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If I find any of my content (be it files, images or even my name) or any of my banned friends content on that site, I will pursue with any possible legal action.



No one on this topic wants your leeching site to exist. If you truly respect other peoples intellectual property, you will cease development of this site immediately.

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If I go there and find any of my stuff on your site, you'll be hearing from me alright, but you won't like it. You guys obviously have not learned a thing about copyright infringement since your last attempt at this.

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Requiring a software to be installed to become a member, this is not even a shady practice, it's borderline-legal. This exact kind of software is what classifies as "malware" on the web and will be treated as such.


Taking first without asking, then offering the choice to "redeem" one's account, definitely is not the way to go and again is borderline-legal, as even by taking parts of the descriptions unaltered you're already infringing intellectual property rights. This is not just frowned upon or something, it's beyond the borderline of legality and can already cause legal action to be taken against you.


I will not give up on any of my rights, as I would accepting your TOU. My mods, my images, written works, are all my own intellectual property, and any taking or using without asking is "stealing".


Linking directly to the download servers, bypassing any Nexus pages, again is the wrong way. This is the type of page users of my mods need to get directed to or you will be preventing your members from getting into contact with me and they will be in a hell of a lot of trouble quickly, as support will be non-existant from your side.


By taking first then asking you screwed it up, twice. Your TOU and overall content policy are borderline-legal where I'm coming from, so with this you screwed up thrice.

I will not support any illegal activity like your site is doing and will not let my mods, or my name, be used to advertise such.

If I find any of my stuff showing up on gmod.com or other products from Olympus Games or its affiliates, I'll take all legal steps necessary.

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I currently don't have any mods up on the Nexus, but I am toying with the idea of starting to mod.


I do not want in any way, shape or form any of my content from the family of Nexus websites located anywhere on your website (gmod.com).



Now that I have that clarified, I find the idea of forcing a user to create an account on your website, and then requiring them to install software onto their computer in order to be a member is a very shady practice indeed.


You're walking on thin ice here, buddy.

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Nexus is fine as it is, we don't need some external site to find mods on Nexus in some strange workaround way. And I definitely don't want my mods on there. Edited by Povuholo
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No. :verymad:


My files and mods are hosted here for a reason. If I wanted any part of that put on another site I would do it myself. My work is where I choose to host it, I do not need it advertised anywhere else just to give that site traffic and I especially don't need it put on another site without permission. We do not get paid for our mods, there is no benefit to us. Sorry, but this just seems like another way for some site to make money off our work.


Linking directly to the file download here is stealing expensive bandwidth, depriving Nexus of the revenue it requires to host the files in the first place.

Edited by Guest
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This may interest people here. It's Kreisher himself apologizing in a video for using files without permission. He also speaks about Tesnexus and the previous thread here.


It's called - Apology....I haven't watched all of it since it goes on and on for nearly 7 minutes and is repetitive. It was posted on July 6th this year.



If you Google Gmod.com you find other sites with complaints including Bioware as well as a heap of Gmod promotion pages.



BTW I only bothered because my games drive died today and I have nothing better to do at the moment but grieve for it.

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