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How ironic you're passing around a code snippet from the Beth.net forums. The guy on the Beth forums said he hadn't even tested it yet.


And as Ousnius properly notes, it won't even work.


I thought this was the repository of all modding brilliance. Still no solution that would even work?


"Commence attack".... once we figure out how to build a pitchfork....hmmm maybe Dr. Frankenstein can help us build a pitchfork...so we can kill him!



LOL, did that guy happen to be called steve40 by any chance :rolleyes:





Why would you bring that over here without even testing it?


Why would you mention you hadn't tested it on Beth.net but not mention you hadn't tested it here?


And why would you bring this 'solution' to Beth.net first, when a solution that works is needed over here, not to be posted where the thieves hang out?

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1) The Creation Kit is only available to those that have the PC version of Fallout 4.


2) You cannot upload a mod to Bethesda.net without having the Creation Kit.


Conclusion) Console modders do not have the Creation Kit to steal your mods.


Conclusion) The people stealing your mods and uploading them to Bethesda.net must be part of the 'PC Master Race'.


Conclusion) Corrupting your own mods with malware and bloat to kill consoles would not hurt the real criminals.

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I hope you're joking. Its not like console users likely have no pc in their house. So all the would be thieves would need is a pirated copy of fallout 4 and an internet connection. Lets face it, if they already believe stealing is o.k, they likely would believe pirating another copy of fallout 4 just for the kit is also fine.


As for bloatware, it really depends on how its done. A single check on start up (or some other condition), would go unnoticed by anyone not thieving.

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These are my thoughts, for what they're worth.


1) Stealing someone elses intellectual property is wrong, the reason doesn't matter, it's wrong. I'm not a mod designer/writer, I have neither the talent/skill/imagination nor the patience to do what many of you guys do, and I applaud you for it.


2) I love my PC, it's a brilliant games machine, better than a console. I know this because


3) I have an XBox One, it makes a passably good BluRay/DVD player, although if I had to do it again, I would spend about half as much on a good 4K player.


4) I cannot see how "going to war" with the creators of the game is a good idea. As someone said earlier, how does it benifit us if Bethesda decide to ban third party mods? When you consider that they broke quite a lot of peoples mods with their last update, presumably without meaning to, how much more damage could they do if they took the stance of "It's my ball and I'm taking it home" and deliberately broke third party mods.


5) It's Bethesda's game, they made it, if they hadn't we (and I use the term we VERY loosely) wouldn't have a game to mod.

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4) I cannot see how "going to war" with the creators of the game is a good idea. As someone said earlier, how does it benifit us if Bethesda decide to ban third party mods? When you consider that they broke quite a lot of peoples mods with their last update, presumably without meaning to, how much more damage could they do if they took the stance of "It's my ball and I'm taking it home" and deliberately broke third party mods.


5) It's Bethesda's game, they made it, if they hadn't we (and I use the term we VERY loosely) wouldn't have a game to mod.

Honestly ? That'd be like shooting themselves in the foot. For many people their games are just a base game and engine for the mods.

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Saying that all of these guys only play games on consoles, but they have good quality PCs that they can pirate and run Fallout 4 well enough to go into the Creation Kit and rip mods *The Creation Kit crashes even my computer* just so they can stop using their PCs and PC copy of Fallout 4 and play on the Xbox or Playstation copy of Fallout 4 that they bought... Is in fact possible... But it is not what I would call the most likely scenario.


If you have a PC that runs this stuff, and you are a thief... why would you buy a console and a console version of the game in the first place? A thief would just use their PC and run a pirated copy of the game and save themselves all that money.


You have to really, really stretch things for it to make sense that these guys that actually steal this stuff are not PC gamers just looking for the notoriety of uploading these popular mods to the masses.


The people who have the knowledge to pirate games and use the Creation Kit don't fit the demographic of people who play on console.




It is just simple logic, Mr. Mavkiel.

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4) I cannot see how "going to war" with the creators of the game is a good idea. As someone said earlier, how does it benifit us if Bethesda decide to ban third party mods? When you consider that they broke quite a lot of peoples mods with their last update, presumably without meaning to, how much more damage could they do if they took the stance of "It's my ball and I'm taking it home" and deliberately broke third party mods.


5) It's Bethesda's game, they made it, if they hadn't we (and I use the term we VERY loosely) wouldn't have a game to mod.


Honestly ? That'd be like shooting themselves in the foot. For many people their games are just a base game and engine for the mods.

All mods are third party mods because Bethesda sure as hell will not be making them, the whole selling point of Fallout 4 has been mods. So though they might brake them, during what basically still is the ironing out the bugs after release stage, with a update/patch, i do not think they will ever block mods.

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