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Skyrim complete PC crashes


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This is REALLY beginning to cheese me off. I have:


Athlon XIII 440

ASUS M4A88T-V EVO/USB3 motherboard

8G of good _tested_ RAM


A quick back story. I don't play games much. I got skyrim for Christmas, I love(d) it. I play games using my TV as a monitor, it's a good TV with DVI and HDMI input but it's too far from the PC for a DVI cable (trust me, this IS relevant).


I tried playing Skyrim on my stock machine using the onboard HD 4250 as the graphics card. It was *SOLID AS A ROCK* and it could just about cope on minimum detail but not if there was a lot happening.... SO

I found an Asus EN8600GT 256MB silent (no fan) and tried that. It was *SOLID AS A ROCK* and it could cope on medium detail but it's DVI out and I had to move the PC to get the cable to reach. SO

I bought an ASUS HD 6770. New. I DO love Skyrim, the mountains are beautiful in high res. *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM* leaving my resetting or the system rebooting as my only option.

I figured that maybe the PSU wasn't powerful enough. My case is mini ITX and a bigger PSU wouldn't fit so I bought a new case and a good 750W PSU. Tried Skyrim *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM*

Maybe the transition from HD 4250 -> EN 8600GT -> HD 6770 had left my Windows drivers in a mess. No matter, I created a new 40G partition, re-installed Windows 7 and Skyrim. Tried Skyrim - *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM*

Hmm, maybe the HD6770 is dodgy, took it back to the shop. They kindly gave me a replacement, still an HD6770 but different model. Installed. Tried Skyrim - *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM*

OK, new PSU, new GPU, New install, Latest drivers. No joy, search the web some more. I find this HUGE thread. I've been through it, thank you to those who've posted and my commiserations to my fellow sufferers. I'ver tried:


* A new PSU

* Installing windows + patches + drivers + Skyrim anew

* Disabling vsync (the iPresentInterval=0 "fix")

* Disabling AA etc. in the game.

* Running the game in XP compat mode.

* Running the game with admin privileges

* Deleting all but the last gamesave.

* Deleting ALL my gamesaves and restarting.

* Setting my sound O/P to 24 bit, 44100Hz and/or 16 bit, 44100Hz

* Installing the 1.4 patch

* Underclocking my new GPU

* Setting my GPU fan to constant 100%

* Installing the atiumdag.dll library as per the youtube vid.

* Installing the enbdev antifreeze patch

* Installing the ATI beta 12.2 drivers


NOTHING WORKS! At _random_ times (mostly but not always outside or flipping from map/item/magic menu) my machine will die horribly or reboot after a back screen. I /think/ the beta ATI drivers have replaced "mostly total PC death" with mostly "Your video card has stopped responding and been reset" messages, after which I can sometimes save or even continue. But that's it. I've tried other games, 100% stability. I've tried the MSI Kombust test on my machine "Caution - this may cause damage to your hardware". The extreme test raises the temp on my GPU to around 70 degrees but runs solidly overnight. Outside of Skyrim my machine is as solid as the proverbial. Run Skyrim and it falls over. This isn't overheating, not lack of power, not graphics drivers. I have no idea what it is but in my case it's just skyrim and my RADEON HD 6770. If anyone has any suggestion as to anything else to try then let me know. Otherwise people - I know we're desperate here but there doesn't seem to be a fix.



Me? I'll give it 48 hours for people to think of anything - really _anything_ else that I can try then I'm going to give up (I HATE giving up) and go back to medium res on a solid 8600GT card with the PC balanced on a shelf.



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Mingus: I tried most of the things you have listed and still no luck for me either...except my game is not crashing in ramdom location/when popping up the map/inv but always in certain locations...

It just seems like the problem is deep within game engine itself...looks like its simply not compatible with some types of video cards. Simply put, Bethesda released a faulty product which doesnt work for many many ppl and they should just refund us for this.

Whats rly shame is that the game is great othewise...but spending hours and hours trying to solve and issue which eventually turns out to be unsolvable is rly frustrating.

Edited by aerinqq
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  On 2/19/2012 at 2:56 PM, MingusTheMad said:

This is REALLY beginning to cheese me off. I have:


Athlon XIII 440

ASUS M4A88T-V EVO/USB3 motherboard

8G of good _tested_ RAM


A quick back story. I don't play games much. I got skyrim for Christmas, I love(d) it. I play games using my TV as a monitor, it's a good TV with DVI and HDMI input but it's too far from the PC for a DVI cable (trust me, this IS relevant).


I tried playing Skyrim on my stock machine using the onboard HD 4250 as the graphics card. It was *SOLID AS A ROCK* and it could just about cope on minimum detail but not if there was a lot happening.... SO

I found an Asus EN8600GT 256MB silent (no fan) and tried that. It was *SOLID AS A ROCK* and it could cope on medium detail but it's DVI out and I had to move the PC to get the cable to reach. SO

I bought an ASUS HD 6770. New. I DO love Skyrim, the mountains are beautiful in high res. *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM* leaving my resetting or the system rebooting as my only option.

I figured that maybe the PSU wasn't powerful enough. My case is mini ITX and a bigger PSU wouldn't fit so I bought a new case and a good 750W PSU. Tried Skyrim *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM*

Maybe the transition from HD 4250 -> EN 8600GT -> HD 6770 had left my Windows drivers in a mess. No matter, I created a new 40G partition, re-installed Windows 7 and Skyrim. Tried Skyrim - *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM*

Hmm, maybe the HD6770 is dodgy, took it back to the shop. They kindly gave me a replacement, still an HD6770 but different model. Installed. Tried Skyrim - *IT FROZE MY SYSTEM*

OK, new PSU, new GPU, New install, Latest drivers. No joy, search the web some more. I find this HUGE thread. I've been through it, thank you to those who've posted and my commiserations to my fellow sufferers. I'ver tried:


* A new PSU

* Installing windows + patches + drivers + Skyrim anew

* Disabling vsync (the iPresentInterval=0 "fix")

* Disabling AA etc. in the game.

* Running the game in XP compat mode.

* Running the game with admin privileges

* Deleting all but the last gamesave.

* Deleting ALL my gamesaves and restarting.

* Setting my sound O/P to 24 bit, 44100Hz and/or 16 bit, 44100Hz

* Installing the 1.4 patch

* Underclocking my new GPU

* Setting my GPU fan to constant 100%

* Installing the atiumdag.dll library as per the youtube vid.

* Installing the enbdev antifreeze patch

* Installing the ATI beta 12.2 drivers


NOTHING WORKS! At _random_ times (mostly but not always outside or flipping from map/item/magic menu) my machine will die horribly or reboot after a back screen. I /think/ the beta ATI drivers have replaced "mostly total PC death" with mostly "Your video card has stopped responding and been reset" messages, after which I can sometimes save or even continue. But that's it. I've tried other games, 100% stability. I've tried the MSI Kombust test on my machine "Caution - this may cause damage to your hardware". The extreme test raises the temp on my GPU to around 70 degrees but runs solidly overnight. Outside of Skyrim my machine is as solid as the proverbial. Run Skyrim and it falls over. This isn't overheating, not lack of power, not graphics drivers. I have no idea what it is but in my case it's just skyrim and my RADEON HD 6770. If anyone has any suggestion as to anything else to try then let me know. Otherwise people - I know we're desperate here but there doesn't seem to be a fix.



Me? I'll give it 48 hours for people to think of anything - really _anything_ else that I can try then I'm going to give up (I HATE giving up) and go back to medium res on a solid 8600GT card with the PC balanced on a shelf.




I understand your frustration my friend i have sapphire hd 6770 and i have the same problem but i fixed it by underclocking my memory clock speed from 1200 to 1000 mhz i left the core clock as it is...I also have the hd 4650 and when i replace th 6770 with it the game runs fine without bsod i don't know wtf is happening with this game...Now with the underclocking the game is very stable and i also update to the high resolution pack

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Mingus, I'm practically in the same boat as you, including the new hardware. But it's the software. The only way software can cause the issues we are seeing is if it has a severe memory allocation problem. I *think* the problem is with how the engine allocates memory to certain things. I have a save game file that ALWAYS crashes at the same place. One successful experiment was UNMAPPING FAVORITES and that seemed to work. Just go into spells, select Favorites and un favorite everything, same with weapons and armor. Then just add a few back. I can get past the crash area with ONLY THAT CHANGE. If you PM me, ill send you my save file to test with. Try cleaning up your inventory and favorites. Also if you have a ton of open quests, try clearing them out. Always start with a power off then boot to windows to ensure there is no GARBAGE in memory. Bethesda has said that certain actions in certain order could cause problems - they are trying to identify the root causes, but these things still happen. This would explain why a relative few of the millions are having the issues we are having.



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Just checking back in about the ENB patch. I've tried it, but after an hour or so it again crashed (in the Rift, which is one of the really frequent crash areas). All I did was extract the files to the Skyrim directory and edit the Skyrim.ini like I was instructed to. Is there anything else I can fiddle with on this ENB patch?
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Ok so quick update on my side. The *.dll thingy I used earlier didn't help me. The game crashed a few minutes ago.


Another thing is that I see majority of people here have crashes on Radeons 6xxx(me also having 6870).


Oh and another thing, I got a reply from Bethesda... They told me that it's a problem with my hardware because they couldn't copy it on their systems... Yeah... So I told them that if it indeed was my hardware failing then every game would crash, not only Skyrim. Furthermore I directed them to this topic.


'Working as intended'... So I'm gonna try out a couple more things(100% Fan speed and maybe under-clocking my GPU memory) if that won't help, the game will go. And my journey with TES will end on Morrowind(didn't like Oblivion at all).

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  On 2/20/2012 at 10:26 PM, psztol said:

Ok so quick update on my side. The *.dll thingy I used earlier didn't help me. The game crashed a few minutes ago.


Another thing is that I see majority of people here have crashes on Radeons 6xxx(me also having 6870).


Oh and another thing, I got a reply from Bethesda... They told me that it's a problem with my hardware because they couldn't copy it on their systems... Yeah... So I told them that if it indeed was my hardware failing then every game would crash, not only Skyrim. Furthermore I directed them to this topic.


'Working as intended'... So I'm gonna try out a couple more things(100% Fan speed and maybe under-clocking my GPU memory) if that won't help, the game will go. And my journey with TES will end on Morrowind(didn't like Oblivion at all).


Absurd...I contacted them too and I got the same response. I'm at a loss, really. It definitely seems like a software problem.

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Oh and another thing, I got a reply from Bethesda... They told me that it's a problem with my hardware because they couldn't copy it on their systems...

Well, a few posts above, someone mentioned a save game which constantly crashes. Send it to bethesda!


And another thing, the beta patch 1.4.26 is out. Has anyone tried it already? They say they fixed some crashes on pc.

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