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Size VS content saturation?


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I prefer a larger world, because if all your landmarks are right beside each other it feels too overwhelming, and going through them turns into a chore. New Vegas had that problem. You'd have just cleared out the latest dungeon only to find one buried in the other side of the hill from it. Also, a larger world means more room for mods and fewer conflicts.


new vegas has dungeons!?!?!? that game is sooo empty so theres a lot of locations but most of them are nothing but a junk laying around or some building you cant enter.


edit: empty compared to FO3


id go for content saturation rather then a big map with little to do

Edited by hector530
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I like densely packed, heavily detailed smaller areas. There's no point to having huge open areas if there's nothing in them. Yeah, you can explore, but why would you even want to if there's nothing worth seeing? I've seen too many RPGs, especially MMOs, where they drop you into a big open field/desert/forest with nothing but enemies scattered about and the occasional rock or tree. Oblivion's vanilla terrain approaches this level of drudgery in certain locations. I appreciate areas that obviously had massive amounts of human thought and attention to detail poured into their design.
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Actually... I think that if they made a large environment dungeon-like then it could be doable... like crossing a glacier and find corpses of adventurers who died in crossing. And make the environment fatigue you. And have frost enemies prevalent. Be a great place for loot and some mystery. It would make more sense in a swamp or dessert IMO though
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I would prefer a larger world, and less dense for several reasons. However that is not the trade off or anything. It's not a this or that vs. question.


A larger world, even though less densely packed with features such as towns and dungeons would still need to have the level designers craft the same level of detail into this larger area, and still build the same amount of dungeons and towns. Basically you just get a bigger realm to explore, though technically more featureless areas would exist, however that doesn't mean that those areas aren't interesting or useful to the game. making it larger imo wouldn't be bad considering how crammed Skyrim actually is, in 5mins of exploring you will have found a whole town and several dungeons, it's getting at the far end of being crammed. I'm not sure how big it will ultimately feel, I personally haven't scratched exploring the map, but from my limited impression it's pretty tight. It doesn't feel as empty as oblivion did, which I suppose is the argument for cramming it in like they have. a touch more landmass though would suit me. even something small like 25% extra might be a sweet spot.

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I prefer a massive world even if it has the same amount of content. The game loses a sense of authenticity if everything is too clustered and it is more immersive to have a sense of distance between locations. Morrowind was far too small (6sq miles) and Oblivion was much larger (16sq miles) but they had fast travel and clustered it with over 300 copy paste dungeons. Skyrim is similar is size to Cyrodiil but they have less dungeons, (this is a good thing I would rather have 150 really good dungeons than 300 crappy ones) mountains make travel more time consuming, and fast travel cost money and is only a city to city thing like Morrowind. If you ask me Skyrim is striking a good chord and if I could make one change it would be they make the game map even larger. Same dungeons, cities, towns, etc. but the world itself is like 5 times larger making travel more realistic to a degree.


To make it super realistic to lore they would have to make the map several thousand square miles where it takes days in real life to get across regions but we have to remember this is a videogame. I think a good size for a Elder Scrolls game would be like 70-100sq miles. Not so large you just get bored but large enough that you really think about,"The city is really far away and a decent horse ride away perhaps I should see what I can do to help these people around here". Rather than bouncing all over the place like it is no big deal.

Edited by NAPALM13092
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MORE SPACE, LESS DENSE! i don't want to have to constantly stare at the screen so i don't miss something cool!


i just liked morrowind where it was nicely spread out!


Morrowind was much more dense than oblivion o__o.. we aren't talking about tree density here .. wait.. are we? lmao.. no .. I doubt anyone would start a topic on that ^__^

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