini.


The very best modders do this as a hobby and invest thousands of hours into their work, they have been here for years. A pay site will simply attract unskilled modders looking to make a buck that come and go.


b) This is the quickest way to destroy this community. Modders at each others throats trying to make a quick buck. Sod creativity and sod the end user. Can you imagine the squabbles and upset over who made what or used this or that idea that was implemented by another modder.


I'm not saying that these noob modders trying to cash in aren't going to be popping out of the wood work thick and fast, they are no doubt, and they are going to be reading our tutorials and getting help on how to actually do some of the cool s*** from us, but I hope, once developers are ready to forward the support, it would also draw in industry professionals and get modders stepping their game up too, especially in the art department, but heh it seems over contrasted noisey larger res textures are considered by most DLers to be HQ and thus better or something, So maybe crapola is actually good? but I digress, I would expect that to actually stand out amidst the influx of cheap knock 'em out crapola, we'd might be inclined to form even better alliances and ultimately maybe make better mods. Hell I might even do something original for a change. :P


I couldn't care less about more s*** mods coming our way, it's been proven to me mod DLers don't really know so much about mods as a whole, and can easily think something is better than it is, from a modding stand point, You and I can see what is epic, skilled, or had shear buckets of sweat poured over any particular mod, but maybe most people can't see it, and thus appreciate something more or less boring, slapped together, unclean under the hood kinda stuff, and can't even see potential dangers in that mod that may cause instability and crashing. And they pay for it, smiling.


But yeah the other points about community fracturing is all very valid. And the lawsuits flying around, But we might see more professional developers making mods, perhaps even more developer support, and more original content and less star wars :unsure: , and with that there are going to be some actual repercussions when people steal my work and sell it, since they are making money, then I can claim some sort of damages.


On the whole though, I think it's a nightmare if handled badly and by the wrong people. On the other extreme, I would hope no one would buy my s*** unless they were already using the freebies, which would be just as good as the paid stuff just so they know what I'm about and not being duped in some way. < I mean how can you really know if you like a house mod and are going to keep it? I suppose video walk throughs and all the good stuff.. it'll be about advertising, I have to shut up before I persuade myself it really is a terrible idea. :mellow:

Edited by Ghogiel
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I didn't see my name on the "taken down list". I have mods out for both Dragon Age and Oblivion and any of them under my name, XTR3M368 or Rapture-X which is my and my partners modder name. While you are at it, take down any from InBleedingRapture as well cuz he is my partner and he doesn't want his stuff exploited....I can have him post himself if need be but that will just make you look worse if you force him to tell you to do something that you should be doing on your own.



Here is the crux of the issue for me. If you would have pm'd me and my partner and ASKED to put a page up with a link as a mirror to be directed to my description page here, I probably would have said yes.....no "account" though, that would be a deal breaker. I shouldn't have to have an account on your site, it is you that have put our stuff up, not us that put our stuff up. I have enough forums, sites and blogs to visit other than this one as it is and maintaining mods both here and at the BioWare Social Network is enough time out of my day as it is. As long as the mod was ONLY a page with links and I didn't have to maintain it and all questions could be asked on this site where I actually visit....no big deal. Dark0ne has hosted the files for us for a long time with honest, dependable service and rules. I wouldn't mind a redirect link to this site, but hosting any of my or my partners files violates our terms of use. I used to have roommates like you that would eat my food out of the refrigerator without asking. That might be OK where you are from but that pisses me off.


--Here is another deal breaker for me now....you were attempting to set it up so you could leech off of Dark0ne.... :down:

--You created an account for me and other people without asking. :down: (I am assuming this due to me having mods out because I absolutely refuse to download any software to use a site. Dark0ne does it without having some kind of malware program, why can't you if you are honest?)

--I have seen people say that they don't have full admin control over their mods on your site.....yet again I would classify that as dishonest at best and outright thuggery at worst.


I would just trash your current project because GMOD is going to get badmouthed over the net until the shady business practices stop.

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Well..... I belatedly checked, and a mod I am now responsible for, Advanced Magecraft, is up there as well. Need to be taken down. (By smoke, or axeman as the listed author.)


I really don't expect these yahoo's to comply with the obvious wishes of the community they are happily stealing from, and then coming back and telling us they are doing us a 'favor'. If I wanted sunshine blown up my skirt, I would ask my teenager to give me a good reason I should let him borrow the car.

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I'm a bit lost at this point, but at what point are they going to be selling other people's mods?


I'm going to suggest this the next time I talk to him, but I think they need to hire one of the long-time, "hardcore" modders from this forum (or a similar one, not mine since we're still young in comparison) to just act as a safeguard against mistakes like this in the future. Anyone live in Seattle?

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I'm a bit lost at this point, but at what point are they going to be selling other people's mods?


I'm going to suggest this the next time I talk to him, but I think they need to hire one of the long-time, "hardcore" modders from this forum (or a similar one, not mine since we're still young in comparison) to just act as a safeguard against mistakes like this in the future. Anyone live in Seattle?


During the second half of that interview he mentioned it.

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I'm a bit lost at this point, but at what point are they going to be selling other people's mods?


That's all theoretical in the future plans. I never had the impression they were selling mods or even planning to do exactly that tbh, making money off of mods through the targeted advertising yeah, though paid for mods was mentioned in a single line, that imo is way out of context< especially in current BGS games modding you just can't, imo they mean selling mods on a future market place that is actually supported by the developers. It's not technically straight forward they want to sell your mods per say. But the damn TOS would have made any modder :ermm: :down: about that with the idea immediately popping to mind. The TOS currently wanted to strip you of your ownership of anything you uploaded there and was talking about all this targeted advertising. But forget that for a second, because well, no one is uploading there, and apparently all that is bogus> they just haven't actually properly written out their TOS yet, so apparently it is misleading. :dry:


It's not modders fault for that mistake. Gmod needs to realise that any freaking out about selling mods is their own doing.


Apparently the talk about future money + mod plans is also about circumventing EULA of games, for example holding competitions so modder can win prizes in the form of premium memberships and in theory money. So in their eyes some modders may actually make some money for being popular mods. The advertising and premium memberships I think would to be how that was funded. I suppose eventaully once the game developers tap the market for direct revenue instead of just the periphery benefits of a large mod scene and bags of user content, then perhaps actual user created content would have price tags. It has about as much to with Gmod at that point as it does me, so I am reluctant to demonize them for saying anything to that effect. Because well it's not a new concept now is it?


But whatever. It's moot, we can ignore that and still not want to be part of it. Now or in the future. At present all that means squat to modders in this scene< it's years off and probably won't work out like that with BGS games anyway. We'd all already jumped ship if it was about making money. :cool:

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he isn't going to sell mods, (yet) he is going to sell the client he will require that will farm your PC for data, and download and install mods for you......


Considering he evidently doesn't have much experience in the mod scene, I doubt his software is going to be real useful, given that there is no 'standard' for packaging mods. We have omods, bain ready mods, and drag and droppers...... I would like to see his client install the likes of OOO.... Should be fun.

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he isn't going to sell mods, (yet) he is going to sell the client he will require that will farm your PC for data, and download and install mods for you......


Considering he evidently doesn't have much experience in the mod scene, I doubt his software is going to be real useful, given that there is no 'standard' for packaging mods. We have omods, bain ready mods, and drag and droppers...... I would like to see his client install the likes of OOO.... Should be fun.


He didn't seem to understand what conflicts were, his response to the question was nonsense. As for selling mods, that blog certainly makes it look like that's his intention.

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The good news is that this "idiot proof" client he is planning on making for his site, which apparently checks not only what mods you have installed at all times, but also what order they were installed in, what conflicts they have, and which suggests orders to install mods... is at best... Logistically and functionally flawed.


I won't go on to say how since I don't care in doing them any favors... But everything I know about modding... Not just Oblivion or Bethsoft games, but damn near every game that can be modded, and has been modded in the past decade suggests that the only thing such a program could manage is singular mods that don't affect many things in the game... Or rather... the sorts of stuff that even the aforementioned "technically oblivious but 'hardcore' PC user" would have no problems installing manually.

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Yeah I don't see a idiot proof mod installer for something like the plugin system BGS has been using.


Other games that have more team orientated few but well made large mods, often have exe installers. Depending on the game, for example Crysis maps might work, because they can b all self contained in their own sub folder. It only messes up if the folder names conflict, which would be rare and easily avoided.. unless there are 2 Ghogiels. In which case we would have to fight to the death.

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