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Skyrim- Werewolf: The Dark Ages Mod


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Ok, just thought I would drop in an update.


I am going to be setting up a project forum today for this once I figure out a decent site to set one up at. Once we have a project forum we can start to figure out what we can get done early and what will need the SDK.





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Ok, just thought I would drop in an update.


I am going to be setting up a project forum today for this once I figure out a decent site to set one up at. Once we have a project forum we can start to figure out what we can get done early and what will need the SDK.






Well there are currently two sites that I know of. The first is Sourceforge. It has a large unlimited amount of storage space with customizable forums, blogs, download section, etc. The downside is that you really have to stay on top of everything and know exactly what you're doing. The second is ultiman666's new website. It really doesn't have many features, but it is a lot more user friendly. I myself am hosting my mod on Sourceforge for my mod's team.

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+The Elders looking different would add fidelity and realism, and would warn you off attacking them.

+Jump I feel should be improved, at least in wolf form so you can really stalk your prey, even accross rooftops (might be a good idea for a quest or two)

+Similarly sneaking should be improved if only for -Shdow Lords- and -Silent Striders-

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TFSakon, you are thinking along the right lines.


Elders will look different in gear at the VERY least.

Jump needs reworking for Lupus, Hispo, Crinos and Glabro

and Stealth will be important to some tribes, moreso than others.



Will check out Sourceforge and Ultiman666's sites tomorrow, if not I will grab up a domain and set up something basic myself.






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Glad youre working on this, I had thought about adding a werewolf perk tree, so you can improve your werewolf. Right now its not worth going Werewolf outside of the disease resistance, because you are going to die with the crappy health regen, no armor, and low damage once you get 25/30+ in game. Its not even viable to use if youre not a pure health character, as the hps you get evaporate so fast if youre a mage. Even so, Werewolf seems like a great idea but is poorly implemented.
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true I dont know what bethesda is thinking but they ALWAYS have awesome ideas but they implement them like retarded asses (like dual blades fighting awesome idea!--but what comabt animations do we get?--retarded monkeys fending of flies with sticks animations! )


anyways this mod sounds friggin awesome! *.*


would be great if you could add some reactions of normal npc's guards etc to the whole werewolve thing

i love it when npcs react to what i have achieved or done ..it makes the game feel more real

stuff like guards sometimes saying that werewolves of one of your modded tribes where sighted here and there etc. would be great


either way cant wait for it !

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