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Best Gun In Fallout: New Vegas?


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Favourite: Plasma Defender: Light, cheap enought to be picked up early, ammo is in abundance, plenty in a clip and packs a punch - I don't know many guns, let alone pistols that can pick off a Deathclaw in three shots


I'm also partial to the All-American, and as for long-range, I find the AMR hard to beat. Melee-wise, I like the chainsaw.With regards to crowd-control, the 10mm SMG never fails to kill lots of things very quickly.

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This is based on my current character, who is mostly energy/unarmed based with the meltdown perk.


holorifle: my current most used sniper. the only other energy scoped weapon other than the gauss rifle (the laser rifle seems too weak to me) and with all the mods, it pretty powerful. I like that it only uses 1 cell per shot and it has a -15 hp poison like affect. The way you reload it like a shotgun feels awesome, even thru its a slower reload.


LAER: medium range rifle. its a very powerful laser rifle.


Pushy: high damage and I like the hit animation.

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There aren't many games with so many nice weapons and most of them are... hands down... equal.


I personally like the 12,7mm SMG for style. But it's expensive to use due the ammo :(

Next in line would be the Anti-Materiel-Rifle, since it's a monster with the explosive ammo.

But it's also expensive/the ammo is hard to get in general.


So I'd go for the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle.

(And Maria as holdout weapon)

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*nothing* feels better than a hunting rifle (iron sights) headshot. Personal fav is EVE laser rifle(unmodded), there is something unexplainably wicked about it. lever action shotgun would be up there if its model wasn't so very very tiny
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Long-Medium range: Brush Gun fully modded. It's freakin' epic, fun to use, quick-firing, and easily offs a deathclaw in 2 headshots, or 4 body shots. (Even if you constantly miss the head, it fires quickly enough to take it down in about 3-4 seconds.)


Side-Arm: Usually I use a .44 magnum revolver fully modded, but recently I switched to the .10mm SMG, with the durability and fire rate mods. I find it fun to use.


Shotgun: Hunting shotgun. Need I say more?


Melee: My preferred fighting style. I just go ballistic with a modded super sledge i found in WARZONES.

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