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Hair in Skyrim static or natural?


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in a game full of NPCs this is a major lag prostitute .. I would rather they spend the cpu/gpu on something like lighting and shadowing than hair .. you have to keep in mind just how many NPCs there are .. the only game Ive seen to do hair physics in a world full of NPCs is fable2/3 .. but guess what? .. they dissabled it on NPCs so it only showed on the player character .. since skyrim is a first person game that would be pointless .. the thing is .. they just cant do it
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jedimembrain: even with the dualcore quadcore beasts we have in our computers? Like I said we had things like these in games made in the 90s. :)


I'm not asking for realtime calculated wind and realtime raytraced hair and clothes reacting to wind realistically. I'm asking for a hair that does not clip and hair that does not defy gravity.

Edited by ancalimonungol
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jedimembrain: even with the dualcore quadcore beasts we have in our computers? Like I said we had things like these in games made in the 90s. :)


I'm not asking for realtime calculated wind and realtime raytraced hair and clothes reacting to wind realistically. I'm asking for a hair that does not clip and hair that does not defy gravity.


Your asking for more than you think you are .. Thats a real FPS eater .. And what 90s games are you talking about? .. You should know that 90s games were 50% pre rendered.

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I think what he means is: Is the hair going to clip horribly/defy gravity all the time, or will it move a bit to minimize these things?


Most likely answer: It's going to clip and defy gravity.


It comes down to what jedimembrain said, really.

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jedimembrain: I wouldn't mid prerendered hair at all. Just make it so that it reacts naturally to other objects and don't clip. Check out how long hair looks in Divinity 2. That looks awesome and it's not animated.


Divinity 2:

Check 6:44 in this video



Here's is ICO and old console game :


Here's how hair should not behave like:




Edited by ancalimonungol
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It may sound strange coming from someone, but I don't really care about hair, all I want is for clothing to flap or flutter like in Fable, The First Templar, and so on. Even if it's just an animated effect, it would still be better than nothing. There was a little glimpse in the first trailer of the character walking with a hooded green robe on with a piece in the back that seemed to be moving while the character was walking.


It would be nice to have that. Watch some of the trailers and see if you can find an npc with long hair that is walking and try to see if it flutters or something. I just want that for clothing. Dynamic, or animated. As long as it moves realistically.

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Honestly, I don't think something like what Ancalimonungol suggested would be that taxing at all, it just comes down to Bethesda prioritizing other things or just being plain lazy.


I would love to see non-static hair... talking with people and seeing hair move as they move adds just a bit of immersion, and every little bit adds up to that awesome feeling I think we all appreciate.


The CCP video in the main post blew my mind btw, that's amazing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The hair of the horse moves. Why not the humanoids' :P


The horse's hair and tail are actually very cleverly keyframed. It's not dynamic- there are many ways you can test this and see for yourself.


It's bizarre, really, that they would keyframe horse hair and banners, instead of just allowing the game to use proper cloth physics in realtime. What were they thinking?

Edited by Moogiefluff
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