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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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It is my understand that mods rights are owned by Bethesda, not the author, as long as the mod does not break any sort of copyright law. Are you sure you aren't getting upset over nothing?


From the Fallout 4 CK agreement:



A. Ownership. As between You and ZeniMax, You are the owner of Your Game Mods and all intellectual property rights therein, subject to the licenses You grant to ZeniMax in this Agreement. You will not permit any third party to download, distribute or use Game Mods developed or created by You for any commercial purpose.

B. Notice on Game Mods. All Game Mods must indicate that ZeniMax is not the author of the Game Mods with additional language that "THIS MATERIAL IS NOT MADE, GUARANTEED OR SUPPORTED BY ZENIMAX OR ITS AFFILIATES."

C. ZeniMax Game Mod Platforms. You may submit Your Game Mods to one or more of ZeniMax’s platforms as designated or authorized by ZeniMax (collectively, "ZeniMax Platforms").

You understand and agree that ZeniMax may, but is not required under this Agreement to, validate, review, evaluate, test or screen Your Game Mods, whether or not You make the Game Mods available to ZeniMax for further distribution by ZeniMax by way of a ZeniMax Platform.

You understand and agree that ZeniMax does not sponsor or endorse any Game Mods and You may not state or imply otherwise.

If You submit a copy of Your Game Mods to ZeniMax, You agree that ZeniMax may, in its sole discretion, make the Game Mods available for download and use by others, including downloads from the ZeniMax Platforms. Game Mods listed in a ZeniMax Platform can be viewed and downloaded by anyone that has received a license from ZeniMax to the Product.

You understand and agree that ZeniMax is not obligated to use, distribute, make available or continue to distribute or make available Your Game Mods on any ZeniMax Platform or otherwise and ZeniMax may, in its sole discretion, restrict access to or remove Your Game Mods from any ZeniMax Platform for any reason or no reason at all. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, ZENIMAX DOES NOT ASSUME ANY RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR GAME MODS OR FOR THE REMOVAL OF ANY GAME MODS OR FOR ANY FAILURE TO OR DELAY IN REMOVING, ANY GAME MODS.

In addition, manufacturers of consoles, including without limitation Sony and Microsoft, may refuse to allow individuals to download or use certain Game Mods on the consoles that they manufacture or sell.

You may also elect to remove Game Mods from a ZeniMax Platform. If You do so, ZeniMax will no longer make such Game Mods available on such ZeniMax Platform. Notwithstanding the foregoing You agree that (a) ZeniMax may retain a copy of such Game Mods and ZeniMax is not required to delete or destroy all copies of the Game Mods, (b) ZeniMax retains the other rights and licenses granted by You to ZeniMax in this Agreement with respect to such Game Mods, and © Your removal will not affect the rights of any individual who has already downloaded a copy of the Game Mods from such ZeniMax Platform.


TL;DR: Authors own their mods, Beth has license to use and no one else should be uploading them without permission.

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First of all, as I think this is my first comment ever on Nexus, I'd like to salute everyone.


That being said, I'd simply like to commend the author of this post.

I don't just agree wholeheartedly (despite not being an active part of this community in any form and not being a modder myself) but I'm also inspired by seeing there's still people that can think and express such things.

With all the dementia (I.E. trolls) and disrespect (especially from software houses towards "passive" customers) that slowly came to define the gaming world in these last 5-10 years such a post is very refreshing and, for once, gives me hope about "gamers". Something that didn't happen for quite a long time.


I came here knowing nothing about the happenings and this was very informing and clear.

I can't say Bethesda's behaviour surprises me in any way, but this response (and the idea that more like-minded people are part of the community) makes me think, for once, the stronger party might be forced to actually listen.


Long read but totally worth it. 10/10.

Edited by mepho
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I can't see their decision as ignorant as they're the professionals, and seeing how they've made millions off their products, and how you're still sitting at home, only making mods. Also, no one would "have mods since Morrowind" if they didn't give you the materials to freely do so. Be careful, they will get tired of your communities' entitled bullshit and start charging subscription fees. Edited by DeusCognito
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In response to post #39691045. #39692170, #39696940, #39697340, #39706155, #39709705, #39721135, #39721215, #39721375, #39721415, #39727750, #39730905, #39732585, #39732880, #39742935, #39743195, #39743250, #39824740 are all replies on the same post.

birchconnor834 wrote: Let me first say that I absolutely love the nexus and all it provides for new vegas, fallout 3 and skyrim on my pc but in regards to fallout 4 and all Bethesda games I would have to ask you a question-if Bethesda hadn't released it creation kits and access to game content where would the nexus community be? Answer: NOWHERE every aspect of modding the game comes from the game which BETHESDA CREATED what pc players need to understand is that the time of mods on the pc exclusively is over and the nexus obviously doesn't like this and its understandable because they are afraid they will lose one of there communities and eventually one of the most mod uploaded game for there site all in all pc users including me have to understand that all aspects of the game belong to Bethesda even if you don't agree with it and most importantly stop crying over "stolen mods" unless you trademarked,copyrighted or whatever else way you can claim ownership with they don't belong to you the belong to everyone in the fallout community which should have been every modders first intention when they uploaded there mod to a mod sharing website if you don't want people to "steal it" don't release it, keep it to yourselves, stop crying, and realize nothing is ever yours if you publicly release it

much regards to the nexus and everyone who is apart of it
Pronema wrote: Same can be said about you, with me and your mum. Seriously though. Unless somebody knocked up your mum you wouldn't exist. If your mum was a terrible person that abandoned you after you were born do you really owe her that much for getting knocked up?

Do you belong to me if I was your dad?

Are you supposed to hide in the woods for your entire life so that I guy claiming to be your dad doesn't kidnap you and claim you belong to him? (In case you didn't notice, I made out mod pirates and other content pirates to be pedophiles. Are you stealing and redistributing underage software? :O You pedo you!)

As rude as this post may be I hope I impress upon those who read it that stealing someone's work is not okay. Software or otherwise. And for god's sake, the mods being stolen are already free! You can't even argue about how it's too expensive and you steal them because you can't afford to pay for them, I mean really your argument is complete garbage.

As for trademark/copyright everything on the nexus as well as beth.net already falls under a creative commons licence, ala they are at the point of distribution already filed and legally documented, so you don't seem to understand much about copyright and trademark law and probably shouldn't be making the assumption that legal recourse can't be taken by someone who has uploaded mods here or for that matter any other site.
metaphorset wrote: You are right... well, not completely. The Nexus would still be there because there are still people out here releasing mods for older games. And there are people out there who buy TES and Fallout games not only because they are decent, they do so because they love their modding abilities. I am one of those people and I instantly stop buying the games as soon as they start to restrict the modding possibilities.

I suggest you look up every single video of Todd Howard on youtube, that has been released over the last five years. He seems not getting tired of praising the community and how much Bethesda owes us and on and on and on.

Releasing games that are decent enough to get bought by many people is one thing. Really caring about the community and not only talking about it in some random video is something totally different.
Ethreon wrote: Wonder if people posting such inane ramblings realize nexus is incredibly large and covers over 300 games and won't fail just cause we get console mods.

Wonder if same people realize the textures ones makes with photoshop are not bethesdas, nor are the stories/dialogue one writes in word, nor are the models made in blender/max on which authors work hours upon hours.

Gotta love how "it's free, so I can do whatever I want with it" argument is brought up.

So no, only things belonging to beth are what they made and what I use from their creations. If I made new stuff they're all mine.

So to follow up on the stupid ending - stop crying about what other people can do with their own goods and creations.
wPatriot wrote: Jesus christ. People this stupid shouldn't be allowed to make decisions for themselves.
DrakeTheDragon wrote: It might also help just reading the article once before posting. In this case OP is contradicting what was said like they just didn't read it.

And you should really check your laws again and the ruling of Bethesda. They're all in disagreement with you.

As for that last line, "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it, keep it to yourselves", it might be welcome for you to know about 90% of the authors on here are now seriously considering that option. Just ask around. They've had enough of it.
HermanMODSTER wrote: Dude... did youi read the post?
It´s not about the console/pc war. Or the unawareness of "without Beth no Nexus". Crying about solen mods :).?.?.? That``s something that happend here many times. Modathors used existing mods for theirs hundrets of times.
It´s about does Beth care about it and if why reacting like they did.
Sure you mist this...
I’ll list a few of the common and reasonable reasons for not wanting to share their work either on other sites, or specifically for console users.

The mod author is aware the mod will not work on consoles or could even potentially harm a console, therefore will not port the mod to consoles.
The mod author was actively working on porting their mod to consoles, but it actually required some work to do as they needed to make changes to their mod to accommodate the limits on mods and ensure it was as efficient as possible for console users.
The author prides themselves on being able to tell their users it’s been optimised as much as possible, but sadly doesn’t own a console and doesn’t want to buy a console to ensure that same quality is also evident on consoles.
In the same vein, it’s hard to fix bugs specific to console mods if you don’t actually own the console and can’t test it yourself. The author doesn’t want to release a mod they can’t actively support.
The mod wouldn’t actually be allowed on Bethesda.net due to the content of the mod conflicting with their mod uploading rules.
The author doesn’t want to manage their mods in multiple locations on multiple sites and prefers to keep everything in one place, on one site.
The author has made use of other user’s assets, with legal permission to do so, and therefore cannot grant others the right to share that work without first getting permission from the original creator of the work that may or may not be possible.
The author doesn’t like Bethesda.net/Nexus Mods/whatever site we’re talking about so refuses to use it.
Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all.
HermanMODSTER wrote: :)
HermanMODSTER wrote: Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all. :):):)
HermanMODSTER wrote: Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all.
jeyjs wrote: they can be relaced, also all we need is someone to let sony, microsoft and the console mod downloaders know that the script extender is being implanted into mods on purpouse by cyber bullys, as a revenge tactic to hack sonys and xboxes game system and cause damage to gamefiles. sony will then use thire lawyers to bann the script extender. it will cause fear and fans of console will realize that they can call thire console manufacture. then the moding community can be destroyed like birchconnor834 and the other pc only authers wants it to be.
console supporters and console moders would live on and we can tell the tale of how biggoted the pc master group was and how you were a part of the hate.
birchconnor834 wrote: I want to say I didn't read any of your comments because I know how butt hurt all you pc players and mod authors are and I know you premium douchebags just love to hate on anything that is anti-pc or anti-nexus because your their little bitches and I can tell that everyone is so invested in posting on the forms and paying for a useless membership instead of living in the real world, buy hey at least you have porn and the nexus to jerk you off
lmccloud wrote: Birchconnor834,

I am a writer. If I put my work out there, and someone decides to use any aspect of it without giving me credit, I have grounds to sue. It's MY creation. I may have used MS Office, but it's MY work. MS doesn't own any of it. (Lesson here: Plagiarism is illegal)

In essence--what was said in the above article, if you had bothered to read it--is that despite it being free, despite the base product belonging to Bethesda, that little bit of software/mod belongs to the author. NOT Bethesda. Your statement about "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it" is inaccurate and ignorant. (Lesson here: Theft is still theft even if it's free)

Also, punctuation is your friend. Learn to use it.


A faithful mod loving user who is ever so greatful for other people sharing their creativity :)
filechick wrote: I don't think I have ever seen a better example of someone making an ass out of themselves then your comments to this article (of which you clearly didn't read).
HermanMODSTER wrote: you finished with the words :
much regards to the nexus and everyone who is apart of it
next reply is your their little bitches blablabla
Let it be. We know people like you. You are easy to determine for their posts "cry" so loud even a deaf person could hear it.
Cooling fires placed in forums is much more work than try to set them. So again please let it be.

HermanMODSTER wrote: would be very happy this gets removed it is so insulting
HermanMODSTER wrote: gave kudos for caling everyone "their bitches"
misanthropic79 wrote: "As for that last line, "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it, keep it to yourselves", it might be welcome for you to know about 90% of the authors on here are now seriously considering that option. Just ask around. They've had enough of it."

That would be a sad day indeed, my heart sank just reading it! Hopefully it doesn't come to that as most of us here at the Nexus are good citizens and it'd be a shame for the majority to be punished for the sins of a few. It's a knee jerk solution to a problem that happens far too often as it is.

I totally understand their frustration but there's gotta be a more reasoned solution to this, surely?

Amen, they've turned soooo entitled it's not even funny, but that's the common attitude in this Country, so I guess we'll get the same BS in gaming community's. Bethesda is going to get tired of this eventually and start charging subscription fees
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In response to post #39691045. #39692170, #39696940, #39697340, #39706155, #39709705, #39721135, #39721215, #39721375, #39721415, #39727750, #39730905, #39732585, #39732880, #39742935, #39743195, #39743250, #39824740, #39846555 are all replies on the same post.

birchconnor834 wrote: Let me first say that I absolutely love the nexus and all it provides for new vegas, fallout 3 and skyrim on my pc but in regards to fallout 4 and all Bethesda games I would have to ask you a question-if Bethesda hadn't released it creation kits and access to game content where would the nexus community be? Answer: NOWHERE every aspect of modding the game comes from the game which BETHESDA CREATED what pc players need to understand is that the time of mods on the pc exclusively is over and the nexus obviously doesn't like this and its understandable because they are afraid they will lose one of there communities and eventually one of the most mod uploaded game for there site all in all pc users including me have to understand that all aspects of the game belong to Bethesda even if you don't agree with it and most importantly stop crying over "stolen mods" unless you trademarked,copyrighted or whatever else way you can claim ownership with they don't belong to you the belong to everyone in the fallout community which should have been every modders first intention when they uploaded there mod to a mod sharing website if you don't want people to "steal it" don't release it, keep it to yourselves, stop crying, and realize nothing is ever yours if you publicly release it

much regards to the nexus and everyone who is apart of it
Pronema wrote: Same can be said about you, with me and your mum. Seriously though. Unless somebody knocked up your mum you wouldn't exist. If your mum was a terrible person that abandoned you after you were born do you really owe her that much for getting knocked up?

Do you belong to me if I was your dad?

Are you supposed to hide in the woods for your entire life so that I guy claiming to be your dad doesn't kidnap you and claim you belong to him? (In case you didn't notice, I made out mod pirates and other content pirates to be pedophiles. Are you stealing and redistributing underage software? :O You pedo you!)

As rude as this post may be I hope I impress upon those who read it that stealing someone's work is not okay. Software or otherwise. And for god's sake, the mods being stolen are already free! You can't even argue about how it's too expensive and you steal them because you can't afford to pay for them, I mean really your argument is complete garbage.

As for trademark/copyright everything on the nexus as well as beth.net already falls under a creative commons licence, ala they are at the point of distribution already filed and legally documented, so you don't seem to understand much about copyright and trademark law and probably shouldn't be making the assumption that legal recourse can't be taken by someone who has uploaded mods here or for that matter any other site.
metaphorset wrote: You are right... well, not completely. The Nexus would still be there because there are still people out here releasing mods for older games. And there are people out there who buy TES and Fallout games not only because they are decent, they do so because they love their modding abilities. I am one of those people and I instantly stop buying the games as soon as they start to restrict the modding possibilities.

I suggest you look up every single video of Todd Howard on youtube, that has been released over the last five years. He seems not getting tired of praising the community and how much Bethesda owes us and on and on and on.

Releasing games that are decent enough to get bought by many people is one thing. Really caring about the community and not only talking about it in some random video is something totally different.
Ethreon wrote: Wonder if people posting such inane ramblings realize nexus is incredibly large and covers over 300 games and won't fail just cause we get console mods.

Wonder if same people realize the textures ones makes with photoshop are not bethesdas, nor are the stories/dialogue one writes in word, nor are the models made in blender/max on which authors work hours upon hours.

Gotta love how "it's free, so I can do whatever I want with it" argument is brought up.

So no, only things belonging to beth are what they made and what I use from their creations. If I made new stuff they're all mine.

So to follow up on the stupid ending - stop crying about what other people can do with their own goods and creations.
wPatriot wrote: Jesus christ. People this stupid shouldn't be allowed to make decisions for themselves.
DrakeTheDragon wrote: It might also help just reading the article once before posting. In this case OP is contradicting what was said like they just didn't read it.

And you should really check your laws again and the ruling of Bethesda. They're all in disagreement with you.

As for that last line, "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it, keep it to yourselves", it might be welcome for you to know about 90% of the authors on here are now seriously considering that option. Just ask around. They've had enough of it.
HermanMODSTER wrote: Dude... did youi read the post?
It´s not about the console/pc war. Or the unawareness of "without Beth no Nexus". Crying about solen mods :).?.?.? That``s something that happend here many times. Modathors used existing mods for theirs hundrets of times.
It´s about does Beth care about it and if why reacting like they did.
Sure you mist this...
I’ll list a few of the common and reasonable reasons for not wanting to share their work either on other sites, or specifically for console users.

The mod author is aware the mod will not work on consoles or could even potentially harm a console, therefore will not port the mod to consoles.
The mod author was actively working on porting their mod to consoles, but it actually required some work to do as they needed to make changes to their mod to accommodate the limits on mods and ensure it was as efficient as possible for console users.
The author prides themselves on being able to tell their users it’s been optimised as much as possible, but sadly doesn’t own a console and doesn’t want to buy a console to ensure that same quality is also evident on consoles.
In the same vein, it’s hard to fix bugs specific to console mods if you don’t actually own the console and can’t test it yourself. The author doesn’t want to release a mod they can’t actively support.
The mod wouldn’t actually be allowed on Bethesda.net due to the content of the mod conflicting with their mod uploading rules.
The author doesn’t want to manage their mods in multiple locations on multiple sites and prefers to keep everything in one place, on one site.
The author has made use of other user’s assets, with legal permission to do so, and therefore cannot grant others the right to share that work without first getting permission from the original creator of the work that may or may not be possible.
The author doesn’t like Bethesda.net/Nexus Mods/whatever site we’re talking about so refuses to use it.
Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all.
HermanMODSTER wrote: :)
HermanMODSTER wrote: Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all. :):):)
HermanMODSTER wrote: Mod authors make mods for themselves first, and you second. If the second part, you, becomes too much of a problem for them, they’ll simply not want to share them with you at all.
jeyjs wrote: they can be relaced, also all we need is someone to let sony, microsoft and the console mod downloaders know that the script extender is being implanted into mods on purpouse by cyber bullys, as a revenge tactic to hack sonys and xboxes game system and cause damage to gamefiles. sony will then use thire lawyers to bann the script extender. it will cause fear and fans of console will realize that they can call thire console manufacture. then the moding community can be destroyed like birchconnor834 and the other pc only authers wants it to be.
console supporters and console moders would live on and we can tell the tale of how biggoted the pc master group was and how you were a part of the hate.
birchconnor834 wrote: I want to say I didn't read any of your comments because I know how butt hurt all you pc players and mod authors are and I know you premium douchebags just love to hate on anything that is anti-pc or anti-nexus because your their little bitches and I can tell that everyone is so invested in posting on the forms and paying for a useless membership instead of living in the real world, buy hey at least you have porn and the nexus to jerk you off
lmccloud wrote: Birchconnor834,

I am a writer. If I put my work out there, and someone decides to use any aspect of it without giving me credit, I have grounds to sue. It's MY creation. I may have used MS Office, but it's MY work. MS doesn't own any of it. (Lesson here: Plagiarism is illegal)

In essence--what was said in the above article, if you had bothered to read it--is that despite it being free, despite the base product belonging to Bethesda, that little bit of software/mod belongs to the author. NOT Bethesda. Your statement about "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it" is inaccurate and ignorant. (Lesson here: Theft is still theft even if it's free)

Also, punctuation is your friend. Learn to use it.


A faithful mod loving user who is ever so greatful for other people sharing their creativity :)
filechick wrote: I don't think I have ever seen a better example of someone making an ass out of themselves then your comments to this article (of which you clearly didn't read).
HermanMODSTER wrote: you finished with the words :
much regards to the nexus and everyone who is apart of it
next reply is your their little bitches blablabla
Let it be. We know people like you. You are easy to determine for their posts "cry" so loud even a deaf person could hear it.
Cooling fires placed in forums is much more work than try to set them. So again please let it be.

HermanMODSTER wrote: would be very happy this gets removed it is so insulting
HermanMODSTER wrote: gave kudos for caling everyone "their bitches"
misanthropic79 wrote: "As for that last line, "if you don't want people to 'steal it' don't release it, keep it to yourselves", it might be welcome for you to know about 90% of the authors on here are now seriously considering that option. Just ask around. They've had enough of it."

That would be a sad day indeed, my heart sank just reading it! Hopefully it doesn't come to that as most of us here at the Nexus are good citizens and it'd be a shame for the majority to be punished for the sins of a few. It's a knee jerk solution to a problem that happens far too often as it is.

I totally understand their frustration but there's gotta be a more reasoned solution to this, surely?
DeusCognito wrote: Amen, they've turned soooo entitled it's not even funny, but that's the common attitude in this Country, so I guess we'll get the same BS in gaming community's. Bethesda is going to get tired of this eventually and start charging subscription fees

This s#*! isn't even as close to intelligent as you like to think, completely different subjects are never comparable, as from someone who has had their mother abandon them, this is quite the smack in the face, don't type what you haven't experienced
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In response to post #39795330. #39812165, #39812470, #39812755 are all replies on the same post.

HarrisonPudding wrote: Thank you, first, for representing modders and being a voice against ridiculously unethical and outrageously inept behaviors. Thank you also for using one of my favorite words, sycophant. Bethesda's decisions to keep everything in-house brings about a sense of "we know what we're doing and no one else does" attitude. It's also clear that corporate thinking has simply overtaken quality controls. Here is my story about the real (read completely made up) inner workings of Bethesda told to me by an imaginary employee named Steve Stevenson:

Life at Bethesda
ESO was piling on MMORPG as the sun was setting for that genre, and while not a total fail, is certainly not the cash cow Jerry in Accounting claimed it would be. I mean that PowerPoint showed exponential growth through 2017 before we would have to pretend to make something then yank the plug! But now that we added new content behind more pay walls, that will totally save the franchise and the genre as a whole for at least three more months. And then half the ESO dev team was laid off but offered jobs at Geek Squad cleaning computers for senior citizen centers where they were heard to say, "No, Mrs. Hanson, that's for the toaster, not the monitor," at least seven times before her meds kicked in.

For Fallout 4 everyone sat down and the nameless VP in charge of Identity Shredding came in. He or she said that the board wanted something like Minecraft, Call of Duty, Borderlands, and with a voiced protagonist because our focus groups all want to hear themselves in the game say random crap over and over as they slowly realize the game they wanted was never there. And something something, paid modding after making no effort to embrace and learn from the community we've ignored for the better part of twenty years. Then they decided on the new TES title: Elder Scrolls VI: Defying Dipshittery, now with all the Disney Infinity characters and aliens from the sequel to Independence Day, since we inexplicably bought the rights to them and Zenimax said we better do something with them or else. Todd Howard made a hee-haw noise and farted, which meant the team would begin work immediately and signaled to adjourn the meeting respectively.

And we never wondered why things go wrong so often at Bethesda again.

The End.
HermanMODSTER wrote: Do we realy want to know what part of =studio BETH is working =responsable for what game/past or upcomming projekt?
Beth staff and Beth head must have had so totaly diffrent thoughts on games. If you think everyone blindly obeys to every fart his BOSS has or had in his bloated s.h.i.t.head then not one single big-financed game in the history of video games would have become great/fun to play.
I wonder a lot about what things exactly went wrong at Bethesda because many games published/developed by studios they own/support delighted the s.h.i.t out of me for hundrets of hours.
We should keep in mind how many good people spend hours of maybe sometimes even boring? /!bug-smashing!/ work and often get ignored by the leads. Same for gameconcept/art/look gameplay/mechanics amm. You can´t hate/kill em all.
HermanMODSTER wrote: @ HarrisonPudding
I hope you are not on the Beth/console vs PC/ any hatetrain listed above and didn´t stop reading. If yes, leave now.
HermanMODSTER wrote: Love parts of your imagination for though...
Reality for example is more like this

And thats only an ambitious attemptto to make it look like ,i don´t know ?fun?.

Once again, their game. You paid for it, and got a free tool to edit said game. More entitled BS. They know exactly what's better for Mods than this entire community seeing how they created mods in the first place. The creator always knows what's best for his product, not the people they bless with free s#*!.
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I don't care if you own a computer or a console, it's still gaming. Just don't steal other peoples hard work. Mods are basically like art. You use tools like paintbrushes and markers to create something. Same thing if you were to use a program to create something, even if it's from a triple 'A' developer. Markers and pencils are made from companies too. In the end this art form still applies to copyright laws.
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I rarely post on these kind of things but given the content of it and since part of it reflects a situation I'm close to, I felt I had to share my opinion.

First of all, I don't care whether consoles or pcs have mods. What matters is that everyone has fun and that new content keeps getting created, whether for PC or consoles.

With that out of the way, as a mod author myself, I'm quite open to let people use my mods as long as they credit it. Nexus does have several tools at my disposal which allow me to prevent mod thefts from happening in this platform. However, since we're throwing stones at other platforms for their lack of controls, we should also discuss the effectiveness of the tools available in the Nexus. As a title of example, I reported a mod (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/74108/?) over a month ago for stolen assets. The author decided to say it was his, giving permissions for everyone to use it and saying he just wanted help to texture them. As the creator of these assets, all I need is to look at their images to know they are mine, but if there any doubts to clear, the textures in the meshes available are pointing to folders created by my mod (The Uchiha Clan mod). It was the first time I had to report a mod for stolen assets and, so far, I'm not impressed... It should be noted that this file was also reported by several users of the Uchiha Clan and by Omega1084 (co-author), so it wasn't a single report but several that have gone by without any action.


Kind regards and hope this helps to create a better Nexus for everyone,


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