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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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In response to post #39610190. #39610305, #39611605, #39612570 are all replies on the same post.

aquilegia wrote: It seems to me the right solution here is to integrate nexus with bethesda.net asap.

In other words: make it easier to completely mirror mods from nexus to bethesda. And that means: keep the mod title intact. Keep the original author intact. Keep the copyright permissions intact. Make it easy to push description updates from nexus to bethesda. Ideally, include some kind of reference to the Nexus entry so that future NMM versions can recognize when a bethesda.net mod is a version of a nexus mod?

If mods can be copied over with the touch of a button, that replaces the "need" for misattribution that is so objectionable here.
midtek wrote: bethesda.net simply won't want that. Why do you think they started hosting all of a sudden?
Yehudi wrote: ooh i dunno about intergrate more like interface unless of course bethesda want to hand over management of bethnet to the nexus in exchange for a handsome paycheck that might even be better more money for the nexus means more staff to handle the additional task all files get checked the pilfering stops mod authors and are once again happy little bunnies the console timmys get a fair service we get a better nexus the nexus grows in size and thus revenue ,win win i say.
RamonXick wrote: lmao no, I honestly like nexus to stay independent

That is a terryfying possibility that I had niavely not considered until reading this - THANKS VERY MUCH FOR THIS - TO QUOTE CYPHER IN THE MATRIX, "IGNORANCE IS BLISS!" - I'll not be able to sleep until the inevetable takeover comes and then I'll cry as CHAOS errupts and the first missles are fired.


This balanced post was brought to you by JaYmZeE - who really thinks head and shoulders is great for your dandruff even though he's bald himself. Or is he?


EDIT: Quick thought on this - assuming your going to sell up cause of the obscene amount of money offered and have to sign some sort of non-competition clause, I would immediately like to hire the entire nexus team to run my Taxi/Private Hire Car sites new wing which will cater to something really clever in legalese that does/doesn't mean hosting mods for games I like to play - I need a lawyer! Edited by JaYmZeE311074
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This is why this site is on my 'don't block ads list', it's run by people with opinions who dare to openly share them without mincing words.


That said I must say that my respect for Bethesda is slowly waning. First the workshop payed mods fiasco, then the ignored theft of mods, on the workshop as well as on the consoles/bethesda.net. And you can just feel them trying to set up paid mods once more.

I'm afraid they are trying to take down this site, their own community. I once had a lot of respect for Bethesda, they listened to what their customers wanted and made great games (partially because of that)

. Now it seems like they (or Zenimax) are becoming one of the greedy companies, the ones I personally despise. I really like them, but if they destroy this site I'll turn my back on them and buy the games of another company, a company I find worth supporting.



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In response to post #39589525. #39589815, #39590450, #39601020, #39602615, #39613970 are all replies on the same post.

kevindad1 wrote: Pretty much everything has the "release now, fix later" treatment. That's not to say that what you're saying is wrong though.
kevindad1 wrote: And why are people talking about paid mods? Bethesda knows that that failed. Do you really think that they'll attempt that again? How would they make it work anyway.
phantompally76 wrote: The same way EA gets away with charging full price for half a Star Wars: Battlefront and then ransoming the other half as DLC behind a paywall.

Because average gamer$ will purchase them without questioning the legality, morality or stupidity of the software companies.

Paid mods already exist. Some of you just don't realize it yet.
kevindad1 wrote: Who said that EA got away with that? Better yet, what does your reply have anything to do with what I said? (Minus the last part, that is obviously not true)
phantompally76 wrote: They're still getting away with it. And they're going to get away with it again when they release the Battlefront sequel. And they won't change their business model, because they don't have to.

But if you don't want me to bring EA into it, fine. Bethesda didn't fail at paid mods. To the contrary, they've already succeeded. You just haven't stopped to realize it yet.

Most of us here paid for a mod disguised as DLC from Bethesda nearly 4 years ago, a derivative work based (heavily) off a free mod. Some in this community STILL refuse to purchase it (much to the chagrin of almost every mod author on the Nexus), leaving a very small minority of gamers with the ability to stand upon any sort of tangible moral high ground on this matter, but most of us own it (even if we got it on sale or in a bundle). Most of us own and use a paid mod uploaded by Bethesda based off someone else's work. Why this never came up during #modgate (and perhaps it did, but if so it was buried amongst the blatant hypocrisy and ASCII genitalia) is a little staggering.

So don't pretend to act like this is new territory. Bethesda has already charged the majority of us for a mod....the ultimate copyright-infringing paid mod.... and the majority of us willingly shelled out the cash because they called it DLC. Bethesda got away with it, and they will get away with it again.

And before the white knights retort "But that was totally different....", no. No different.

Just inconvenient.

kevindad1 wrote: 1. How is EA "still" getting away with it? It's more common to see people pissed at EA than at Bethesda.
2. Now I understand what you're saying about "paid mods". And now that I do know, I realize that what you said is just nonsense. You would rather use a (possibly) buggy mod that may mess up your game and/or give you crashes than the official less buggy (notice how I said less buggy) thing? Plus, it's only 5 bucks, you shouldn't really expect much.

Your definition of "less buggy" is not congruent with mine. Neither are your expectations.

It takes at least half a dozen other mods to make Hearthfire worth using (even with USLEEP), and even then there are still issues with the core "DLC".

But the point remains. Paid mods aren't around the corner.....they've been here for years. Edited by phantompally76
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In response to post #39610370. #39611030 is also a reply to the same post.

dobmc wrote: With all this "set-up" you would think Bethesda is planning to bring paid mods to consoles.

Haha I'm just joking guys. Of course even Bethesda isn't desperate to sink that low.

Wait a minute.
midtek wrote: A side note:

I think that's not something morally sunken, or only comes from the desperate which cannot be accepted from the society. Hines made valid points about paid mod in his interviews. While some may disagree, or claim it is from greed, it still stands as a valid option. The question might be how much it will be a benefit and who benefits from it? Plus, if they don't do that in excellency, better not start from the beginning; that might be the thing everyone agrees.

Either way I don't think anyone is willing to let the modding community change, especially not when a company like Bethesda comes back after 14 years of hiatus and suddenly decides to be a boss of what's good for the community.
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Just want to take a minute and thank the Dark0ne for such a level headed cool approach to the issue. I will be excited and happy to release my mods for all platforms, That being said this is the greatest community I have ever been apart of. We will get through this as well as we have through many issues.


Edited by Crimson Knight
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I probably won't say anything that wasn't said already and undoubtedly phrase it worse than some of those people did, but I'll do it anyway cuz that's fun!


So, I am pretty sure this bethesda.net website exist purely for future paid mods. The reason for this is simple: most corporations do not care about long term profits. Mods keeping people interested in buying Morrowind or Oblivion are matters that belong 100% in long term. I think you can still buy those games on PC, but can you get any of those on console? And from official source so the monies go to the corporation? It will be no different with Fallout 4 and new Skyrim, consoles have limited life cycles by their very nature. And the environment is restrictive in multitude of other ways, all of which go against the very mentality behind modding anything.


That's why I think that if there's any shred of intelligence at Bethesda, this website of theirs is for paid mods and not for "extending life span" of their games on platforms other than PC. The gains from that are just too miniscule to matter, but paid mods? Dollar a pop? Hell yeah, sounds like millions of piggy banks crying out in terror and getting silenced forever among the noise of shatterinng clay and porcelain. We've got another source of revenue people and we can milk it dry!

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