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Taking Requests: 50 Armor Mods


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If you're still active, you are the answer to my prayers as I launched a mod request a month or so ago for armours.




Really any of these, If you get through these (somehow) I have so, so many more...you have no idea.




For the first picture either Robes that can sit over armour...or some Gothic/Maximilian transitional pieces with a tabbard, coat or robe over them.




Late 14th Century, yes!



Any of the three, all of the three?? Maximilian how could leave this out?




You would be my absolute Hero.




Great bascinets, please!!!



If you're interested in making any of these definitely give me a message back. If you want more or perhaps some different examples (or extra angles.) for a specific style here or different historical inspirations I'll be more than happy to oblige. Also if you want historical Frankish and Scandinavia (Viking.) Type stuff I also think that would be an awesome idea.


Good luck =)

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You can all stop making requests now. Also sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm not going to be finishing any of the requests that I had almost completed. Why you might ask? Well my girlfriend left and decided it would be nice to steal my computer that had all my files and mods on it, my dog, my car, and a lot of other things that belonged to me... so yeah sorry.

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