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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39491315. #39496050, #39497250 are all replies on the same post.

tvs_frank wrote: I think the simplest solution to this would be to just make your mod rely the SKSE libraries, even something as basic as a texture replacer. There must be a way, right?
qasm0ke wrote: SKSE for Skyrim and F4SE for Fallout 4. This way the developer can focus & care about only for PC. That's the way I think.

I don't have any console so I couldn't test anyway. My Skyrim mods are all require SKSE, so if the so-called 'thief' stole my mod to Bethesda market, he can't play it on non-PC environment.
Darkstorne wrote: That's not a solution though. It's a temporary preventative measure to avoid theft, that prevents ALL console users enjoying a mod because of the arrogance of a very small minority who would resort to theft.

A solution has to come from Bethesda, so that mod authors can feel safe about releasing their content wherever they choose, without fear of theft, because they can trust Bethesda to work as hard as the Nexus staff to do protect their creations.

Consoles on mods could be a wonderful thing. The reason we're all here is because we love modding our Bethesda games on PC, to get a lot more out of them, and I'm really glad console users will be getting a similar experience from now on. Bethesda definitely need to step it up though, and focus on protecting content instead of blatantly focusing on a method of trying to reintroduce paid mods with a 75/25 split in favour of themselves and Valve again...

Perhaps some sort of key or other dependency check, one for each platform? Something you tick off in the CK, which embeds this dependency within the file where no one can (easily) change. This version is for PC/XB1/PS4 only or any combination of.
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"Nexus Mods is a site that grew from within the Bethesda community. It’s run on a shoestring budget by someone (ahem, me) running several different businesses and projects and largely moderated by volunteers who aren’t paid a dime"


And therein lies the problem. The Steam-Bethesda mod fiasco isn't telling enough, Bethesda from the get-go has been trying to figure out how to make money off from mod makers. The reason they came back is because they see how extremely popular Nexus mods is and the fact that all these mods are not under their grip and control irks them. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm pretty sure Bethesda will eventually come after Nexusmods with DMCA and take down notice to remove this place once their mod site/browser is more entrenched. I'm pretty sure they want to create a GTA style walled garden, then sell you special cards so you can use them to purchase mods. It's coming, you know it is.

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Bottom line is it comes down to RESPECT FOR THE CREATOR. I (almost) pity anyone who can't or won't comprehend that. Pathetic really.
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Personally, I think IMO, Dark0ne was reverse trolling internet stupidity, because anyone smart would have seen by now that it's a tremendous waste of time to discuss the matter with a bunch of immature people in an amateur hobby full of grumpy/selfish PC gamers. Interesting though, we're not grown up enough to obtain actual ownership rights nor a pay for mods system.

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In response to post #39503480. #39530505 is also a reply to the same post.

numeriku wrote: http://a.fod4.com/images/GifGuide/clapping/citizen_cane.gif

Honestly, Bethesda made it perfectly clear where they stand and what they think of the modding community the moment they attempted paid-for mods. Bethesda only cares for Bethesda.
jonboy wrote: Bethesda as a for profit company should only care for themselves, so I can't hold that against them. That being said, if they hold how they are viewed as being influential on their future value, they will need to get it together.

If we're going to point fingers, lets not forget the stance on someone here who was getting a percentage on it and not coming out and telling his peeps until someone who still happens to be here snitched on him.

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"However, the real issues stem from Bethesda’s flagrant disregard for the existing community and their naivety, arrogance and/or ignorance of how the community has worked these past 14 years (since Morrowind)."


Factually incorrect. The mod community here at Nexus didn't start with Morrowind but well before it. Many members through the years are from other mod communities outside Nexus and have had the same respect each others rights rules. Some of us started modding games before DMCA was a thing. I joined a year or two before Skyrim was released because I picked up Oblivion on sale but I started seriously modding games in the mid-late 90's and way back then mod theft was against the rules and crediting fellow mod authors if they let you use their stuff was the rule to follow. Nexus has built upon those rules and respect and made a platform for mods that is in itself worthy of respect. So Robin, Hubris broken?

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Different topic so new post...


"End time-out, resume play." About just above that.


I am against consoles in general. Not the users, they are just someone who enjoys games. I am against consoles themselves because they are holding back game technology and in a sense computer hardware across the board as well. Last gen consoles lasted what 10 years? 10 years of the same outdated when first released hardware? Back in the 90's PC gaming pushed hardware makers to make faster more powerful hardware and the advances were fast paced and meaningful to keep up with new games. Even Intel was advertising and upgrading because of games. Running the latest game the fastest was a selling point even if it was for an office typewriter replacement. Then comes cross platform games and all that came to a slow crawl. No more was a PC game pushing the PC to it's limits and had so much more to show if the PC was better. Today even the minimum specs are not correct.


I have an I7 920 and a GTX 750TI and can run vanilla FO4 at ultra settings even without the shadow problem Gopher was having on his much better hardware(I so wanted to tease him too). If November 2016 was 1997 instead and I had the same aged hardware and FO4 was just released with specs similar to any game of the era I wouldn't even be able to see the main menu. Yet I can play on ultra settings today? That is because of the last generation of consoles and now the current generation being outdated hardware before they are released. Consoles have held back advances in gaming and in hardware by 10 or more years. That's not the console users fault, it is Microsoft and Sony's fault.

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Yep i sent bethesda a feedback about this type of stuff. I told them they should take notes from the nexus. The User interface for mods sucks on the xbox. The bethesda.net site is nowhere near as user friendly as this one. And i could go on and on. With a shoestring budget you are doing a hell of alot better of a job than bethesda. As far as practicality and user friendliness, at the very least. But then again they are already rich and need not to worry about things like this. Very sad indeed. Dont get me wrong i am greatful for console mods since my pc wouldnt hanle fo4, but the lackluster way they are doing things, when as u explain above there are tons of documents and evidence of what works and doesent. Because of years of work from the modding community. Then they step in acting like the new kids on the block and as if they dont know what they are doing. Why not take example from a site like the nexus that has been years in the making and works quite well. Because they like to slap this crap together and then let the modding community fix the problems, so they dont have to. Its like having an army of free workers fixing all your mistakes. Absolutley disappointed with bethesda. I love the game, i love the mods, I hate bethesda doing things in such a lackluster way. Things that have already been done better for years. For a company with so much money why are most of the user created sites like the nexus just flat out better. Edited by Namyquis
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