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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39485330. #39488480, #39488735, #39490310 are all replies on the same post.

MrJoseCuervo wrote: I urge modders to keep their console brothers in mind when they make mods. Make sure your mods are in good working order and safe for them to use. We don't want any consoles getting damaged due to poor modding.
alanlwilcox wrote: How can a PC modder EVER make a mod safe for console gaming? There are no tools for a console game as said in an earlier post. Consoles are a new world that only Bethesda may know enough about to mod for them. I would think that consoles would be at great risk and will blame these modders for problems caused by pirated mods.
A_name wrote: There are 0 tools for a modder to troubleshoot on a console. And frankly asking a modder to buy 2 consoles just to test his mods is ridiculous anyway.

Maybe we should encourage the thieves or pirates to do the testing?
I am pretty damn sure a handful of modders would be glad to outsource this to them.
If they ask first of course.
chinagreenelvis wrote: AFAIK there shouldn't be any difference. Console mod problems will come from the the same source as PC mod problems: load order. It's not like you can write a mod that will physically destroy a console.

...and the troll/asshole, emboldened by this statement, set out to create a mod designed to do just that.

But in all seriousness, the biggest problem would be troubleshooting. People (including me) don't use consoles ever, and as a result, they have no way to bug test. I personally think, if the modder is the "won't upload to bethsda.net" type, if they can work something out with a console user to troubleshoot the mod, that they should think about uploading to bethesda
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This whole thing is a farce.


I agree that consoles should see mods, but at this point, there's not much to be done with it. Consoles players have a parasitic relationship with the modding community, not of their own accord either. They are incapable of providing any mods, but they can't even do that right because as far as I'm aware, they have no script extender. That's the nail in the coffin right there, when I mod skyrim, I've lost count of how many mods I use state "requires SKSE" or require a mod that does. Currently console players cannot hope to get these mods.


What's more, a quick look at the Fallout 4 modding community is all you need to see how bad things will be in future. We're barely half a year in and popular mod's developers have gone completely off-grid. The highest rated and earliest weapon mods I recall on Nexus (the M9, R91 and whatnot) haven't seen a comment from developer in months. If things are already like this now, how's it going to be in a year. But now the killer: what about Skyrim? How many modders will actually return to port mods, and how many will never see consoles short of mod theft?


Frankly console is never going to be at the same point at this rate, and all that we gain currently is a small distance-closer between us and them and a monstrous amount of mod theft. This whole console modding fiasco has been a complete screw-up, and frankly I feel bad for both the modders and the poor console players who have to watch all this unfold, especially while Bethesda keep touting "it just works". One of my closest friends is a PS4 player, who was nothing but optimistic about mods, who doesn't dare use the bloody system because of how much theft there is. Hell, one of the current front-page mods has its creator openly saying "I'm not porting because f*#@ the console community" (maybe not in those words), which pretty much shows the toxicity and why my friend is staying out of this.

Edited by GroverA125
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In response to post #39491885.

GroverA125 wrote: This whole thing is a farce.

I agree that consoles should see mods, but at this point, there's not much to be done with it. Consoles players have a parasitic relationship with the modding community, not of their own accord either. They are incapable of providing any mods, but they can't even do that right because as far as I'm aware, they have no script extender. That's the nail in the coffin right there, when I mod skyrim, I've lost count of how many mods I use state "requires SKSE" or require a mod that does. Currently console players cannot hope to get these mods.

What's more, a quick look at the Fallout 4 modding community is all you need to see how bad things will be in future. We're barely half a year in and popular mod's developers have gone completely off-grid. The highest rated and earliest weapon mods I recall on Nexus (the M9, R91 and whatnot) haven't seen a comment from developer in months. If things are already like this now, how's it going to be in a year. But now the killer: what about Skyrim? How many modders will actually return to port mods, and how many will never see consoles short of mod theft?

Frankly console is never going to be at the same point at this rate, and all that we gain currently is a small distance-closer between us and them and a monstrous amount of mod theft. This whole console modding fiasco has been a complete screw-up, and frankly I feel bad for both the modders and the poor console players who have to watch all this unfold, especially while Bethesda keep touting "it just works". One of my closest friends is a PS4 player, who was nothing but optimistic about mods, who doesn't dare use the bloody system because of how much theft there is. Hell, one of the current front-page mods has its creator openly saying "I'm not porting because f*#@ the console community" (maybe not in those words), which pretty much shows the toxicity and why my friend is staying out of this.

Parasitic is an interesting word-choice. One could apply that word-choice to any user who has been modding for several years yet who has endorsed almost none of the mods they downloaded, and who has never made a single mod themselves, yet looks down on those who have no ability to make mods, because of reasons such as the hardware limitations of their platform-of-choice.
Maybe all the popular mod developers have "gone completely off grid"" because of users who never bother to endorse, yet are so vocal about things like this. Edited by RaffTheSweetling
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I know Bethesda probably reading this, scoping this site out, they know they f*#@ed up.


Hey B!!!


If you reading this: Wtf?


Just like....








Really, honestly, i know this is deeply rooted from an economic point of view. The fact is, you're a machine that is programmed to make money. Programmed by people who were like, hey, I want nice things, I employ people who have families they gotta feed, benefits, it's tough business. I get it. Money.

I know I might be oversimplifying it, but that's the end-goal, the drive, the making of MONEY.

All I gotta say is, you just can't put value on some things; a simple machine that is simply programmed and simply built to make money, it's going to f*#@ing fail, because this machine was built on bullshit. These mods aren't just about money. They are endless and uplifting and awesome and mind blowing. No respect. No beauty. Stop being such a massive dick machine.

Yeah you got needs. We all do, it's just.. these authors just ignored theirs to craft some free-loving s#*!.


My message to B: Calm the f*#@ down. Set the Machine ON SLOW FOR A MOMENT.






P.S. Of course, I might be wrong, maybe Bethesda, something happened and now they're broke... and families are getting broken apart because they can't pay the bills, some bigwig couldn't go to hawaii....idk...i just don't know...




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Well i chose PC more than consoles because:


1). The Graphic*

2). There is no limitation to mod on PC

3). Enjoy nice mods only available on PC

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In response to post #39488585. #39489780 is also a reply to the same post.

A_name wrote: Being a lurker for quite a while but I have to say this.
The biggest with stolen mods is the thief can solicit for donations or xbox codes.
Which has legal implications.

And of course, the more common one is the issue of stolen mods bricking the console or corrupting saves. That is the one that causes all hell to break through.

If something in the game breaks, all the blame goes back to the author, while thief just laughs at them. If you are wrongly accused for something you did not do, that feels like s#*!. And frankly that is why many mod authors are clamping up or just making F4SE compulsory, so they don't have to deal with this issue.

This is an issue that must be addressed by Bethsoft, which they have shown no interest in doing so unfortunately.
scuffed_down wrote: I think I would have to add to this. Let me first throw a disclaimer out there: "I am in no way against mods on consoles"; ok there, done. Now, I actually hope (as mean as it may sound) that a mod only meant or PC capable that gets stolen, DOES brick a console. And I hope its a lawyer's son/daughter. This way someone will go after the thief, as the author EXPRESSLY declined permission for consoles for whatever reason. Hopefully that would put an end to this debacle much faster than trying to reason with people that don't care to see reason.

PS. If my view offends you, I apologize in advance, but that would be justice you have to admit :p

Glad someone else said it. The fault should be the one who made the choice to download. Actually, you'd think Bethesda would be responsible without all the moderating. Or partly responsible. Edited by Desie
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Small question: Do mods that explicitely require F4SE (and wouldn't function without) crash or otherwise expectedly not work on console? As shitty a solution it may seem, if that's the case, then that might be the first line of 'defense' for a mod. With that in place, it'll at least require the pirate to figure out how to not make the mod requiring F4SE (if at all possible). It won't solve it, but the best defense against thieves is to make the thievery as difficult as possible.


Just a thought.

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I stopped reading after some time.


This elementary prose is full of s#*!.


Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.


My God, what's this ego?


"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder


Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.

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It's very sad. I mean even though i still find it cool, that Consoles have gotten Mod-Support, i will buy on PC Beth. Games for modded playing, because the possibilitys are higher. However its really sad that this whole thing is so abused and bethesda doesn't do very much.


I myself can't think of an solution. The Only thing which i think could absolutely safe, if they would release a new Moddingtool, which is online-only and the Mods will saved server-sided only. So you can only share mods on Bethesda.net only if you made the mod with the online tool. You can't upload any mods, however you can download any mods so you can share it for PC on Nexus etc. However i think this wouldn't work either, not because of safety, moreover because its very unfriendly for modders to use....

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In response to post #39493020.

arkancelo wrote: I stopped reading after some time.

This elementary prose is full of s#*!.

Dramaqueens (modders who cry when other people are able to enjoy their mods) need to grow up.

My God, what's this ego?

"I created you, you shall know my name, follow my cult and worship me!" - Abrahamic God/Average Modder

Seriously, just be happy that people can actually enjoy the content you made. Douchbags.

So you say, its deserved that some poeple can simple steal things from other people, and you don't care because you can play the Mod on your Console. And you critize the modders for their ego. You are much more egoistic than any of these modders, which make the Content you can Enjoy in their free-time, where most people like Mod-User or the one who steals the mods are in 100years to lazy do their own work. How about you make an great mod, and than look how your own thing will be taken away, but why should you care, everyon cans play it. The way you act, shows now respect towards the modders,...

We will see, if modders keep modding when people still keep thefting or if modders find a way so their Mods works only on PC. Than we will see if console-players will still be happy, however (and no i'm not against Console-Gaming, because i myself also own an X1, PS4 and WiiU and half of my childhood i grew up with console) if you ask me, with that attitude by console-players you guys not even deserved mod-support. Edited by Guest
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