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> Jane Fonda.


If you mean 1968 Jane Fonda, even 2016 Jane Fonda agrees with you.


Most people grow up eventually.

Let me check. Yep, there is a punctuation mark after Jane Fonda; a period in fact. Nothing else on that line, so no caveats or amelioration. And there is not dates listed either.


But since you seem to want dates, here's a few. According to the web site SOBERING STATISTICS FOR THE VIETNAM WAR , between Aug 5, 1964 and March 28,1973 (the official dates of the Vietnam War), 2,709,918 Americans served in Vietnam. Jane Fonda called those 2,709,918 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen war criminals.


According to the Web Site for the 26th Marines, in 1975 ' when American POWs finally began to return home (some of them having been held captive for up to nine years) and describe the tortures they had endured at the hands of the North Vietnamese, Jane Fonda quickly told the country that they should "not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars." Fonda said the idea that the POWs she had met in Vietnam had been tortured was "laughable," claiming: "These were not men who had been tortured. These were not men who had been starved. These were not men who had been brainwashed." The POWs who said they had been tortured were "exaggerating, probably for their own self-interest," she asserted. She told audiences that "Never in the history of the United States have POWs come home looking like football players. These football players are no more heroes than Custer was. They're military careerists and professional killers" who are "trying to make themselves look self-righteous, but they are war criminals according to law."'.


Now, before you start with the "Jane Fonda apologized" chant, please know that I have heard it before. For me, Jane Fonda has not started to apologize. Jane Fonda slandered (legal definition) 2,709,918 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen. Jane Fonda slandered (again, legal definition) every person named on the Vietnam Memorial. Jane Fonda slandered (again, legal definition) 1300+ American POW's. As far as I am concerned, in order for Jane Fonda to complete step nine, she needs to apologize to 2,709,918 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen individually. Then she needs to go to the family of every person maned on the Vietnam Memorial and apologize to them face to face for slandering their loved one. Then she needs to hold the hand of every POW and apologize to them for her slander. Until Jane Fonda does that, she is only paying lip service to 'apology'.


Now, If my estimate is close, Jane Fonda will need about 2,800,000 incarnations to work off her bad Karma. May those incarnations be long, lonely, painful and disease ridden.


I hate Jane Fonda. Period. End of sentence.

Edited by RattleAndGrind
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I dislike that Hate is the opposite of Love. I dislike that some people can't seem to distinguish the difference and use the word Love when they mean Hate and Hate when they mean Love. I disliked being able to feel a certain persons emotional state while the person was upset, and yet; the person still said they Loved the other person and that's why they didn't push the other person out the door. So I had to leave instead, because I couldn't stand the emotional pain I was sensing. I learned about Emotional Intelligence which I disliked having learned for awhile; because I began to be able to really sense another persons emotional signals so I knew when they were saying the wrong words to tell me they weren't going to share any of their food without a fight so I had to go back to the meadow to find some food for me.

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Now, If my estimate is close, Jane Fonda will need about 2,800,000 incarnations to work off her bad Karma. May those incarnations be long, lonely, painful and disease ridden.


I hate Jane Fonda. Period. End of sentence.



Do you think humanity will survive that long? How about we let Karma take care of itself, That is the nature of Karma, after all.

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I dislike people who take out their stupidity at being incorrect on issues by hating on others for being correct about them.


We can argue about Fonda's choice of protest methods (not even she defends them today, I mean look at John Kerry for chrissakes, compared to who he was in the 60's etc), but the jury has returned with a not guilty verdict about the conflict. Not coincidentally, the same people who are still hating on her a half century after the fact, are generally the same people who claim we should have resorted to any means necessary to "win" in Vietnam, and impose democracy on a nation who eats cats and dogs for dinner. I'm first to call socialism and Communism the amoral abominations they are imo, and also first to defend a country's right to self-rule by those forms of government as they choose. We had zero business in Vietnam, we still have none in Korea for the same reason. As far as my history books read, neither of those countries imposed military forces on us during our own Civil War, and we should return the favor imo.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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I dislike the fact that so many people think the public sidewalk along the road in front of their house is their property. It is Public Property and I dislike that the people who are supposed to keep the Public road clean seem to have forgotten all the public sidewalks along every city block are their's to clean too. I had to dig Dad's car out of the snow because they also decided to stop servicing the public streets beyond the local businesses area when I was ten years old. Of course, back then, 4 years after WWII there were Civil Defence trucks, with three big speakers on top still driving around reminding people to black out the windows at dusk too. As if an Atomic bomb would care, if launched at the base nearby, if it could not see the houses at night. We all would have been incinerated just like Hiroshima's and Nagasaki's people. On the Internet I got a wink from a girl in Hiroshima today. I don't even have an account where they do that, but it showed up in my inbox just the same.


I wonder how they can be living there if what Fallout's video games story lines say is true?

Maybe they all live in a Vault and wear radiation suits all the time?

The fallout games story suggest that the atomic radiation's life is 200 years?


I have read Civil Defense research and the books say the people who said that back before the bombs were dropped didn't know any better. So is it safe to return to the land where one was dropped in a decade or so?


Anyone, an online member who has an account here, live in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, know about radiation levels there?


I read that the Marshall Island, where the military tested a Hydrogen bomb during 1952, is still to hot to live there. Hydrogen doesn't care if we duck and cover. It just drys all the water in our bodies out and we die from thirst instantly. Instead of having to wait eight days.


Don't mind my innocence. I was a little boy when all the older people were running around saying, "The Sky is Going Catch on Fire!" No one explained anything to me. And I am just becoming curious about the past since I have all this spare time to do anything I want.

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> Jane Fonda.


If you mean 1968 Jane Fonda, even 2016 Jane Fonda agrees with you.


Most people grow up eventually.



I dislike people who take out their stupidity at being incorrect on issues by hating on others for being correct about them.


We can argue about Fonda's choice of protest methods (not even she defends them today, I mean look at John Kerry for chrissakes, compared to who he was in the 60's etc), but the jury has returned with a not guilty verdict about the conflict. Not coincidentally, the same people who are still hating on her a half century after the fact, are generally the same people who claim we should have resorted to any means necessary to "win" in Vietnam, and impose democracy on a nation who eats cats and dogs for dinner. I'm first to call socialism and Communism the amoral abominations they are imo, and also first to defend a country's right to self-rule by those forms of government as they choose. We had zero business in Vietnam, we still have none in Korea for the same reason. As far as my history books read, neither of those countries imposed military forces on us during our own Civil War, and we should return the favor imo.


I hate people who freely throw about insults. "I dislike people who use the anonymity of the internet to behave badly."


Now, since @TheMastersSon targeted me and my comments about Jane Fonda, let's do a quick fact check. Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam in July, 1972; not 1968. But I don't know what I am talking about, so you can dismiss my comments out of hand.


Now, for a little edification; disparaging appellations are not a "choice of protest method". A choice of protest methods is an act of social disobedience, or a protest march or a demonstration on a campus or refusing to give up a seat on a bus or sitting at a lunch counter or drinking from a fountain labeled "for whites only" when you are not white or a walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama. Even going to Hanoi can be considered an act of protest. Insulting people is a personal act of aggression, verbal combat or a prelude to a fight.


But like you; Jane Fonda choose to target people for insults, slanders, and libels. Jane Fonda choose to demean men and women who were forced to be in a place they did now want to be, doing things they did not want to do, for reasons they did not comprehend, on behalf of a nation that was incapable defending themselves and had requested international aid for that cause. Jane Fonda belittled people who did what their Government asked of them, performed honorably and returned home hated and reviled. Jane Fonda ridiculed people who; for the most part; had not been old enough to vote when their notice of induction showed up, because the 26th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America did not take effect until 5 July, 1971; just one full year before Jane Fonda visited Hanoi and posed laughing and joking with North Vietnamese Army soldiers on an Anti Aircraft Gun.


But you keep tossing those insults about. The people who Jane Fonda reviled, denounced and castigated did so "to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America". The First Amendment to that document gives you the right to say pretty much what you please. So enjoy the right Jane Fonda's "war criminals, murders and rapists" served and continue serving to protect.

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Well if you're waiting for someone to defend her photo with the NK troops, you'll need to keep waiting. As mentioned even she realizes the mistake e.g.




But many people forgive Fonda specifically because she readily admits her mistake was unforgivable. She also claims she didn't realize the implications of the photos when it happened, only immediately after. This would be easy for me to dismiss, except that she also still defends her visit overall and claims that 'empathy is revolutionary', a view I happen to agree with. It would have been a much more effective weapon in Vietnam than napalm and agent orange.


The irony imo is that Jane Fonda on her worst day is about a quarter as hardcare left-wing as the entire rest of her family, including her brother and now-deceased father. You have to allow people their upbringings, not that it excuses her actions but imo it sure explains them. Far more ironic is that, in terms of moral outrage and damage to our country, what Fonda did was not even a drop in the bucket compared to what our own president was doing at the time. Nixon was busy creating and developing a clandestine relationship with the very people who produced those guns in Fonda's photos, and most other weapons used by North Vietnam in the conflict. And unlike Fonda, our country has never recovered from Nixon's treason.

Edited by TheMastersSon
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People who use the anonymity of the internet to behave badly.




People who drive below the limit in the fast lane.


People who have the right of way and refuse to take it.


People who are convinced that melanin is a social stigma.


People who think they can dictate other peoples lives.


Sand in my jock strap.


People who think someone else's sexuality is their business.


People who insist on thinking in first person singular.


Taking out the garbage.


Jane Fonda.



> Jane Fonda.


If you mean 1968 Jane Fonda, even 2016 Jane Fonda agrees with you.


Most people grow up eventually.




> Jane Fonda.


If you mean 1968 Jane Fonda, even 2016 Jane Fonda agrees with you.


Most people grow up eventually.

Let me check. Yep, there is a punctuation mark after Jane Fonda; a period in fact. Nothing else on that line, so no caveats or amelioration. And there is not dates listed either.


But since you seem to want dates, here's a few. According to the web site SOBERING STATISTICS FOR THE VIETNAM WAR , between Aug 5, 1964 and March 28,1973 (the official dates of the Vietnam War), 2,709,918 Americans served in Vietnam. Jane Fonda called those 2,709,918 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen war criminals.


According to the Web Site for the 26th Marines, in 1975 ' when American POWs finally began to return home (some of them having been held captive for up to nine years) and describe the tortures they had endured at the hands of the North Vietnamese, Jane Fonda quickly told the country that they should "not hail the POWs as heroes, because they are hypocrites and liars." Fonda said the idea that the POWs she had met in Vietnam had been tortured was "laughable," claiming: "These were not men who had been tortured. These were not men who had been starved. These were not men who had been brainwashed." The POWs who said they had been tortured were "exaggerating, probably for their own self-interest," she asserted. She told audiences that "Never in the history of the United States have POWs come home looking like football players. These football players are no more heroes than Custer was. They're military careerists and professional killers" who are "trying to make themselves look self-righteous, but they are war criminals according to law."'.


Now, before you start with the "Jane Fonda apologized" chant, please know that I have heard it before. For me, Jane Fonda has not started to apologize. Jane Fonda slandered (legal definition) 2,709,918 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen. Jane Fonda slandered (again, legal definition) every person named on the Vietnam Memorial. Jane Fonda slandered (again, legal definition) 1300+ American POW's. As far as I am concerned, in order for Jane Fonda to complete step nine, she needs to apologize to 2,709,918 Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen individually. Then she needs to go to the family of every person maned on the Vietnam Memorial and apologize to them face to face for slandering their loved one. Then she needs to hold the hand of every POW and apologize to them for her slander. Until Jane Fonda does that, she is only paying lip service to 'apology'.


Now, If my estimate is close, Jane Fonda will need about 2,800,000 incarnations to work off her bad Karma. May those incarnations be long, lonely, painful and disease ridden.


I hate Jane Fonda. Period. End of sentence.








Now, If my estimate is close, Jane Fonda will need about 2,800,000 incarnations to work off her bad Karma. May those incarnations be long, lonely, painful and disease ridden.


I hate Jane Fonda. Period. End of sentence.



Do you think humanity will survive that long? How about we let Karma take care of itself, That is the nature of Karma, after all.




I dislike people who take out their stupidity at being incorrect on issues by hating on others for being correct about them.


We can argue about Fonda's choice of protest methods (not even she defends them today, I mean look at John Kerry for chrissakes, compared to who he was in the 60's etc), but the jury has returned with a not guilty verdict about the conflict. Not coincidentally, the same people who are still hating on her a half century after the fact, are generally the same people who claim we should have resorted to any means necessary to "win" in Vietnam, and impose democracy on a nation who eats cats and dogs for dinner. I'm first to call socialism and Communism the amoral abominations they are imo, and also first to defend a country's right to self-rule by those forms of government as they choose. We had zero business in Vietnam, we still have none in Korea for the same reason. As far as my history books read, neither of those countries imposed military forces on us during our own Civil War, and we should return the favor imo.




> Jane Fonda.


If you mean 1968 Jane Fonda, even 2016 Jane Fonda agrees with you.


Most people grow up eventually.



I dislike people who take out their stupidity at being incorrect on issues by hating on others for being correct about them.


We can argue about Fonda's choice of protest methods (not even she defends them today, I mean look at John Kerry for chrissakes, compared to who he was in the 60's etc), but the jury has returned with a not guilty verdict about the conflict. Not coincidentally, the same people who are still hating on her a half century after the fact, are generally the same people who claim we should have resorted to any means necessary to "win" in Vietnam, and impose democracy on a nation who eats cats and dogs for dinner. I'm first to call socialism and Communism the amoral abominations they are imo, and also first to defend a country's right to self-rule by those forms of government as they choose. We had zero business in Vietnam, we still have none in Korea for the same reason. As far as my history books read, neither of those countries imposed military forces on us during our own Civil War, and we should return the favor imo.


I hate people who freely throw about insults. "I dislike people who use the anonymity of the internet to behave badly."


Now, since @TheMastersSon targeted me and my comments about Jane Fonda, let's do a quick fact check. Jane Fonda went to North Vietnam in July, 1972; not 1968. But I don't know what I am talking about, so you can dismiss my comments out of hand.


Now, for a little edification; disparaging appellations are not a "choice of protest method". A choice of protest methods is an act of social disobedience, or a protest march or a demonstration on a campus or refusing to give up a seat on a bus or sitting at a lunch counter or drinking from a fountain labeled "for whites only" when you are not white or a walk across the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama. Even going to Hanoi can be considered an act of protest. Insulting people is a personal act of aggression, verbal combat or a prelude to a fight.


But like you; Jane Fonda choose to target people for insults, slanders, and libels. Jane Fonda choose to demean men and women who were forced to be in a place they did now want to be, doing things they did not want to do, for reasons they did not comprehend, on behalf of a nation that was incapable defending themselves and had requested international aid for that cause. Jane Fonda belittled people who did what their Government asked of them, performed honorably and returned home hated and reviled. Jane Fonda ridiculed people who; for the most part; had not been old enough to vote when their notice of induction showed up, because the 26th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America did not take effect until 5 July, 1971; just one full year before Jane Fonda visited Hanoi and posed laughing and joking with North Vietnamese Army soldiers on an Anti Aircraft Gun.


But you keep tossing those insults about. The people who Jane Fonda reviled, denounced and castigated did so "to Protect and Defend the Constitution of the United States of America". The First Amendment to that document gives you the right to say pretty much what you please. So enjoy the right Jane Fonda's "war criminals, murders and rapists" served and continue serving to protect.




Well if you're waiting for someone to defend her photo with the NK troops, you'll need to keep waiting. As mentioned even she realizes the mistake e.g.




But many people forgive Fonda specifically because she readily admits her mistake was unforgivable. She also claims she didn't realize the implications of the photos when it happened, only immediately after. This would be easy for me to dismiss, except that she also still defends her visit overall and claims that 'empathy is revolutionary', a view I happen to agree with. It would have been a much more effective weapon in Vietnam than napalm and agent orange.


The irony imo is that Jane Fonda on her worst day is about a quarter as hardcare left-wing as the entire rest of her family, including her brother and now-deceased father. You have to allow people their upbringings, not that it excuses her actions but imo it sure explains them. Far more ironic is that, in terms of moral outrage and damage to our country, what Fonda did was not even a drop in the bucket compared to what our own president was doing at the time. Nixon was busy creating and developing a clandestine relationship with the very people who produced those guns in Fonda's photos, and most other weapons used by North Vietnam in the conflict. And unlike Fonda, our country has never recovered from Nixon's treason.


I dislike the fact I watched the movie M. A. S. H. after I got out of the military. Imo now appears to be a protest movie disguised as a Comedy declaring just how in reality people were in the Vietnam field of policing the area which did not get our President to declare War so we American Veterans of the Vietnam Era that were captured did not receive the treatment described in the Geneva Convention Rules on proper treatment of POW's.


Donald was married to Jane, Elliot was married to Barbara, and both Donald, Elliot, and their wives made the top list of the stars and married couples list in the, "Who was a famous Celebrity Power Cuple when you were born?"


Now I dislike myself for watching it twice, buying it for my video collection and watching the Television version of M. A. S. H. too!


I wonder if that means my Karma will be bad because I did not know all of this before I nearly died while being trained to be a U. S. MARINE? I guess I should of read those newspapers, pamphlets, and flyers being passed around while walking in a dense fog in Burbank. The plane landed in Burbank but the fog was so dense no flights could leave or land after the one I was on did.. When I walked from the airport to the bus depot I saw taillights on a car and bumped into a palm tree before I saw it. I kept hearing all sorts of newsies shouting their papers headlines. Maybe I should of taken the hint and got lost in the fog; instead of thinking like a comic book hopeful of becoming a Hero?


Oh! Wait? Maybe because I tend to see no one else gives my words here much attention when I am serious, I am! I am in a state of oblivion in their thinking and they can't see through their hate, disgust, and mean mistreated state of mind which leaves their minds in a mental fog?

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Well if you're waiting for someone to defend her photo with the NK troops, you'll need to keep waiting. As mentioned even she realizes the mistake e.g.




But many people forgive Fonda specifically because she readily admits her mistake was unforgivable. She also claims she didn't realize the implications of the photos when it happened, only immediately after. This would be easy for me to dismiss, except that she also still defends her visit overall and claims that 'empathy is revolutionary', a view I happen to agree with. It would have been a much more effective weapon in Vietnam than napalm and agent orange.


The irony imo is that Jane Fonda on her worst day is about a quarter as hardcare left-wing as the entire rest of her family, including her brother and now-deceased father. You have to allow people their upbringings, not that it excuses her actions but imo it sure explains them. Far more ironic is that, in terms of moral outrage and damage to our country, what Fonda did was not even a drop in the bucket compared to what our own president was doing at the time. Nixon was busy creating and developing a clandestine relationship with the very people who produced those guns in Fonda's photos, and most other weapons used by North Vietnam in the conflict. And unlike Fonda, our country has never recovered from Nixon's treason.


IDGAF if Jane Fonda apologizes for the photograph, Had you actually bothered to read and comprehend what I wrote, it is not about the folking picture.


It is about Jane Fonda calling over two million service members "murders", "war criminals", "baby killers", and accusing them of committing genocide. It is about Jane Fonda calling the Vietnam Prisoners of War "hypocrites and liars" and accusing them of being self aggrandizing "professional killers". It is about Jane Fonda telling people it permissible to treat a whole generation of service personal with hate and contempt. It is about the blatant hatred and disrespect that Jane Fonda displayed for those who defended the very rights which she claims to be exercising.


Finally, it is not about her politics or her beliefs. IT IS ALL ABOUT WHAT SHE DID AND SAID REGARDING THE 2 MILLION PLUS SERVICE MEMBERS OF THE VIETNAM WAR. She has apologized to forty. Jane Fonda still has well over 2 million to go.


I hate Jane Fonda.

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