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Skyrim Complaints


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UI...thank you for letting me fight not only dragons/trolls/other vermin, but the ui too. :wallbash:


Character creation...instead of letting me choose what color my cheeks, lower cheeks, jaw,nose,forehead will be...they could have made all these options to change the appearance (one of the biggest dissapointments for me after the ui).


AI...no comment.


Skills unbalance..as many already said.


I have to say though...this game is absolutely awesome...even with these annoyances i have a blast playing it..im at a point where i got bad eye strain...playing 16 hours every day is no joke! :devil:

Edited by pavy
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You do realize that Bethesda is INCREDIBLY AWFUL AT CODING AI.


Many things come off short becouse the world is just gargantuan...i think this is more of a time problem, then being bad at coding AI...there is just too many things happening...they would probably need like another 2-3 years to make everything in the game finished i think...so they just cut off many things...was the same with oblivion.

Edited by pavy
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What exactly is so terrible about the UI? The only issues I have found are a minor bug with the selected item changing after doing something like storing or eating an item and the dualwield issue mentioned below, but other than that(which I hope will be fixed, by them or modders) I've found the UI an improvement over all the UIs in their other games. Edited by Trey5511
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First off, hot keys they do not work for dual weapons. Neither does favorites, I have to have 2 seperate weapon names to be able to dual weild them.


Then there is the lack of polearms, the first weapon ever invented in the history of every part of the world, is the spear. Why are there no spears?


Then theres the lack of a need to eat, drink, or sleep. I would like to have this option as it adds more depth. As well as bandaging, I want to have to treat my claw wounds on my arm to stop from bleeding to death.


Finally, and the biggest problem, The AI. Mages charge in close for no reason. Enemies attack companions literally exposing their backs to you just begging for an axe. Wolves do not act like wolves at all but rather charge at you like a child into you're arms. I want to see basic tactics, flanks, and feints. Goading for the humanoids as well. Lets see some really basic concepts incorporated to make enemies fight smarter, not harder.

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skyrim seems very dumbed down and limited,not to mention very short questlines i found the main quest very short and uninteresting .the dark brotherhood seemed like it was 2 quests with some random kills thrown in.the UI is horrible and the map is terrible,the snow gets old quick,you level up way to fast,can't make spells anymore and i miss the major and miner skills classes birthsigns etc. cause you could make straight wizards thieves assassins etc. right from the start and that made making new characters fun and challenging.with skyrim there seems to be no point in making new characters.it just feels like the same character over and over cause most of the customization is gone.
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it just feels like the same character over and over cause most of the customization is gone.

That made my laugh.


What's funny about it? He's right. On the surface, Skyrim may seem to have deep character development, but deep is a point of view. Even though it still probably beats most other games in the genre, when compared to previous games in the ES series, character development in Skyrim is lacking. In Morrowind I could have an acrobatic-type character who specialized in Mysticism and hand-to-hand, for example. Not that you would, but you could. Good luck with that in Skyrim. The point is, that was there if you wanted to do it. One could be very specific in the types of characters they could create.


No one who has played the earlier ES games can honestly say with a straight face that the character development in Skyrim is anything even approaching complex or unique, comparatively to what was available to us before it.

Edited by Karasuman
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