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Do you plan to switch to Skryim remastered/special edition?


Are you planning to play Skyrim Remastered/Special Edition?  

179 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you be making the switch?

    • Yes, I'll be switching over
    • No, I'm planning to stick to the older version

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Perhaps I'm an odd duck in this situation, but I plan to at least try to switch over to the new Skyrim and then subsequently attempt to reduce its graphical requirements as low as possible to see if it runs on this fossil of a laptop.


The Skyrim I have now already has difficulty running on my folding potato, but...why not try anyways? Sheogorath would approve, no doubt. :laugh:

There no point you in playing it, and since your pc is old, I don't even think it can run it since it DX11/64.


so dont wait, and save up 500-700 bucks for an ok pc.

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I will wait until the modding community gets everything sorted out.


SKSE and mods that require MCM menu.


Until all that is sorted i will be sticking with good ol 32 bit skyrim. So not voting because the answer isnt a simple yes or no.

Basically this. I'm hoping that once SKSE and SkyUI are released, that everything will be largely backwards-compatible from there. And I'm hoping that some performance gobbling mods like ENBs will be obsolete, and that major known issues that USLEEP and Crash Fixes take care of will be addressed.


That's probably too much to hope for though.


All I can say it that Steam had better f-ing not auto-update my current Skyrim install when the Remastered version comes out. I assume it will be treated as a brand new game?

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ENB will not become obsolete it will be too difficult for people to edit DX11 settings on the game especially when they are hard coded like Fall Out 4 (Reshade is still a valid option even if it's nothing compared to ENB). On the other hand we need to see what Boris does and if he even makes a new ENB for the Special Edition because it didn't make it for FO4 because of some problems with the shaders (all because Bethesda hard coded some settings).


The new special edition is a completely different game for Steam.

Edited by Project579
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That's what they're saying, but we have been lied to before.


Just don't click "agree" or "install" if prompted until you have read the vague and deceptively-worded notes that accompany it. Because NMM 6.0 taught us that if you do, then it's entirely your own fault, and you have no right to express frustration for trusting the developers to not go out of their way to destroy your saves.


On the other hand, I don't think Valve/Bethesda/affiliates want another crapstorm from the Skyrim modding community on its hands, so more than likely it's a separate directory. Just be vigilant and patient when it arrives before you jump in.

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add a version that says try it cuz i will


I agree. You should be able to add a third choice to your poll that basically says: "I'll try it out, then decide." That's what I would change my vote to.

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