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Lydia's Famous Disappearing Act.


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I was doing part of the College of Winterhold quest, and a fight, and Lydia had disappeared by the end of the fight. I cant find a corpse or anything, and she had some valuables in her inventory, so this is a big thing.


Not being very specific due to no spoilers allowed. Thanks for the help, and workarounds are welcome.

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Lydia is known to have relationships with elks, it's not at all uncommon for her to disappear, sometimes even during fights. I'm sure she will come back later to notify you there's a cave wondering what's in there.
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It happens. Wait an hour and she'll probably come back. If she doesn't, leave the zone and then wait an hour if you have to. If she still doesn't, fast travel. If at that point she is still gone, go back to where she was last seen and look for her. Or get her RefID and move to her with console commands.
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We were visiting some folks who were friendly and chatty up to a point, then demanded we leave. I did. Lydia didn't. She stayed overnight with them. I was worried sick. Next morning, I went back to their place for her, and made sure she followed me out this time.
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In my case, she died during a random dragon fight at the college. Without me noticing. And I only noticed after all my auto/quicksave slots were already overwritten and my last real savegame was... a 'few' hours back.


Her naked corpse is still near the college entrance.


Do follower corpses not despawn ever?

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2 things.. First reload a save where Lydia is still with you.. secondly if u don't want to load then just get on with it and find another mule to carry ur valuables :)


I got Lydia recently, but cannot get her to carry or trade items for/with me. Is this a time factor like gaining her trust?

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I swooped in and saved her from your horrible clutches like Superman! How dare you make her carry such atrocious weight like she is some sort of house carl or something! Pfft,....here honey hold this.
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