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EA and Origin: or the beginning of the end...


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IMHO Origins over STEAM. That is all


Nah, if I had to choose between great specials with the occasional technical hiccup, and very expensive games and having my personal content on my hard-drive sifted so I can get personalized spam advertising, I'd choose the former every time.

Edited by Halororor
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IMHO Origins over STEAM. That is all


Nah, if I had to choose between great specials with the occasional technical hiccup, and very expensive games and having my personal content on my hard-drive sifted so I can get personalized spam advertising, I'd choose the former every time.

Some games on Steam already have similar EULA. allowed to read and actually publish your msn and skype conversations if they wanted. CIV5 and iirc borderlands were pretty harsh.


I don't advocate it but it isn't just EA. It's old. EA have been putting this in their actual game EULA for ages.


To be honest I really don't care much if someone on EA goes on my harddrive. It's not like I have anything illegal on it and you shouldn't either ;)

It's not a question of illegal, it's a question of privacy. You give up the freedom to privacy. It's an erosion of rights.

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If it makes all EA haters feel better, Gabe Newell doesn't see it as different to Steam.






We also have to remember that Steam is a fully fuctional service while Origins is on beta. Therefore they can still change it if they want.

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To be honest I really don't care much if someone on EA goes on my harddrive. It's not like I have anything illegal on it and you shouldn't either ;)

So then by that logic, just because you don't have anything illegal in your house people can riffle through your house looking around at everything they want, taking pictures, making notes, and possibly taking things that offend their interests or locking you out of any services they might offer, any time they want?


To put it this way, there is nothing from them deciding that they want to compete directly with Steam, and use their software to remove Steam and break any Steam games, or simply prevent access to their service if Steam is installed in any shape or form. Sure, the EULA may not say this exactly, and it might not be in their interests to do something like this right away... But the EULA can be changed at any time, for any reason, and without having to notify customers. Yes, customers may be upset when they have to decide which group of games they will never be able to play again, but the EULA can also force the user to acknowledge that they agree with such a system and void all right to complain.


This is EA we're talking about, so a company going out of their way to shoot themselves in the foot... repeatedly... by alienating customers and using the EULA against users for their own supposed benefit is kinda par for the course.

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Humm thats on the verge of Invasion of privacy, i can see a lawsuit happening soon if this catches on


EULA will conflict if thats the case, i certainly hope so. Stuff like this shouldn't be allowed.


Even if its a law conflicting with a law.


Note to self never buy a EA pc game ever.


Its just So Wrong in many ways, ps3 doesn't bother me, but messing with my personal information on my pc is another story. Its like giving out your Debit card pin number to EA, bad idea.


Imagine all Corperations going this way, it would be the end of freedom as we know it.

Edited by Thor.
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Sure wish this kind of anger and calls to action were being directed against the much larger and far more intrusive and invasive application that everyone seems to think is a gift from God.


I am amused to no end at the hatred and vitriol thrown at EA and Microsoft both over this sort of thing when Valve has been doing it for 10 years and hardly a peep out of the very same group of people getting screwed over in the very same way.

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Hmm reads closely :ermm:





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o_O :teehee: Probably missed something..Reads more :turned:

Edited by Thor.
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