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What happened to The Rebel by L0rd0fWar?


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Aww man, this disappoints me greatly, I only just found a screen shot of the rebel mod of his. I respect your decision and sympathize L0rd I wouldn't want to be ripped off unfairly as well as uncredited either for anything I put any significant effort into. Hopefully it gets better for you down the road.

Edited by Serial006
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I think I have a solution for some of you guys, sure is not the original but its as close as you can get (for all I know) http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10675/?tab=3&selected_game=1151&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodimages%2F%3Fid%3D10675%26user%3D1%26gid%3D1151&pUp=1 It has the faction symbols so its not the exact same but it still a really nice armor.

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Thanks, Crusher, but my mod requires the original. The original is still findable, though on non-English sites, as L0rd0fWar pointed out.

Ya I only just found the mod and installed it, after that i looked for the original and it was gone. so i came here and found out that he no longer has it up, and when i checked my load order i found out that it requires the original. Its a shame to because i was going to wear that

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I was back to fallout 4 after a 4 months break and I was wondering what kind of new mods
and new updates to existing mods were released.

I was wondering why I could'nt find 'The Rebel' outfit and the 'Scavenged NCR armor'

Then I discovered that modders were increasingly deleting their mods due to Bethesda.net thiefs
and it makes me sad :(

LordOfWar is an artist and I truly love his mods, I was hoping that more and more people will
create mods for fallout 4 but it seems that what is happening is the exact opposite

I guess Bethesda created a 'modgate part 2' by doing the SAME MISTAKE they did with steam paid mod:
no moderation, no control for authors.

I hope Bethesda and mods author will find a solution to those issues, we can not let the modding die :(

PS: Sorry for my crappy english, i'm a baguette ...

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Look i come here from both spectrums my pc is weak so it can only play the fanciest fallout at new vegas so when i got my xbone and Fallout 4 i was excited for console mods since my pc is too weak but at the same time these console players act to immature stealing mods if they want something that bad they can try to find a way to contact the mod author and see if they can get perms to upload it as i am with L0rd0fwar right now

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@wunderbot, you could share it with your friends but don't upload it on any public site, or with little search you could find them on Russian and Chinese sites, i am the one who gave them permission to upload it there in first place. anyway, i have deleted mods from nexus to keep assholes off my back, and so far it did good. i will not share any of my hard work with disrespectful idiots, they could have what i have done but they won't have any more. i will continue what i was working on, but i will make sure few will have access to it.


I'm new to Fallout 4.


Anyone want to be my friend and privately share the Rebel Armor mod with me? I really like how the mod looks. Willing to donate to L0rd0fWar modding efforts for the trouble!


Worried about downloading from other sites. My computer is not just my recreational machine but also my livelihood as I work as a 3D draftsman for an architecture company.

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I posted this in response to someone else who asked the same thing in another thread.


Sorry but no. Anyone with a shred of respect for the mod author will not share his work online in any form or distribute it without his implicit consent. He wouldn't be cool with that.

It's likely that he never responded as he probably get's lots of similar messages from other people, but he's made his decision and his say is final. Maybe one day he'll reupload it, but in the meantime you'll have to be patient.

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