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Did you kill Paarthurnax?


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No. I had my fill of the Blades back in Oblivion (Did there dirty work, saved the world, got a set of there armor and that was it) so there's no resin for me to help those losers a second time. Whats more, what right do two outlaw Talos worshipers. That would be arrested and executed if the law ever found out who they really were have to judge the one that originally helped humanity brake free from Alduin's tyranny? Also even tho Parthuurnax said not to trust a dragon I have yet to have a dragon back stab me, where as I have lost track of all the people that have back stabbed me.
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No, I spared him. If anyone can bring peace between the Dovah and the other races it is Paarthurnax. To kill him would remove that last chance and make another Dragon War a certainty. My character fought Alduin to save everyone, dragons included. I'm not going to start killing dragons just because they are dragons.


Besides, I admire him as a character for trying to overcome his own nature and do the right thing.



Not only that, but who would really side with Ming the Merciless over the Duke of Wellington?

Edited by Tundrastrider
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I am not really following the MQ lately as my current character is not dragonborn.

But I'd say it depends on point of view, tried both paths, but I usually stick to the Greybeards so nope paathy lives :biggrin:

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  • 4 months later...

So I was this Nord chap who's Dragonborn.


I go talk to Paarthurnax. Nicest NPC in the whole game - just about EVERY other NPC, barring a few, are bloody douchebags. And he gives nice sound advice, talks philosophy some real world jokers could learn from, and (don't laugh) he's cute. Don't ask me WHY, I just think he is.


So I join the Empire. Since in Head Cannon, my NPC is the descendant of the Champion of Cyrodiil. Plus, the Empire is nice - reasonable, cold-headed, practical, efficient. Better than those racist Stormcloak pigs and that idiot Ulfric (Talos worship for everyone? Thanks but no thanks - I worship Akatosh, the patron of the Empire. So F U Ulfric - it's because of YOU that I almost got my head blown off!!). Besides, Balgruuf supports the Empire. And he was the first to make me Thane and give me a house when I had to sleep in that damned skeeverhole of an inn called the Bannered Mare. You don't betray your host - that's an unforgivable sin.


Point of that side note was that I didn't do Season Unending. Did it on another character. And that's when I really began to hate that Blades bullshit. Rude, arrogant, old f@&#!ts insulting the most powerful (and also some of the wisest) people in Tamriel because "We gotta kill everything that has scales and/or is a High Elf".


So I go and do the Main Quest. Kick Alduin's scaly ass. Yay!


And at the end of it, the Blades (who, those losers who couldn't prevent the assassination of Uriel Septim VII during the Oblivion Crisis?) who are now nothing but a bunch of old racist, bigoted, hate-frenzied, high-elf-hating, stick-up-their-ass hypocritical jerks - and who have done ZERO in helping me kill Alduin except to read a bunch of stupid hieroglyphs on a rotten Akaviri wall (the same Akaviri, who invaded Tamriel and who, by all accounts were the queen bitches of Nirn - and from whom the Blades PROUDLY claim descent) - come and tell me "Kill Paarthurnax, since he's a dragon."


Now I'm no saint, but I need a better reason than "OMG It Has Scales" to go kill something.


So when they said that, I was like - "Riiiiiiiight. Good luck with that." Immediately afterwards, I used setessential <insert_delphines_code_here> 0 and setessential <insert_esberns_code_here> 0 and Fus-Ro-Dah-ed them off Sky Haven Temple.


End of Story.


And those killing Paarthurnax - man, you must be a bunch of cold fishes to kill off a nice old dude who's done nothing but help you, just because of the sentiment of "OMG It Has Scales".


No offence to anyone, just my two septims on it. :D

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I would never ever kill this mighty sapient reptile.


So when they said that, I was like - "Riiiiiiiight. Good luck with that." Immediately afterwards, I used setessential <insert_delphines_code_here> 0 and setessential <insert_esberns_code_here> 0 and Fus-Ro-Dah-ed them off Sky Haven Temple.


End of Story.


And those killing Paarthurnax - man, you must be a bunch of cold fishes to kill off a nice old dude who's done nothing but help you, just because of the sentiment of "OMG It Has Scales".


No offence to anyone, just my two septims on it. :biggrin:

Haha I laughed my ass of now.

And why the hell are Mainquest chars not killable at all? Like it was in Morrowind, Oh man I hate most of the time the main quests of TES games.

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I like to imagine that Paarthurnax and the dragonborn have enough pull between them to convert at least some dragons to their cause.

That cause being a united Skyrim full of tolerance for the various species and faiths, or in other words kill/eat all Thalmor.


Now I'm no saint, but I need a better reason than "OMG It Has Scales" to go kill something.

I suspect you know better, but still feel compelled to point out Paarthurnax was a Blades target because of his many past crimes.


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Seems like there's a mod for everything and anything. But thanks for the heads up, I'll go and check it out!


@ Bhanqwa


Yeah, I remember the Blades saying that.


Paarthurnax committed crimes before the Dragon War. No denying that.


However, in the Dragon War, he helped bring down Alduin. He spent thousands of years on a freezing mountaintop (If you're using Frostfall, DON'T go up there unless you're wearing nearly every form of protective clothing recommended - you'll freeze to death while talking to him. True Story.) trying to teach others to use the Voice for peaceful purposes. And now he's helping you bring him down again. And mind you, Alduin is his brother - so that's pretty magnanimous of him to do that.


Seems to me he's given a great deal for redemption. Which makes the Blades seem even more stupid than ever.


Plus, that slow, didactic way of talking is very soothing. Need some Dovah-style soul therapy? Go talk to Paarthurnax.

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@ WolfPalatine, I also agree with your take on Paarthurnax...seems to me he has done the world more good than Delphine And Esbern. The blades are nothing more than a sect anyway and have loyalty to only the Akaviri or else they would have bowed and given me their loyalty as Dragonborn

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