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What is your political philosophy?


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Nazi's had socialism in their name. We all know that.

They even had some of it originally. They dropped a lot of it eventually, it was kinda f***ed up because of a tier system so it wasn't done in total left view as we understand them today, it was asegregation and class formation, not universalism. but it was in some way kinda socialist. It's a pretty weird one.

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Nazi's had socialism in their name. We all know that.


Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei translates as National Socialist German Workers Party.


Also check out the quote that jim_uk provided a few posts back. Straight from the horses mouth, they were socialists.

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You people have to stop thinking political party is the same as political philosophy as it changes . Abraham Lincoln was a Republican...I bet most if looking at what he did and stood for would think democrat..but he isn't and wasn't.


So separate yourself from the political party system on this one. :thumbsup:

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Nazi's had socialism in their name. We all know that.


Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei translates as National Socialist German Workers Party.


Also check out the quote that jim_uk provided a few posts back. Straight from the horses mouth, they were socialists.

Name the polices that Nazi Germany did that were left wing socialist.

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Nazi's had socialism in their name. We all know that.


Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei translates as National Socialist German Workers Party.


Also check out the quote that jim_uk provided a few posts back. Straight from the horses mouth, they were socialists.

Name the polices that Nazi Germany did that were left wing socialist.

not many, he actually murdered all the members of the party who were actual socialists. :thumbsup:

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The KKK where democrats? Seriously?


I am sure they would have voted for the party that supported civil rights huh? That makes no sense for a terrorist group that exists for the sole purpose of racial hatred would vote for a party that supported civil rights. If you don't believe that the KKK is right wing, look at the website and forums started by one of their founders.


The views of a political party can change. In the 1800's the Democrats were the go-to party for southerners (Especially after the carpetbagger backlash). Heck, took the Georgians until Sonny Perdue to elect a republican since the Civil War.

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Ok, sorry i had an awards cerimony downtown i had to attend.


A few things to address...


Yes, the kkk are democrats and always have been. Everyone with the kkk you will ever hear of will pledge their allegiance to the democratic party. It is because of the principles of government influence that the democratic party believes in.

...Robert Byrd - great example


I live in the south and i can tell you that all KKK are democrats an always have been


@ Marharth


What was the republican party created for?...............To end slavery


Who was the first republican nominee for president?................Abraham Lincoln


Who wrote, sponsored, and passed, despite opposition, the civil rights act of 1964?..................The republican party


What party was George Wallace, the Governor who ordered the Alabama national guard to block the college from allowing blacks in?................Democrat


Ever heard of the solid south?..............It was the group of all democrat voters and legislators that believed in enforcing racist policies to keep blacks down from being successful in the united states which ended in the mid sixties



Look what LBJ's Great society program did to the black community................He was a democrat by the way.


I could go on all night...



Also, yes the Nazi's believed in total government control of every aspect of their lives. Like the democrats today in the united states who want to socialize everything. This is common knowledge. If you will look at my chart on page one, you will see that the nazi's believe in collectivism, the principle driving force of the democratic party in the united states today. The only difference between facism and communism is that one believes that culture should influence law and the other believes it is the other way around.

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Yes, the nazi's like the communists, did not care about the actual policys that were set forth for the implementation of socializm. It was always about control from the beginning with all of them. If your read stalins early manifesto's at pravda, it was always about control and the idea of a benign government aiding them in living in a utopia was a ruse to acheve a totalitarian system. Which of course did happen...hence the stalinist term - useful idiot. Yes, right around the time of the gleiwitz incident the nazi's dropped many of the principles that they had promised the people in favor of a more totalitarian system.

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Ok, sorry i had an awards cerimony downtown i had to attend.


A few things to address...


Yes, the kkk are democrats and always have been. Everyone with the kkk you will ever hear of will pledge their allegiance to the democratic party. It is because of the principles of government influence that the democratic party believes in.

...Robert Byrd - great example


I live in the south and i can tell you that all KKK are democrats an always have been


@ Marharth


What was the republican party created for?...............To end slavery


Who was the first republican nominee for president?................Abraham Lincoln


Who wrote, sponsored, and passed, despite opposition, the civil rights act of 1964?..................The republican party


What party was George Wallace, the Governor who ordered the Alabama national guard to block the college from allowing blacks in?................Democrat


Ever heard of the solid south?..............It was the group of all democrat voters and legislators that believed in enforcing racist policies to keep blacks down from being successful in the united states which ended in the mid sixties


solid south link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_south


Look what LBJ's Great society program did to the black community................He was a democrat by the way.


I could go on all night...



Also, yes the Nazi's believed in total government control of every aspect of their lives. Like the democrats today in the united states who want to socialize everything. This is common knowledge. If you will look at my chart on page one, you will see that the nazi's believe in collectivism, the principle driving force of the democratic party in the united states today. The only difference between facism and communism is that one believes that culture should influence law and the other believes it is the other way around.

The original republican party is nothing like the current one. Abraham Lincoln did not end slavery. I would argue Abraham Lincoln was one of the worst US presidents to date, but that's for another topic.


What republican wrote the civil rights bill? There is status posted by someone else that showed more democrats voted for the bill then republicans. Not sure what thread that is in. I will try to find it.


George Wallace was the governor of Alabama. That could of been almost anyone and the same thing would have happened.


LBJ program was a complete mistake. Hes is in no way racist for doing what he did, he was trying to help.


This site was founded by Don Black, a former leader of the KKK and member of the American Nazi party. This is the most popular white nationalist forums. You tell me if it sounds left wing and democratic.



I am not sure what your saying about Fascism and Communism. They are nowhere near the same.


Just because we want to socialize certain programs does not mean we want to take away freedom. I don't know why so many people make that connection.


There is a difference between Stalinism and Communism. Stalin is not the founder of Communism, he is not the person you want to quote when talking about Communism.


Hitler was very similar to Stalin, yes. Hitler was not similar to Marx.

Edited by marharth
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Ok, sorry i had an awards cerimony downtown i had to attend.


A few things to address...


Yes, the kkk are democrats and always have been. Everyone with the kkk you will ever hear of will pledge their allegiance to the democratic party. It is because of the principles of government influence that the democratic party believes in.

...Robert Byrd - great example


I live in the south and i can tell you that all KKK are democrats an always have been


@ Marharth


What was the republican party created for?...............To end slavery


Who was the first republican nominee for president?................Abraham Lincoln


Who wrote, sponsored, and passed, despite opposition, the civil rights act of 1964?..................The republican party


What party was George Wallace, the Governor who ordered the Alabama national guard to block the college from allowing blacks in?................Democrat


Ever heard of the solid south?..............It was the group of all democrat voters and legislators that believed in enforcing racist policies to keep blacks down from being successful in the united states which ended in the mid sixties


solid south link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solid_south


Look what LBJ's Great society program did to the black community................He was a democrat by the way.


I could go on all night...



Also, yes the Nazi's believed in total government control of every aspect of their lives. Like the democrats today in the united states who want to socialize everything. This is common knowledge. If you will look at my chart on page one, you will see that the nazi's believe in collectivism, the principle driving force of the democratic party in the united states today. The only difference between facism and communism is that one believes that culture should influence law and the other believes it is the other way around.

The original republican party is nothing like the current one. Abraham Lincoln did not end slavery. I would argue Abraham Lincoln was one of the worst US presidents to date, but that's for another topic.


What republican wrote the civil rights bill? There is status posted by someone else that showed more democrats voted for the bill then republicans. Not sure what thread that is in. I will try to find it.


George Wallace was the governor of Alabama. That could of been almost anyone and the same thing would have happened.


LBJ program was a complete mistake. Hes is in no way racist for doing what he did, he was trying to help.


This site was founded by Don Black, a former leader of the KKK and member of the American Nazi party. This is the most popular white nationalist forums. You tell me if it sounds left wing and democratic.



I am not sure what your saying about Fascism and Communism. They are nowhere near the same.


Just because we want to socialize certain programs does not mean we want to take away freedom. I don't know why so many people make that connection.



I cant help you


In my circles we call this the ostrich technique.


All of what you deny is true and all that you think is right is in fact incorrect. You are creating fantasy ideas to fit the narrative you have created for yourself.


Sorry bro


Good luck to you

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