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On console mods, theft and Bethesda.net


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I'm sure I echo the thoughts of thousands: you run an excellent, efficient and well-regulated site. Thanks for helping to make Bethesda games all that they are.


Bethesda really ought to learn from this post and all the work you do, not least because as well as protecting modders being the decent thing, it's in their interest. Their balance sheets wouldn't be as healthy as they are without the long tails on all their moddable releases.

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I read this amazing wall of text and wow.... So much info. It almost makes me scared that by the time of the TES game Bethesda will say, "Hell no, we wont release a creation kit" because for one reason or another it becomes inconvenient for them. Now I'm not a modder by any means. I'm a gamer who started with tabletop games and made mods for that (yes really), and then went to console gaming, and I swore I would never buy a PC for gaming because "PlayStation 2 is the best system ever" and "Microsoft sucks". I'm still of the idea that Microsoft is some second rate software compared to Mac (I would take OS9 or Classic software over Windows any day). However I grew disillusioned with consoles when PlayStation 3 threw backwards compatibility out the window and Xbox did something that sounded almost like game rentals. I still love my PlayStation 2 a lot, but I'm very glad I have found PC gaming and modding, I love what the modders do, I have learned some PC smarts here, and I hope to learn to make my own mods, but currently I have more pressing matters in real life to pursue such a journey, and my computer is potato but still runs 230 mods (idk but it runs HOT)...

I hope that whatever happens Nexus, or some equivalent will always be around, it has some very nice helpful people here. God bless you the modders and moderators who make this possible, you are pillars on which games and the communities around games stand. We can all go and download skyrim and have the same copy but you allow us to make our own version of this world far beyond what Bethesda intended with excellent spells and armors, and followers. It means every one person's Skyrim is different from anyone elses. I think this will be good for console players as long as massive abuses of intellectual properties and lawyers doesn't ensue, but lawyers seem to make a mess of everything.

Once again God bless the modders and moderators who make the Nexus possible...


P.S. Yes I know I have a lot of mods to endorse.... leave me alone, I'm getting around to it, my internet is kind of potato like my computer. :tongue:

Edited by CentruionMBT24
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Bethesda's done nothing to address the issues at hand and it's only going to get worse when Skyrim remastered launches. It's like watching a hurricane coming to destroy your house and you can't do anything to stop it.
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In response to post #39832980.

marc5477 wrote: It is my understand that mods rights are owned by Bethesda, not the author, as long as the mod does not break any sort of copyright law. Are you sure you aren't getting upset over nothing?

Since you dont own your own mod, what difference does it make to you, if someone does something to it without permission? You will never make money from it and you will not get famous from it (any more, since its so easy to do compared to the old days). So whats the point?

If you want to make money from game assets then by all means sell the assets and there are many ways to do that but dont put them into someone elses game without reading the contract for doing so. If someone took one of my mods I wouldnt care one bit as long as they are not making money from my work and they are not getting famous from it. If either of those ever happen, you always have a legal recourse. The only thing I ever asked is to just give me credit somewhere in the doc that I at least exist lol.

Have the rules changed since Morrowind?

And what if they're not giving you credit when they take your work? Or, better yet, they're claiming every bit of your work for themselves, fooling people into believing that they are the ones who made it, that they're the ones who poured their hard work into it, and not you. I understand that you might not care, but there's a vast majority of people who do care about this kind of thing. People who cannot tolerate this kind of thing. For example, why would I want to continue creating my work at all if I know it's just going to get taken by someone else, that some thief out there is going to take credit for my work? I think it's enough to dissillusion some people from even modding at all in the first place
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In response to post #39832980. #40268845 is also a reply to the same post.

marc5477 wrote: It is my understand that mods rights are owned by Bethesda, not the author, as long as the mod does not break any sort of copyright law. Are you sure you aren't getting upset over nothing?

Since you dont own your own mod, what difference does it make to you, if someone does something to it without permission? You will never make money from it and you will not get famous from it (any more, since its so easy to do compared to the old days). So whats the point?

If you want to make money from game assets then by all means sell the assets and there are many ways to do that but dont put them into someone elses game without reading the contract for doing so. If someone took one of my mods I wouldnt care one bit as long as they are not making money from my work and they are not getting famous from it. If either of those ever happen, you always have a legal recourse. The only thing I ever asked is to just give me credit somewhere in the doc that I at least exist lol.

Have the rules changed since Morrowind?
Nitrate55 wrote: And what if they're not giving you credit when they take your work? Or, better yet, they're claiming every bit of your work for themselves, fooling people into believing that they are the ones who made it, that they're the ones who poured their hard work into it, and not you. I understand that you might not care, but there's a vast majority of people who do care about this kind of thing. People who cannot tolerate this kind of thing. For example, why would I want to continue creating my work at all if I know it's just going to get taken by someone else, that some thief out there is going to take credit for my work? I think it's enough to dissillusion some people from even modding at all in the first place

http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html Read this and you will see that Beth doesnt own your mods.
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In response to post #39832980. #40268845, #40275465 are all replies on the same post.

marc5477 wrote: It is my understand that mods rights are owned by Bethesda, not the author, as long as the mod does not break any sort of copyright law. Are you sure you aren't getting upset over nothing?

Since you dont own your own mod, what difference does it make to you, if someone does something to it without permission? You will never make money from it and you will not get famous from it (any more, since its so easy to do compared to the old days). So whats the point?

If you want to make money from game assets then by all means sell the assets and there are many ways to do that but dont put them into someone elses game without reading the contract for doing so. If someone took one of my mods I wouldnt care one bit as long as they are not making money from my work and they are not getting famous from it. If either of those ever happen, you always have a legal recourse. The only thing I ever asked is to just give me credit somewhere in the doc that I at least exist lol.

Have the rules changed since Morrowind?
Nitrate55 wrote: And what if they're not giving you credit when they take your work? Or, better yet, they're claiming every bit of your work for themselves, fooling people into believing that they are the ones who made it, that they're the ones who poured their hard work into it, and not you. I understand that you might not care, but there's a vast majority of people who do care about this kind of thing. People who cannot tolerate this kind of thing. For example, why would I want to continue creating my work at all if I know it's just going to get taken by someone else, that some thief out there is going to take credit for my work? I think it's enough to dissillusion some people from even modding at all in the first place
Solongchu wrote: http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.html Read this and you will see that Beth doesnt own your mods.

Well modding would fall under derivative works, so yeah Bethesda owns your mods.
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