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Fallout 4 stolen console mods


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Ok So I know as one of the guys on the nexus who just downloads mods but I am just going to say this and leave it. The PC modding community has been around for a while right? And it has some unwritten rules like crediting another modder when you use resources they created or using their mod in a pack. We all learn these rules when we join the community right? But these console guys who are just getting mods for the first time haven't had the time to learn these unwritten rules; I am not saying that taking credit for work you didn't do is ever right far from it. What I am trying to say is that maybe instead of the PC community calling for blood we should try and educate the new kids on the block, then when they keep doing it we go on a witch hunt.

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Ok So I know as one of the guys on the nexus who just downloads mods but I am just going to say this and leave it. The PC modding community has been around for a while right? And it has some unwritten rules like crediting another modder when you use resources they created or using their mod in a pack. We all learn these rules when we join the community right? But these console guys who are just getting mods for the first time haven't had the time to learn these unwritten rules; I am not saying that taking credit for work you didn't do is ever right far from it. What I am trying to say is that maybe instead of the PC community calling for blood we should try and educate the new kids on the block, then when they keep doing it we go on a witch hunt.

Literally not unwritten. They are rules that are in some ways legally binding in every UN member country. Including basic copyright laws, identity theft, purgery, and so on. It is not "taking credit" it is literal and legal theft.

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The problem I have found is Bethesda. They launched something that they have zero idea of how to handle, and appear to have no real desire to learn. Honestly, this is pretty much how they have handled anything not a game specifically developed by them. They put in minimal effort and than sit back and watch it die. I assume it's a hobby. As far as stolen mods go, this is not exclusive to Bethesda.net or consoles. Stolen mods get posted on the Nexus all the time. The difference is that Nexus immediately takes care of the problem. Beth.net may some day hire moderators, and some sort of support staff for mod authors, but as of right now it is a disaster. Not just stolen mods, but servers crashing corrupting mods, and what appears to be, and I say this with much disbelief, getting hacked. Changes happened to my mod file that are impossible to be a random corruption of data. Once I re-uploaded the exact same files it worked again. Than a week later the mod disappeared. I repeatedly tried to contact Bethesda and was ignored. I'm sure they are super busy, but it wasn't OUR idea they start a mod site now was it? As for mod theft...good luck with that. Bethesda has a lawyer, so their covered.

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We all know mod theft will happen it will never end but when the official forums are the equivalent of the modding version of the *not allowed* that is something else. This is why some of us have gone on STRIKE!


edit: the "Not allowed" is a site name I can't use and just forgot out of frustration.

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These are far from "unwritten" rules or only found on PC communities. It's in the very terms they all agreed to when uploading files to Bethesda.net. Ignorance is no exempt from punishment, so not reading Bethesda's/Zenimax' rules is not an excuse.


The console modding community might be a new one, sure, but it, too, has its rules, right from the get go. And as we're actually talking legal and laws here, they'd do best to not just ignore and later brick wall run into them.

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Nexus is moderated. Bethesda MOD gallery appears to have no moderation or oversight.


This is why I absolutely refuse to use any MODS from the Beth gallery.


It just looks like too much of a security risk for me.


I still have yet to bring up my PS4. I may have to re-consider my stance on modding for the console ... I am still too nervous about the cavalier attitude expressed by the folks over at Bethesda.

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