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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39476515. #39476705 is also a reply to the same post.

RoyBatterian wrote: @Dark0ne

As usual your thoughts reflect a great deal of the communities own.

Nothing to add.
Tovias wrote: It only reflects his pockets.

I think you need to take off the Al tinfoil off your brain tovias. Come on, there's nobody out to get you.
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In response to post #39476160. #39476980 is also a reply to the same post.

PublicDisgrace wrote: "If you disagree then you’re a part of some extreme-right side of the “PC Master Race"
Lmao, I didn't think I'd see the got to left-wing "ur raycist!" response on a Modding website.
ElRizzo wrote: Uhm this quote has NOTHING to do with racism or accusations of racism AT ALL ... you are either new to the internet or you know the term "PC Master Race" which is used to mock console users sometimes sarcastically, sometimes not.

Ignore obvious troll.
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In response to post #39476515. #39476705, #39477395 are all replies on the same post.

RoyBatterian wrote: @Dark0ne

As usual your thoughts reflect a great deal of the communities own.

Nothing to add.
Tovias wrote: It only reflects his pockets.
Ethreon wrote: I think you need to take off the Al tinfoil off your brain tovias. Come on, there's nobody out to get you.

Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
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In response to post #39476515. #39476705, #39477395, #39477415 are all replies on the same post.

RoyBatterian wrote: @Dark0ne

As usual your thoughts reflect a great deal of the communities own.

Nothing to add.
Tovias wrote: It only reflects his pockets.
Ethreon wrote: I think you need to take off the Al tinfoil off your brain tovias. Come on, there's nobody out to get you.
RoyBatterian wrote: Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Why use the site if that's how you feel?
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In response to post #39476635.

weirdestkidyoullevermeet2 wrote: tldr
sounds like youre defending the cancerous toxic community that completely ruined all mod makers and forced people into disabling their mods on this site because of how much you didnt protect their content

How can he protect their content?
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Dislike against "console mods" is a thing? Like a real thing? Not something made up like "Homophobia" or "Islamicphobia" or something? I mean, I've never felt anything but sorry for people who had no other option but to use the console - mods are the reason I stopped playing on the X-Box (other then occasionally) and play games on the computer instead. If consoles can use mods too - which is big news - then it only means the community grows even larger. Isn't that a good thing?


Why would the idea of "console modding" annoy anybody? I still have trouble believing that it's a real thing - at least the way the Dark0ne describes. If you don't use a console, then what real difference to you is it going to make? And if you do, wouldn't it be a good thing? I mean the atrocious (read British) spelling on Nexus annoys me far more then the concept of "console modding" and I download from Nexus nearly every week (use to be everyday before work-life increased).


As to mod theft, it's a very ugly thing for someone to do, but I don't really see how "console modding" really affects that one way or the other. If people are going to steal, they are going to do regardless of consoles being able to mod. And while "stealing" someone's mod - which I understand is really stealing the credit for creating said mod - is certainly wrong, it's not like anyone is getting paid for it - so I can understand why Bethsaida wouldn't care much. I mean, when people over in Asia were downloading mods and SELLING them on disks in stores, I could understand the outrage - but in this case, a few sleazy types are just fooling new gullible console users into thinking that the sleazebags made the mod when it was in fact someone else. A rather sleazy thing to do just to try to get your 15 minutes of fame, but it's not really hurting anyone. Eventually the console users will gain experience and these sleazy types will have to move on.


Don't get me wrong, I think its bad, but it's not exactly a crisis. I mean, if it means that much, the original authors (or someone) can PM every user that downloads a "stolen" mod and tell them who the actual credit belongs too.

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