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Games are like way 2 expensive!


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Well if you see what they put in those Collectors Edition you would see why they are that much. Those collectors editions have items made of costly material. A 12 inch Statue that is what 10 to 20 dollars minimum right there, a Making of DVD that is another 10 dollars right there, a 200 Page book with all the art and signed by the crew, that is another 10 dollars, and a high qualty cloth map that is another 10 right there. Not to mention the limited edition box the game is in and the extra packaging the whole package comes in. So add things up and see if all these extra items are worth it to you, if not go with the regular edition.


no i think hes saying a regular new games costs $150, which he was comparing to the CE of Skyrim; a regular game costing as much as the CE of Skyrim.


i usually pay $55 for a brand new game, unless i preorder. reason being, the local store i buy from sells brand new games (reguardless of title) at $55. used cheaper of course. you can even turn in games, for store (or cash, but less) credit. amazing store really


i honestly dont think i would pay over $60 (plus tax, etc) for a game, unless/until it becomes the normal for them to cost more.....CEs always intrigue me, esp games i really want, but $150 is just too much for a game, even $100 is pushing it. i love games. im a nerdy geeky person. i can sit all day and play games usually. but even i would feel sorry for myself if i paid that much for a game. (no offense to those who do, this is just my opinion for myself)


i hope games dont get any more expensive. one would think that digital games (ie Steam) would be cheaper since they is no manufacturing cost, but since we are all used to paying $60, why should they lower their prices?...i hate supply and demand sometimes, it sucks when ur on our end, but there aint one if us who wouldnt do the same on the other end....although if Steam sold new games at say $50, they would lose $10 per sale, but would prolly gain more in the end from ppl switching to it. $10 is a lot now a days, and if ppl can save it they will....hence i go to my local store to buy a game $5 cheaper (plus i get reward points and all that too lol)

Edited by hoofhearted4
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Once you write down all the prices of games and consoles since the NES was first released, you realise that they have been quite static actually.


These were the launch prices:


NES $150

SNES $200

N64 $200

Gamecube $200

Wii $250


PS1 $299

PS2 $299

PS3 $499


Xbox $299

360 $399


The games on the NES went up to $50 when first release. Though most were at $40 when the console had taken off well. The SNES games landed at $50, I think I even remember some being $60 when the console was first released.


Interestingly the PS1 had quite a lot of cheap games.


This latest generation had the largest universal price hike in console history, it has also been the most successful and profitable. I think the sweet spot on price has been found, however many developers dislike being forced to slap a $60 price tag on. Todd Howard has said, while he thinks their games are worth $60, and many other big expensive games are deserving of that, he thinks most aren't and thinking they would sell better at a $40 range. I tend to agree, I read an interesting article on economics referencing the games industry, basically the conclusion is that setting a price too high meant that as a developer you actually made less money in total. And something about the industry already charging the max that the market can support before it cuts too many buyers out of the market because of price and thus lose potential profit.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Well if you see what they put in those Collectors Edition you would see why they are that much. Those collectors editions have items made of costly material. A 12 inch Statue that is what 10 to 20 dollars minimum right there, a Making of DVD that is another 10 dollars right there, a 200 Page book with all the art and signed by the crew, that is another 10 dollars, and a high qualty cloth map that is another 10 right there. Not to mention the limited edition box the game is in and the extra packaging the whole package comes in. So add things up and see if all these extra items are worth it to you, if not go with the regular edition.


no i think hes saying a regular new games costs $150, which he was comparing to the CE of Skyrim; a regular game costing as much as the CE of Skyrim.


i usually pay $55 for a brand new game, unless i preorder. reason being, the local store i buy from sells brand new games (reguardless of title) at $55. used cheaper of course. you can even turn in games, for store (or cash, but less) credit. amazing store really


i honestly dont think i would pay over $60 (plus tax, etc) for a game, unless/until it becomes the normal for them to cost more.....CEs always intrigue me, esp games i really want, but $150 is just too much for a game, even $100 is pushing it. i love games. im a nerdy geeky person. i can sit all day and play games usually. but even i would feel sorry for myself if i paid that much for a game. (no offense to those who do, this is just my opinion for myself)


i hope games dont get any more expensive. one would think that digital games (ie Steam) would be cheaper since they is no manufacturing cost, but since we are all used to paying $60, why should they lower their prices?...i hate supply and demand sometimes, it sucks when ur on our end, but there aint one if us who wouldnt do the same on the other end....although if Steam sold new games at say $50, they would lose $10 per sale, but would prolly gain more in the end from ppl switching to it. $10 is a lot now a days, and if ppl can save it they will....hence i go to my local store to buy a game $5 cheaper (plus i get reward points and all that too lol)


EBgames is like that to, now back in the day there was a store that rented games and sold them at the same time, entirely dedicated to games. man it was one of a kind. It was previosly known as Microplay.:thumbsup: I Bought my first Snes at that store. Note it was a big chain like EBgames.


Its expensiive because content and inflasion, imagen if i got it for ps3, the pc version was 150$, consoles are always more.

Edited by Thor.
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I'm Dutch and I recently bought a game off someone for 10 Euros through e-bay and the price on the cover said 100 guldens. The game's from 1998 and it cost €45,45.


That's around the same price a game is nowadays, I don't know what you're talking about. They've always been way too expensive.

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Reread the Orginal Post and all I have to say is wow Aussies getting royally screwed then on their prices.


That's only because there is a 30-40% tarrif on all video games to help the small Australian software industry.

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One thing many people forget when something goes awry is that it could always be worse.


In Australia any motor vehicle costing above 57,000 USD gets a 33% tax on every dollar it is above that price, and then a futher 10% tax on the car itself, 10% tax on fuel, and about fifty other taxes. Unfortunately cars have always been expensive here anyway, making virtualy anything non-chinese or second hand above that 57 K exclusion zone. When you do the maths, a Mercedes Benz SLS, brand new and with full options cost 183,000 USD in America. In Australia the same exact car costs 699,000 USD, this is an extreme case, but it does prove how taxes, and a bad government and regulatory system can wreak havoc on prices.


I don't think games are overpriced-I see it as a cost that has to be paid to support our industry. If you don't buy games, you don't support the industry and they can't make games, that's why Im disgusted by pirates, especialy pirates who claim to be being "activists" through their wanton criminality. Just remember that when you buy a game, you're supporting the people who made it, and funding any potential sequal, it's the least you can do to thank Bethesda for all the good times by actualy buying their games legitimately.


On a final note, remember that Video Games in top condition appreciate substantialy-my father inherited a Chrysler Valiant car in the 1970s, he sold it decades later and made a profit because it had become a collector's item. Things appreciate if they're valuable, and part of an industry that collects, and the only thing more nostalgic than car collectors are video gamers.

Edited by Vindekarr
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