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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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I have a theory I would like to try, does anyone get this at the time they first start playing, as in you wake up turn on your computer play for lets say less than 20min? if not then I think it could be overheating if someone would like to check my theory that would be nice. As i didn't have a crash for 4 hours this morning but now have very often. I will post again to see if I find the same to be true tomorrow. Edited by Merohil
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I'm experiencing the same problem, too. My symptoms are the exact same as Zolexus' (random black screen, monitor light goes orange, sound hangs a few seconds after black-out).


The only thing is I'm not using Windows 7. I'm using Windows XP. My computer is pretty good and only a few months old, and was running the game quite well for several hours on High Quality before the crashing began. Now it's incessant--I usually can't get more than 10 minutes in.


Windows XP

Radeon HD 6800 series

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Having precisely the same problem - lucky to last 3 minutes in the game before I lose video signal, then sound cuts out afterwards, the only action to take afterwards is a hard reset of the PC. It's relieving at least, to see that it's not just my hardware going bung.


Windows 7 Ultimate x64

Core i5 x4


ATI Radeon HD 6950


I'm seeing almost exclusively ATI cards having this issue... I'm thinking it's a driver thing?

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Someone on the Bethesda forums said it best: "EVERYONE stop messing w/ your stable systems, THE PROBLEM IS THE GAME. We need a patch NOW. "


File error reports here.

Like this status on the Bethesda FB page. (Please be polite if you choose to comment)


To consolidate some of the pertinent details:

  • Sudden loss of video feed, as with a monitor disconnect. Sound follows shortly thereafter.
  • No keyboard response, as if a BSOD has occurred.
  • A hard reset is required.
  • Frequency of crashes is proportionate to length of time since last play session.
  • Crashes happen most often outside of dungeons or cities.
  • The crashes cause (or are caused by) a huge spike in GPU load.
  • Almost all reported cases of this specific bug involve AMD cards (mostly the 5000/6000 series).
  • Using the map or transitioning back to the game from the map increases likelihood of a crash.
  • Rolling back display drivers and/or turning off Catalyst Overdrive sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Reducing graphics and/or resolution (in various combinations) sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Patching the .EXE to enable use of 4GB of RAM sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Setting audio sample rate to 44.1kHz sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Running the game in windowed mode sometimes helps temporarily.


Anyone care to add or correct anything?

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im getting the same exact issue my man i cant even play the game after initial install it worked up until getting out of the dungeon and then it would lock up and cut to a black screen and my computer becomes unresponsive all of my drivers are up to date and its not the sound because i have tried it although i know its not the problem because on a few instances it would lock up but sound would still be playing and then it would cut to black then sound would go out and i have to force reboot any word on a pc patch any time soon this is pretty lazy of betheda i mean there is a certain amount of bugs to be expected but for a vast majority of player not able to play such as myself and others under 20 min at a time its almost like they didnt even play test it on multiple rigs even the xbox and ps3 versions i know xbox in particular is having quite a few problems well here is my specs

Win 7

ATI Radeon 5670

4GB ram

intel i5 2.0 processor

Edited by tjayphilly
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Someone on the Bethesda forums said it best: "EVERYONE stop messing w/ your stable systems, THE PROBLEM IS THE GAME. We need a patch NOW. "


File error reports here.

Like this status on the Bethesda FB page. (Please be polite if you choose to comment)


To consolidate some of the pertinent details:

  • Sudden loss of video feed, as with a monitor disconnect. Sound follows shortly thereafter.
  • No keyboard response, as if a BSOD has occurred.
  • A hard reset is required.
  • Frequency of crashes is proportionate to length of time since last play session.
  • Crashes happen most often outside of dungeons or cities.
  • The crashes cause (or are caused by) a huge spike in GPU load.
  • Almost all reported cases of this specific bug involve AMD cards (mostly the 5000/6000 series).
  • Using the map or transitioning back to the game from the map increases likelihood of a crash.
  • Rolling back display drivers and/or turning off Catalyst Overdrive sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Reducing graphics and/or resolution (in various combinations) sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Patching the .EXE to enable use of 4GB of RAM sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Setting audio sample rate to 44.1kHz sometimes helps temporarily.
  • Running the game in windowed mode sometimes helps temporarily.


Anyone care to add or correct anything?

Seems pretty solid mate. Though I am of the mind that all the 'sometimes helps temporarily' solutions are more of a placebo effect than anything.

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Bethesda said when asked about Skyrim only being 6GB that they really know how to make open world games.

Bethesda, the next time you feel the need to boast about your game making abilities, you need to look at this list.


GTA San Andreas – 2 plays 0 crashes

GTA IV – 3 plays 0 crashes, many other major problems until patched though to be fair.

Mass Effect - 2 plays 0 crashes

Mass effect 2 – 2 Plays 0 crashes

Splinter Cell – 1 play 2 crashes

Splinter Cell Conviction - 2 plays 1 crash

Deus Ex - 2 plays 3 crashes

Deus Ex Invisible war – 2 plays 2 crashes

Deus Ex Human Revolution – 3 plays 4 crashes

Longest Journey - 1 play 0 crashes

Dreamfall – 2 plays 3 crashes

Portal 1 – 5 plays 0 crashes

Portal 2 – 2 plays 2 crashes

POP Sands of Time – 1 play 1 crash

Galactic Civilizations 2 – 70 hours play 0 crashes

Just Cause 2 – 1 play 3 crashes

Many other with little to no crashing.


Oblivion - Too many to count

Fallout 3 – Too many to count

Fallout NV – Too many to count

Skyrim – 3 crashes in the first in 5 hours.


There is something fundamentally wrong when a developer keeps producing games that are as unstable as the Bethesda ones are.

I think they need to stop blaming the PC, drivers etc. and look at themselves.


Edit: before you say it, yes I have updated my PC and done the sound fix.

Edited by MarcusDubious
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