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Skyrim gender poll



235 members have voted

  1. 1. Character gender in Oblivion

    • I play as a female
    • I play as a male
    • I mostly play as a female
    • I mostly play as a male
    • Both genders
    • I don't play Oblivion
  2. 2. Character gender in Skryim

    • I play as a female
    • I play as a male
    • I mostly play as a female
    • I mostly play as a male
    • Both genders
    • I don't play Skryim
  3. 3. Why do you play as a male in Skyrim and not as a female?(I'm just curious)

    • Becouse of the location/weather/climate(snow, mountains, cold)
    • Becouse Skyrim looks more dangerous
    • It feels like the right thing to do
    • I always played as a male, no other reason
    • I wanted something different this time
    • I don't

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I always end up playing a female character in any game where character customization is an option because no matter how long I spend tweaking a male character, I'm never satisfied with how the male character looks, but it's easy to be satisfied with how a female looks.


For a similar reason, in my game development attempts, most of the important characters in the game including the main character are female because I cannot get myself to spend hours upon hours sketching and modelling a cool male character, but I can easily do that for a female character.


One of the short stories I wrote in my first year at my first university for a competition landed something like 3rd place, and it was a reverse-chronological story about a character committing suicide to prevent the spread of a disease, and when people asked me about it, the most common question was "If you're a straight male, why is the main character a female?", to which I had to explain "The character was originally male but I was never satisfied with how the character turned out, so I rewrote the story for a female character and it worked out".


As for immersion, I have no trouble becoming immersed in a game even though the character does not resemble me. However, I'm used to writing, where I must enter the head of someone in a completely different world and consider every character's point of view or the dialogue will look forced and suspension of disbelief will break down.


There's a citation mine for psychologists somewhere in here.

Edited by Leopardson2
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I'm making this poll to compare if anything has changed since Oblivion, considering how different these games are. Oblivion with it's fancy green world and blue sky, while Skyrim is quite the opposite. So I'm thinking if Oblivion inspired people to play as a female(you know, long walks on Anvil's beautiful beach, beautiful green forrests, tons of female mods, etc.), mayby Skyrim will have a different kind of influence. It looks a lot more rough than Oblivion, not to mention way more dangerous. So, go ahead and vote and let's see what results we come up with. http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif

in general it doesn't matter game wise except if you are using mods

andf the fact that most of us are male we sometimes like to play with something that looks so much better and if i may say so sexier than some unwashed dude with a beard even tho they are only pixels

i would be worried if it was the other way round

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Considering that I'll spend hours and hours staring at the back of this character, I just prefer to be staring at a female body than a male. Also, Im already a large bearded man so playing that would be not very fantastical to me. Pretty simple!


P.S. I did make a male character to play an Aesir cause Omesean's mod was pretty flippin awesome.



Edited by Descivii
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In many games - as in Morrowind and Oblivion, but also in SWtoR or STO - I play as a female, although I'd prefer to have male characters (to identify with that char). The reason I use females is simple: in most games you can see that the developers liked to create the females much more than they did with males. Oblivion is the best example for that. Have a look at the males - just the visuals, the movement, the strange noise they make when they jump - all this makes the males look like ogers, maybe something made by Dr. Frankenstein (those "beards", oh God!). Whereas the females always look, move and sound much more realistic.


That this is not just my personal impression but at least in some games fact can be seen in Gothic 3. One of the devs once said in an interview that he like creating the female NPCs much more than male ones which could clearly be seen in the game. And you can see that in the mods for the TES games, too. How many fantastic female replacers (nude and non-nude) are there around? Uncountable. And what about the males? Just a few, which are IMO mostly far away from the quality of the female ones.


Skyrim is IMO the first game that I own which has convincing males. So I was glad to be able to use a male char without getting eye-cancer. Ok, my first char was female because I thought it's like before in Oblivion, but from my second char on until today I always used male characters.



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