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Nexus Mod Manager focus group needs more help


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In response to post #39897550. #39898470 is also a reply to the same post.

VIitS wrote: I assume trying someone's profile would queue up a list of downloads based on the active mods (excluding any the new user already has downloaded), and then queue an installation of all the mods in question?

If so, is there a way to handle merged patches/altered esps? The first thing I do when installing a new mod is check for incompatibilities, and hand-merge any changes (and I have merged a good number of smaller mods as well, to reduce load order bloat from mods making a handful of simple changes). So if someone tried to use my profile, half the mods wouldn't work due to conflicts, and they might even hit the 255 plugin cap.
shadowslasher410 wrote: Merged plugins is another thing to think about. Hmm... seems like this is going to be a lot more complex then it appears on the surface.

Would be nice to see the footprint made smaller. 90gig of downloaded mods = 180gig of space or slightly more, that NMM uses. Sadly no idea how best to accomplish that.
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I haven't used NMM in a while, so I just want to find out a bit of info instead of jumping blindly into using it once again.


How does NMM in its upcoming state compare with Mod Organizer 2?


Can the actual Fallout 4 Data folder be avoided for mod usage?

Can a mod (not a plugin) be rearranged to change how things are overwritten?

The inability to change how things are overwritten and needing to fully reinstall a mod just to do that in NMM was a huge con back from when I used it last.

Is there something similar to MO's Overwrite folder? The Overwrite folder is is very useful for merged plugins and works very nicely with xEdit.


Things like that are what made me switch over to MO a while ago, so I just want to know how NMM has evolved in that time since and for what would be planned for its future.

Edited by Sean39
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In response to post #39896255. #39896665, #39896755, #39897085, #39897480 are all replies on the same post.

DOOMBASED wrote: I think one thing that needs attention is the Virtual Install feature. That really turned me away from NMM, because it seems that it doubles the amount of space that mods use by creating the Virtual Install folders, unless I am doing something wrong... SSD space aint cheap.
Dreamable wrote: What does the virtual install thing do again?
insaneplumber wrote: @DOOMBASED
The same here.

@NMM Developers
Just add an option to disable "Virtual Feature"
Dark0ne wrote: Probably need to educate our users more within the program and write things better.

That "doubled" space is actually non-existent. It's an anomaly with how Windows handles shortcuts. All I can tell you is; the space isn't actually doubled. For example. If you had 10GB of mods, due to the way Windows handles things, it'll say your mod folder is using 20GB, when in reality it's only using 10GB. And that 10GB isn't lost in your hard-drive/unusable by Windows.
DOOMBASED wrote: Okay, thanks for the reply and for the clarification. I'll have to take a look again once the new update is up.

Any estimation on when a option to disable the Virtual Install feature?

I, personally, have no need for the feature as I prefer the standard install method. Stopped playing Skyrim for the time being because of issues cropping up when using said feature.
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I assume trying someone's profile would queue up a list of downloads based on the active mods (excluding any the new user already has downloaded), and then queue an installation of all the mods in question?


If so, is there a way to handle merged patches/altered esps? The first thing I do when installing a new mod is check for incompatibilities, and hand-merge any changes (and I have merged a good number of smaller mods as well, to reduce load order bloat from mods making a handful of simple changes). So if someone tried to use my profile, half the mods wouldn't work due to conflicts, and they might even hit the 255 plugin cap.


It can't handle modified mods when sharing or backung-up a profile.

When you download a profile it will check the mods you have and will download from Nexus the ones that are missing.

If a mod is not on Nexus you can download it and add it to NMM yourself. NMM will recognize the archive file name and will use the mod as part of the profile.

But the profile sharing and backup is all about the meta data about the mods - what is installed, activated, in what order. It is not about the files themselves. You are not going to be sharing fles with the people you share profiles with.

If you want to use the backup feature you will need to pack the changed files in a custom "mod" and install it via NMM so it will able to work with it in the future.

Not sure if I managed to explain exactly.

P.S. I'm part of the test group and I've been using the future version for some time now.

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In response to post #39898910.

DDProductions83 wrote: Do you want very blunt honest feedback with copious amounts of language and a extra heaping of rage hate and 13 year old virgin tears? Then count on this guy!!!!!

Hell yes they want that!!! Hey DD, I think with all the features being added in you would be the bestest tester out their, LOL. Wait?! your still a virgin!? Can I haz cookie plz now, prt xbox now. Can u make for me plz, I want, and need...*shut up f*ck-tard!!*. LOL
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I really love the idea of snap-shots. I've been giving NMM a nervous breakdown with all my texture swaps and drops while I'm editing them. The virtual install and I are clearly working at odds with each other and by the time I've scrambled things up, trying to switch profiles from my clean game to my game that I want to play just makes such a mess that I've given up on actually playing.


I'm no use for anything technical, but I can certainly stress-test the thing if that's something you're looking for :)

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Will profile sharing have its own section of the site or will that be clogging up the recent files with BodySlide presets and the like? I hope it will have its own section because I reckon it could cause so many hidden gems to not get the recognition they deserve by pushing them back a page or two.
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I seriously hope this upcoming update won't be a radical one like the disastrous 0.60 update was. A lot of modders, including the SOT (Sands of Time) Team, lost their entire modded Skyrim setup due to the aforementioned radical update. I really don't want to have to play Russian Roulette with future NMM updates.
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