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Most adrenaline packed combat...


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From trolls to dragons to mudcrabs to bandits to mages... but nothing gets my heart racing faster then attacking mammoths! Trying to get off that last shot in time as this towering monstrocity charges towards you, jumping over rocks, rivers, trying to escape, the whole screen shaking! Heh, not to mention getting cornered by a giant, who kills you in one-hit and sends you to heaven - literally.
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Dragons. I don't know how people think they're easy, those are the only things I have trouble taking down; everything else is just "Oh, you're a bad guy? Dead."


edit: Also bears. Screw those things, they hit way too hard! I freak out every time they get close to me T.T

Edited by vertex23
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mammoths and giants are scary.


also, i'm finding playing with a two-handed weapon to be the most fun. the fact that they swing slow adds a lot of skill to things because you need to predict movement, and start the swing before you get to the enemy. plus the aoe sweep attack is fun, and there's a knack to not annhilating your own companion with it.

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During the main quest I once faced a dragon and 10+ Forsworns at the same time at master difficulty. EPIC battle. Incredible hard, but lots of fun and incredible to win stuff like that against all the odds. Edited by Ceryury
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I had a great fight with the first Ice dragon. They are pretty good at the start if youre just playing the adventure out without gamey behaviors and dont use super cheesy tactics of getting the dragon stuck or hiding behind something and killing it with arrows for half an hour, and crap like that - then complaining how the fights are crappy.


Or doing dungeons for two days straight then going online and complaining how they are all the same :P







I went to a forest near some tomb of a female old nord (Grunhilda or something :P) because i left an unopened chest nearby because i broke all my locks. There is a waterfall near with a huge tree fallen across the cliffs to the other side, i tink everyone knows the locale.


I bent down and start picking the lock, i hear something but think... nah.. its just some wind... but, hey... it seems as if its getting louder... and a dragon lands right behind me on the small clearing, shaking the earth so bad i dropped all my lock picks :P


I manage to turn and look right into its maw getting ready to blast me from few meters away.


I was like "Shiiiiit!" the world went ROOOAAARRRR white.

The picture in front of my Khajjit feline eyes went black.


Somehow i managed to quickly step around the chest and some sort of rock or a tree stump behind it and crouch, blind, just in time not to die.


I peak above the edge of the small shelter right into the evil eye of the beast, then leg it in a wild sprint, into the trees and back towards the tomb of... Grunhilda... or whoever.

Instead of another blast of ice flame into my back i only heare two-three fast booms of wings. Dragon jumped into the air again.


I zig-zagg from tree to tree then sprint across the clearing hearing it coming from somewhere above me.


I skid around the wall and into the cover of the tomb entrance.

Outside a blast of dragon fire hits the side of the tomb entrance and roars past.


"Right...right!" i think "Its now or never, lets see if i can surprise it with a rush and dealing some quick damage with sword and shield! ha, ha... lets test it!"

I hastily grab and drink a few stamina, health and health increase regen potions i had, pull out sword and secure a shield on my other hand.



I hear wings flapping in that particular way when it wants to land, those few loud beatings of air before it lands.


Ground and the whole tomb on it shake.


I invoke the secret rune of F5, duck my head into my shoulders, ready the shield and charge around the corner going "yaaaahhh...!"

To run into the Dragon dead on the ground, already starting to burn. It looked as if he died the instant it touched the ground, as if the contact killed him :P


I stand there confused looking suspiciously at my sword as the beast soul burns into me.

I collect some dragon loot of bones, scales but i leave the armor of some unfortunate sod inside...

"That was easier then i expected heh ... okeeey...well then... ill just go and get that chest now..."


I make two steps to hear a roar above. A second Ice dragon.


I run to the chest thinking i can quickly open it...

A huge silvery dragon comes down right in front of me, wings outstretched and blasts two thirds of my life away as i try to huddle behind the chest itself.


It lifts up, then lands behind me and the only cover is the stump of the tree laying across the cliffs of the waterfall.


I practically teleport behind it.

I barely have the time to chug two health potions when the next blast comes.

The stump holds and when the roar of white noise ends i find myself with almost two thirds of my life. I realize my limbs feel very energetic too.


Im over half way over the tree yelling "surpriiisee!" when the next blast of white iceflame comes after me.

Im faster. I manage to reflect on sudden lack of fear of heights.

An angry roar and flapping of huge wings come after me.


Quickly darting from one to another. Legs pumping faithfully. Zig zagg! Down the rocks, sudden random changes of direction! Jump, sprint!

Breathe, breathe... watch your stamina... you know its going to land somewhere.


Angry loud roars rip the trees above me.

Wind buffets me and the whole forest shakes right behind me.


I skid, change direction, the blast catches me still and follows for a second as i dive behind a big tree then jump down some rocks and onward


"chug, chug!" - last health potions disappear,

My hands fumbles in the empty pouch on my waist, no more stamina potions either!

Careful now....



Wings flap and roaring buffet the forest as the Dragon takes off into the air again, somewhere behind me.


I run.


"f*** me...."


Jump down the rocks, swivel to the right, over the forest path, deeper into the trees, watch your stamina.... small sprints, remember - no rythm, no rythm!

-always heading downhill, towards small valley below and that fort i saw in the distance.


The wings seem to buffet the air above the tree tops everywhere i go.

I can look left and right quickly but raising my head up is proving to be difficult.

It feels as if my head is stuck down between my shoulders by roars of anger harrying me from the air.


So I run with my head down, only trying to guess where monster is just by sound of its wings and buffeted air...


It crashes behind me. (invoke F9!)





For a moment it feels as if i was watching the world through some sort of magical mirror... or some sort of a screen... that someone took in its hands and then shook wildly....

The blast catches me full in the back. (invoke F9...)

But then i fall down some steep rocks and through the trees, bounce and fall and jump back up to my feet, running all the time.

I see the fort in the distance and decide this is the moment ive been saving my stamina for.



The black mages at the fort must have heard the angry roaring before they saw me.

I wonder what they thought at seeing some crazy character bursting out of the forest running straight towards them leaving bright "Fuuuuuuuuuck ..meeeeee......!" letters behind him in the air.


They tried to stop me, they started yelling something about not getting any closer.



I ran past the first mage and duck under the vault of the entrance to the fort.




The fireworks were nice to watch from the cover.


Sometime later i peaked around the corner. Six or seven mages were lying dead around the scorched and bloody beast n the middle of courtyard.

It managed to seriously wound the last mage with its last bite, then die.


He was crawling away from the Dragon, crying for help, as i stepped closer to review the carnage.

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Lol nice story, 2+ dragons is pretty epic. The worst is indeed frost dragons though in my opinion. I rely a lot on stamina and when I can't shield bash them, I'm stuck behind my shield hoping the -50% elemental damage perk saves me as my health decreases and decreases!!!


As for a dragon + army of forsworn, haha great times! Utter chaos!


With dragons though I guess the reason I also found it easier then others is that I can heal everytime they fly off for a while. Shock mages, ice mages, frost dragons, though... darn! But I guess I still like the giants/mammoths for the fear factor - one/two hit kills if you get close, the ground shaking and all that. 3 mammoths and 2 giants, and my companion still trying to charge in lol, distracts them for a few seconds each time.


On par though was that blood dragon attacking riverwood, and me trying to keep the idiot blacksmith alive while fighting the dragon jumping from building to building. lol

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Now that my first playthrough is around level 50, it'd have to be going on werewolf rampages. Can't heal without killing humans, and that doesn't heal very much. It can be easy, but high level archers can mess you up quick, along with some mages that machinegun their spells.


Only one time I was pumped for a dragon fight besides the main one, and that was my first Blood Dragon that I was trying to avoid (after it'd already killed me once). Killed an outdoor quest mob, and as soon as I went to bring up the map for auto-travel, the dragon lands on the mob's body.

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Honestly, I find the first battles (below level 10) to be the most visceral and realistic, at least for both a lightly armored thief and an unarmored mage. A blast of fire or a couple well-placed arrows will take down a bandit, but a blow or two from a bandit's battle-axe and I'm dead. Feels much better than any of the level-30 battles, which for a thief consists of either exploiting the bad AI to get endless sneak attacks or having to hit an opponent ~30 times before he'll die, and for a mage usually consists of alternating between throwing a few powerful spells then turning invisible or taking magicka potions, because again the enemies have bajillions of health to get through. Only warriors feel ok at around level 30...
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