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Boycott Beth.net


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Yea you want to. From the very start this post is meant to try and convince others that your views are the correct ones and not anyone else's. Otherwise you'd have kept your mouth shut and your fingers away from the keyboard.

That isn't true. I am adding my influence. Nothing more. If, throughout history, no one ever stood up and opposed anything, we would be living in an even worse Hell than we currently do... This is not nearly on the same scale, or as melodramatic, but the same principle applies.

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Nor would I WANT to decide for others. But I will still stand for what I believe is right. The authors can and will do as they please. I just hope they have the hobby's best interests at heart instead of being willing to let it be damaged by Bethesda in order to seek potential fame and fortune.


Well, you're certainly free to express your opinion. Just don't be surprised when other people disagree or disapprove of how you choose to express it.


Best of luck with your crusade. I should get back to actually doing some modding and get started on that whole fame and fortune thing.

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Nor would I WANT to decide for others. But I will still stand for what I believe is right. The authors can and will do as they please. I just hope they have the hobby's best interests at heart instead of being willing to let it be damaged by Bethesda in order to seek potential fame and fortune.


Well, you're certainly free to express your opinion. Just don't be surprised when other people disagree or disapprove of how you choose to express it.


Best of luck with your crusade. I should get back to actually doing some modding and get started on that whole fame and fortune thing.


Thank you :smile: You've been living up to your username, at least in part, in your posts.

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I have thumb ache from scrolling through these pages! (Mobile nexus).


My intentions are as someone who posted back on page 3:


To post Pc mods here and console mods there. Personally, I'm enjoying spreading the joy to people, whether they be Pc or console users,because ultimately that's what it is all about... sharing.


I'm fairly certain that a lot of mod authors feel as I do, and if that is the case... The nexus is going nowhere :)

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To post Pc mods here and console mods there.

I think that would be perfect. Console mods on beth.net and PC mods on the Nexus.


Charge only for console mods if Bethesda want it that bad. Console owners are used to paying for skins and garbage anyway.


The only issue is the beth.net thing being pushed onto PC too. Disabling achievements and having the 'mods' section on the main menu of their games... Not to mention the eventual mandatory beth.net sign ups I figure will come to pass. You already apparently need to sign up to get access to the CK in FO4 and to play MP in DOOM.





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Beth.net is not being pushed upon anyone,you still have the freedom of choice whether to use it or not as well as the freedom of choice whether to buy Bethesedas games or not.

Maybe if you feel that strongly maybe you should exercise that freedom of choice.

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Is beth.net just causing issues in our community so far?

No. Jackass cynical users who like to troll and cause trouble are doing that.


This is why I have an issue with bethesda.net and why you should too.

I think you need to lay off the Jet or something.


There's no need to resort to insults. You disagree with me, fine. But don't be that person. Being a potential sellout is bad enough.


Says the guy who threw the actual insult by calling anyone who disagrees with you a sell out.

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To post Pc mods here and console mods there.

I think that would be perfect. Console mods on beth.net and PC mods on the Nexus.


Charge only for console mods if Bethesda want it that bad. Console owners are used to paying for skins and garbage anyway.


The only issue is the beth.net thing being pushed onto PC too. Disabling achievements and having the 'mods' section on the main menu of their games... Not to mention the eventual mandatory beth.net sign ups I figure will come to pass. You already apparently need to sign up to get access to the CK in FO4 and to play MP in DOOM.






Disabled achievements for mods is the right thing to do.

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This shouldn't even be a thing. Thoughts on the general conversation:


Console mods is a good thing. Larger audience, more exposure. More technically innovative! Cross-platform mods, come on! That is pretty neat.

There is no reason to hate on Bethesda dot net apart from PC elitism.


Donating does not make you a better person. It makes you a person who gave someone money for something that was free. Telling someone you donated to them, or complaining about your donations being unnoticed, is very George Costanza/Larry David. Don't be like George Costanza.


'Community' is nice but it doesn't help you pay your rent.

I spent most of my adolescence learning how to use Oblivion Construction Set because I wanted to, because I enjoyed the challenge and I enjoyed customizing my own game. I started putting things up here on Nexus recently because perhaps others will like it, too. Why not? But if I can make money off it? Great, another source of income. It takes up enough time to be considered a part-time job.


If you want a mod that the author charges for, but don't want to pay, go and make it yourself. We are all using Bethesda's tools and assets anyway, so insulting and griping doesn't make sense.


Their release games aren't ever "Unplayable." They have bugs, yes, many of them. What doesn't? Software is not a product, it is a process. It's like some of you guys have this juvenile understanding of what companies do. Despite all this touting of "Free market capitolism." "Boycotting" especially just sounds like some kind of child-like pouting.


Games are software, and software is a thing that is bought and sold. If it wasn't I and many more would be out of a job. People charge for aftermarket car parts, why not game mods? So on.


Lastly, Nexus is not under any threat from Bethesda. Many people don't seem to grasp the 'Nexus' is a COLLECTION of mod-hosting sites for a grouping of games by different manufacturers. Bethesda games are a small amount of these other games.

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