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NWN 2 Conclusion Campaign + Tomb of Horrors Revamp


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Love the figurines of wondrous power. That takes me back to my p&P days :smile:





They were my favorite items in BG II. In P&P I had an obsidian steed, that I loved and used to irritate my DM to no end. P&P etherealness is just unfair. Then the wretched thing dumped me in the lower planes and turned back into a statuette. I seem to recall I was eaten by jackal headed creatures of some variety.

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Development Diary 12/16/16:
- We've Finished up The Companions of Mithral Hall. Sadly, because of the campaign's location in the Forgotten Realms timeline, Catti-brie, Wulfgar, and Brunor are unavailable for a cameo. Nevertheless, we built them, as we plan to release the entire faction package as a stand-alone for modders looking for quick NPCs. (If anyone wants to make an Ale-mug shield and a one-horned helm, we'll happily add it).

- Built Manuals of Golem Creation - Clay, Stone and Iron varieties. The construction of these will be part of Safiya's optional quest-line, and are Wizard/Cleric only items.

- The Amber Spider figurine was remade since the old one looked horrible. Turns out that spindly spider legs don't look very good at 72dpi when reduced to 5% of their source size.

- We have been working to improve the Figurines of Wondrous Power - in order make them truly exceptional summons. They now get the benefits of Jagged Tooth, Animalistic Power and Greater magic Fang instantly when summoned. By this weekend we should have the stand-alone package for the creatures finished for modders.


From Left to Right: Regis, Catti-brie Battlehammer, Guenhwyvar, Drizzt Do'Urden, Wulfgar, Bruenor Battlehammer

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I have not personally read them, but I have read the synopses of them on various wikis and tv tropes, and it certainly looks that way, although there appears to be an elven lady of some decent skill Drizzt hooks up with later, albeit evil.


Sadly by the time of NWN2 they had crushed Catti-brie's legs with a rock... and clerics could not fix her for.... reasons...

I try very hard not to violate the "laws" of the fictional world in my writing. To characters of their stature, her wounds would have been easily cured. If they wanted her out of the stories, I can think up a host of reasonable motivations and rational besides "for some reason the clerics spells didn't work right."


"Ahhhhhh.... crippled by the magic of lazy writing."

- To Quote Boomstick of Deathbattle.

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Development Diary 12/17/16:
- We've packaged the Figurines of Wondrous Power into a stand-alone package. You can download it HERE.
- Here are the new creatures added, using models from Cyphre's Companions and WS Creature Conversion Project.
- We've added another twenty pages to the Campaign Bible HERE.



From Left to Right: Bronze Tiger, Golden Lion, Amber Spider, Onyx Dog, Jasper boar



From Left to Right: Jade Hound, Onyx Steed, Pewter bat, Onyx Panther



From Left to Right: Guenhwyvar, Jade Dragon, Silver Snake



From Left to Right: Stone Solem, Iron Golem, Clay Golem

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I have not personally read them, but I have read the synopses of them on various wikis and tv tropes, and it certainly looks that way, although there appears to be an elven lady of some decent skill Drizzt hooks up with later, albeit evil.


Sadly by the time of NWN2 they had crushed Catti-brie's legs with a rock... and clerics could not fix her for.... reasons...


I try very hard not to violate the "laws" of the fictional world in my writing. To characters of their stature, her wounds would have been easily cured. If they wanted her out of the stories, I can think up a host of reasonable motivations and rational besides "for some reason the clerics spells didn't work right."


Personally, I only read the first of the books, but I fully support the correction of such oversights.


I agree, if Salvatore wanted an all-male group, she could have just gone on to more important things than adventuring, instead of some nonsensical excuse.

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Development Diary 12/18/16:
- Some really fantastic work by kevL for Guenhwyvar:

// 'i_mca_mithral_hall_10_ac'
// Guenhwyvar
// Script to summon and buff a creature.
// Tag-based (module-level) OnItemActivated script.
// - designed by Sabranic
// - scripted by kevL
// ed.2016 dec 18
// This is a special figurine-script for Guenhwyvar.
// It summons Guenhwyvar like a normal figurine except if a variable is set on the
// figurine itself:
// "hostile" = TRUE
// When set, Guenhwyvar will not join the party. It gets spawned as an
// independent NPC and will be assigned to the HOSTILE faction. It will buff
// as regular figurines do, then it will attack the ItemActivator and continue
// attacking until the activator dies or leaves the Area.
// Guenhwyvar will then despawn.
// There's also a standard time-out before Guenhwyvar despawns. The standard
// duration is set by a DelayCommand() in main().

#include "i_mca_figurine_inc"
#include "nw_i0_generic"

// ________________
// ** CONSTANTS ***
// ----------------
// resref of creature
const string RESREF = "mca_hall_2";
// 1 minute per pip
const int DURATION = 45;

// ___________________
// -------------------

// Buffs the Guenhwyvar.
void buffGuenhwyvar(object oGuen);

// Makes Guenhwyvar attack the ItemActivator.
void attack(object oGuen, object oActivator);

// Tries to ensure that Guenhwyvar doesn't kill every cat, chicken, and merchant in sight.
void recurse_checkActivator(object oActivator);

// ___________
// ** MAIN ***
// -----------
// - OBJECT_SELF is Module.
void main()
    if (!GetLocalInt(GetItemActivated(), "hostile"))
        AssignCommand(GetItemActivator(), summon(RESREF, DURATION));
        object oActivator = GetItemActivator();
        location lActivator = GetLocation(oActivator);
        object oGuen = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, RESREF, lActivator, TRUE);

        DelayCommand(2.0f, buffGuenhwyvar(oGuen));
        DelayCommand(2.3f, attack(oGuen, oActivator));

        DelayCommand(TurnsToSeconds(1), DestroyObject(oGuen));

// __________________
// ------------------

// Buffs the Guenhwyvar.
// - OBJECT_SELF is Module.
void buffGuenhwyvar(object oGuen)
    // Heal to full hp
    int hpCur = GetCurrentHitPoints(oGuen);
    int hpMax = GetMaxHitPoints(oGuen);

    int hpHeal = hpMax - hpCur;
    if (hpHeal > 0)
        effect eHeal = EffectHeal(hpHeal);
        ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, eHeal, oGuen);

    // apply Animalistic Power
    effect eStr = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_STRENGTH, 2);
    effect eDex = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_DEXTERITY, 2);
    effect eCon = EffectAbilityIncrease(ABILITY_CONSTITUTION, 2);

    effect eLink = EffectLinkEffects(eStr, eDex);
    eLink        = EffectLinkEffects(eCon, eLink);
    eLink        = SetEffectSpellId(eLink, SPELL_ANIMALISTIC_POWER); // #1168

    ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, eLink, oGuen);

    // add Greater Magic Fang and Jagged Tooth
    // Note that itemproperties do not store SpellIDs.
    itemproperty ipFang  = ItemPropertyEnhancementBonus(DAMAGE_POWER_PLUS_FIVE);
    itemproperty ipTooth = ItemPropertyKeen();

    object oWeapon = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_B, oGuen); // bite
    if (GetIsObjectValid(oWeapon))
        IPSafeAddItemProperty(oWeapon, ipFang);

        if (!IPGetIsBludgeoningWeapon(oWeapon))
            IPSafeAddItemProperty(oWeapon, ipTooth);

    oWeapon = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_R, oGuen); // right
    if (GetIsObjectValid(oWeapon))
        IPSafeAddItemProperty(oWeapon, ipFang);

        if (!IPGetIsBludgeoningWeapon(oWeapon))
            IPSafeAddItemProperty(oWeapon, ipTooth);

    oWeapon = GetItemInSlot(INVENTORY_SLOT_CWEAPON_L, oGuen); // left
    if (GetIsObjectValid(oWeapon))
        IPSafeAddItemProperty(oWeapon, ipFang);

        if (!IPGetIsBludgeoningWeapon(oWeapon))
            IPSafeAddItemProperty(oWeapon, ipTooth);

// Makes Guenhwyvar attack the ItemActivator.
// - OBJECT_SELF is Module.
void attack(object oGuen, object oActivator)
    ChangeToStandardFaction(oGuen, STANDARD_FACTION_HOSTILE);
    AssignCommand(oGuen, DetermineCombatRound(oActivator));

    DelayCommand(0.15f, AssignCommand(oGuen, recurse_checkActivator(oActivator)));

// Tries to ensure that Guenhwyvar doesn't kill every cat, chicken, and merchant in sight.
// - OBJECT_SELF is Guenhwyvar.
// Note: a better solution *might be* to assign Guenhwyvar to a custom-faction and make
// that faction neutral to all other factions except the PC-party Faction.
void recurse_checkActivator(object oActivator)
    if (!GetIsObjectValid(oActivator)
        || GetIsDead(oActivator)
        || GetArea(oActivator) != GetArea(OBJECT_SELF))
        DelayCommand(0.15f, recurse_checkActivator(oActivator));
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Development Diary 12/19/16:
- We've finished up the Academy of Shapers and Binders faction:



From Left to Right: Academy Priests of Oghma, Academy Spell Knights, Commander Oseye, Master Djafi



From Left to Right: Oronock, Mistress Namara, The Founder, Mistress Zerzura, Thael-ka

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Just a heads up - most of the faction creatures in all of these various screenshots are wearing full suits of customized gear - their clothing is built as separate items, customized to their class, and then each piece is equipped. These are NOT, (for the most part), applied to the models with Never Show Armor/Helm enabled. Players will be able to take/buy/find/steal most of this equipment as they play the game, and thus be able to wear matching ensembles if they so wish.


We've build 3,611 pieces of unique equipment, (and counting), for this campaign, most of which the players can get their hands on one way or another. It was incredibly time consuming, but overall the opponents are much more challenging for it, and the players can access gear that is a bit more attractive than the standard NWN 2 Rainbow-pimp-wear.

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Development Diary 12/21/16:
- We've finished Updating Edwin's Thayan Faction, trying to highlight the distinctions between them and the Academy, as well as give them some more unit diversity. In Edwin's VERY brief takeover of Thay, these were his backers - and each was promised a position as a Zulkir in Edwin's 1,000-Year reign. Or.... twenty-four hours. Whichever. They were then forced to flee with the Conjurer when his plan to rule Thay came to a very abrupt end.



From Left to Right: Red Wizard Invoker, Red Wizard Conjurer, Red Wizard Enchanter, Red Wizard Transmuter, Red Wizard Abjurer, Red Wizard Necromancer



From Left to Right: Red Wizard Illusionist, Red Wizard Diviner, Thayan Terracotta Pugilist, Thayan Terracotta Archer, Terracotta Warrior.



From Left to Right: Thayan Gnoll Berserker, Edwin Odesseiron, Thayan Gnoll Archer.

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