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Crafting armor and weapons has killed the game for me!!


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Can we still make our own spells like in morrowind? if not that's lame and I wanna see a mod for it! and also the whole crafting system pickaxes and stuff is copied right from Nehrim (Oblivion mod) Nice going Bethesda!


I do not believe that you can make your own spells in the game. Then again I might be wrong there. As far as I know, Todd has only said that finding, or buying, spell tomes is a way that you can learn new spells. It wouldn't hurt to google it though.

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I hate to break it to folks, but if you approach a single player game with intent to game the system in order to get the most power as quickly as possible then, yes, you may become over powered and yes, you might well break the balance of the game. The game allows for a great many different styles of play, but if your style is to ramraid your way to the most powerful equipment in just a few hours, well, you've only got yourself to blame if the game is less fun as a result.


A game like Skyrim, which offers all sorts of freedom, is not going to be very difficult to 'beat'. But beating a game isn't always the most fun way to play it.


That said I do think that the blacksmithing system, while fine for that exploratory first play through, is in need of work. It feels like something out of an MMO at the moment, because it's in effect a money sink. Really you should be making money as a blacksmith, not losing it. There's something fundamentally out of whack with that dynamic.


The game also misses item condition levels. I didn't miss them at first, but I think as you go through the game having invincible equipment does affect the long term balance of items.

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For anyone thinking it breaks the game. Try facing level 30 ice and shock mages. You'll be surprised how hard it is to survive even with "legendary" armor. Ice draining your stamina and forcing you to walk, while lighting drains your magic... On master you'll quickly find yourself desperate to survive.


After numerous threads of complaints, of either too easy or too hard. I've gone into locations that I found hard on adept, changed the difficulty to novice then to master, finding it hard on novice and down right masochistic on master. The difficulty setting is there for that reason. To tailor to what you want. Those who complain aren't playing the game long enough to understand how hard it can be.


Yes there are balance issues. Dragons are too easy. Giants are too easy... But when you face 5 Draugr, with one of them casting shouts on you, tossing you into a corner where they beat you senseless, trying to get to your feet. You'll understand how hard the game can be.

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Can we still make our own spells like in morrowind? if not that's lame and I wanna see a mod for it! and also the whole crafting system pickaxes and stuff is copied right from Nehrim (Oblivion mod) Nice going Bethesda!

Wait, are you being sarcastic towards Bethesda, or are you saying nice going Bethesda genuinely?

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I hate to break it to folks, but if you approach a single player game with intent to game the system in order to get the most power as quickly as possible then, yes, you may become over powered and yes, you might well break the balance of the game. The game allows for a great many different styles of play, but if your style is to ramraid your way to the most powerful equipment in just a few hours, well, you've only got yourself to blame if the game is less fun as a result.

I don't think I could have said it better myself. For all you whiners, read this a dozen times so that you understand whose fault it really is. :P

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They just shouldn't allow you to buy ingots of higher level items. It doesn't make sense that a lowly blacksmith in Whiterun has Dwarven Metal Ingot. And if you can get that by going into a mine then you deserve that power. Other than that it's very fun; smithing stuff and looking for ore. It's my favourite activity so far.


BTW I still use my Epic Steel Armor lol

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after many hours of smithing Ive just made my first dragon armour ,it took ages to find all the materials and build up my perks to get to the point of making it, so i would`nt say it was a waste of time, i enjoyed doing it lol, Ive been working with all kind of metals all my [real]life both in foundries and blacksmiths so i found it really enjoyable lol


you can make the ebony sword and other stuff

Edited by tyson277
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In every Elder Scrolls there are "loopholes" you can abuse to become invincable.


In Morrowind and Oblivion you could mix spells to do insane amounts of dmg/stun etc all in one shot, or you could become 100% stealthed 100% of the time (100% chameleon :D ) Its always up to the user to decide what makes sense.


Making "uber" armor doesn't seem quite as broken, its just a way to balance the game really, your combat prowess will probably be sucking if you powerleveled your smithing as you're several levels higher than your combat skills can support, which is why your armor/weapons make up for the difference. Later on the game will be harder once more.


Also did you put the best possible enhancements on your gear? I doubt it, as powerlevelling enchanting isn't quite as easy, also that would be a ton of perks you don't have for combat :O


Or you cheated your way to those perks, then you have no reason to complain anyway.

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