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Your #1 dislike about Oblivion?


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things that sucked:

boring dungeons,annoying UI for selling/buying things,psychic guards, NPC's didn't really do anything, complete lack of realism with the underwater areas( no seaweed, or other varieties of fish present apart from the ones we have seen before), water reflections looked very bad from certain angles,poisons were too weak,weather system needed an overhaul, thieves guild quest-line could have been more innovative.

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I dislike the leveling system the most even in morrowind the major skills should be limited to 100 then minor should be limited at 50 max and 25 max for the others. That would make the class system work better.

The way they handle leveled monsters was badly implemented, level scaling is fine to a point the way its handled in skyrim is spot on.

The main quest I think should be leveled with progression like the start of the chain quest maybe must be lvl 5 but the last part maybe atlest lvl 55 or more so it forces you to level. That way there is no speed runs of the main quest.

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Animation and Physics


I can't stand it... seriously, fix animations and you will forget about graphics. Also, fix physics, I don't want to see a body floating slowly to the ground like a feather.

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I think most of Oblivions problems were the result of Massive game+limits of game engine+time frame they had to make it. Sure they had years but at some point you have to release the game otherwise it would never be completed. Just look how long it's been modded. That's constant work and improvement yet the game is still flawed. By the time they realized the limits of that engine they were probably at the point of no return. So all things considered its still one of my all time favorites and I'm sure Skyrim won't disappoint
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I loved Oblivion more than any other game I've ever played. However, it was slightly annoying when you raised up in level and suddenly every single bandit in the world had all this awesome armor and weapons. That got old fast. Edited by Snowsong
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The character models, and also how lower level enemies disappear when you reach a higher level. (If I want to hunt a boar, I should be able to find a boar!)
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1) Level scaling- This ruined replay value for me. It's not like people playing Morrowind would run into super high lvl dungeons without realizing it. But trying to sneak into and loot a high lvl dungeon is so fun! I mean let's face it, with the ability to quick save and load, anybody can take a dungeon their level. My legendary thief-mage should have the option to seak out godly items at low levels.


2) Levitation- Leave the code in please so we can mod it in if we want. Can you imagine how amazing it would be for dragon fights in Skyrim!!


3) "Optimal leveling"- Man, spending hours repeatedly summoning a skeleton then bashing his brains in to level my weapon skills was almost as fun as repeatedly summoning him and letting him try to bash mine in so I could level heavy armor and armorer! I could never level optimally and play the game at the same time. I would have to level sloppily while I enjoyed the game, then spend an hour or two leveling perfectly. Or I could just level perfectly to max, then start playing the game. It's ridiculous that playing the game the way I like forces me to feel like i'm missing out on making my char powerful.


4) Oblivion gates- HORRIBLE. SOOOOOO repetitive! Laziest game design EVER!


5) Other dungeons- for the most part, same as oblivion gates. Nothing special.


6) Epic loot- it should be rare and hard to get, but it should exist.


7) Arena- Pretty darn cool until you beat the quest-line...then it's just crap.

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