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I don't know what it is. Either I'm not doing things correctly or others attempts to forced their own agenda on my posts, but it seems that, whatever the case what I've posted have given the staff more headaches than they should.


This is a marvelous place, ran by some very interesting people and the members here. The intellectual prowess of many here is staggering and I wanted to hear what you all have to say, but it's not worth the pain of seeing either, by my own stupidity or the egotistic self interest of others what I post be locked.


I've always wondered, when I look at a locked post if the next poster would have posted something that would have extinguished the anger, but I guess those who took it upon themselves to further their own agendas have lost us that little piece of wisdom.


The staff here is doing an exceptional job, and I wish those who want nothing more than to hear their own words and force their own ideals would have seen the writing on the wall.


I think BUDDAH was quite specific, direct and accurate when he assessed the last situation, and he was ignored.


DarkeWolf was justified in locking my last thread. Not that he needs me to justify anything, but fully agree with him.


I am not posting this because I think my leaving is an Earth shattering event that will bring upon the collapse of society as we know it. Just a passing thought that some of us need to stop thinking of our opinions as if they were noteworthy to the Gods. We, as members here, are all equal and need understand that there are times when we need as much composure as our writings.


I will drop by, every now and then, but I think my days in the debate area are over. I'm totally burnt out.

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That's sad to hear.

Just know that it's not because of you that your threads are getting locked, it's because some people have different opinions and they won't change them but others try to do so, which then mostly evolves into a flame war.

If you are sure that you want to leave, then do so it's your choice.

But also know that you have brought some life in the debates section and I, and I am sure others, appreciate that.

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I've seen you quite a lot for the time you were here and you were a big part of the lounge it seems to me. It is sad to see you go but fare well and good luck with whatever life brings you.
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Sorry I emote a lot more than I should. I wasn't trying to be a drama queen or anything. Just going through a fit of depression. I don't think I will be leaving and would like to have this thread removed. I'm sorry for being a burden on others. This whole thing about that thread and how many people got effected by it, really got to me.
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