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Guys who play girl characters


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I thought the satire was obvious.

I guess I prefer my satire to be less overwhelming to the point of stupidity. Many paragraphs read worse than some of the ranting you see on mod uploads.


There are so many loons about these days you can never be sure what is and what isn't satire.

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I play both, depending on the look I want. I would never dream of playing a female char in a game until I played Dark Age of Camelot and made a Shadowblade. An assassin class, obviously, and Norse men was big and burly, while I wanted a smaller frame for my character but still be a human.


In Skyrim I have three characters so far, a female Breton Nightblade-ish character, an Imperial male Thief, and a male Norse Warrior type. I never, ever download nude patches or prostitute armor mods though. Tight fit leather on the other hand can be appreciated, but I am satisfied with the ones already in the game. My first character was a female Orc rogue type, but there was simply too many issues with that race, and they walked too burly and looks like men with hernia when standing still, so I simply had to reconsider my choice... I've usually played Dunmer in the TES series, but their eyes was annoyingly ugly, and I haven't bothered to find a mod for it yet.


So to answer you in short, I enjoy playing different types on characters, and I roleplay even on singleplayer games. Looking forward to a "total immersion" mod that adds the need for food, water and sleep and more.

Edited by Sabatasso
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I play females probably more often than not, but it depends on the character and the game. My current Skyrim toon is a female Nord sneak/archer, to me she fits in the world perfectly. If I play a sword-wielding type next it will almost certainly be a male.


I liked the response earlier about there being a "playing with dolls" element to it. In my case that's fairly accurate, as one of my other hobbies is collecting and customizing 1/6 action figures. About 2/3 of my figures are male - Soldier Story, ACE Works, Hot Toys, and other modern soldier types. But the other 1/3 are female, mostly Cy Girls sci-fi ninja types, female soldiers and pilots, and movie characters like Deunan from Appleseed. I like them because they look cool and kickass, not because I want to be one or have sex with them. So there's certainly that element as well - I want my characters to look cool, and all else being equal I'll play whichever sex looks cooler in a particular role.


All that being said, one thing I never do is play female characters in online games. At that point IMO you're adding an element of deception to it, which I find super creepy.

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For me, it makes sense to play as a female when I am a mage. Stereotypically, I know, but I personally feel that wise mages should be females, it's what is beaten down our throats all day long for our entire lives, the same thing goes for thieves, unless they are lithe and scraggly shaggy type dudes.


When I think of a crafty thief type, I think female, smaller, agile, good with emotions and personality as well as interracting with others so she'd be a good liar/manipulator/acrobat/etc... all good things for murderers and thieves. Why do you think the leader of the Dark Brotherhood is so badass? She fits all those archetypes so well.


When I think of the companions, I think of a bunch of musclehead dudes drinking mead all day long and boasting how super strong and powerful they are... GUESS WHAT JORVASKR IS FILLED WITH? JUST THAT!!!


Bethesda does it too!


When I think, heavy daedric armor, wielder of a claymore warrior... I think of a big blonde nord dude with an epic beard and blue eyes able to strike down dragons with his chuck norris round house kick... SO THAT IS WHAT I MAKE.


Why do you have to be such a condescending, egotistical, holier than thou person?


Why do you do this? You didn't do it for inquiry's sake... you did it to be rude and to make fun of people who do something different than you. Don't deny it, it's true.


Why people like you do this, I don't know, that's the better and more interesting question. Why do you care what I do? I'm a thousand miles away from you, what purpose do you have and what do you have to gain from this kind of thing? Does it make you feel like more of a person or something?


I gave you my answer, and justified it. I did so with seriousness and honesty. Perhaps you should incorporate such things into your posts, since clearly you were after something else with the post, and you did so with sarcasm laced in, like you already knew you were stirring up trouble.


I'm sorry for being so "angry" about this, but this is some crap right here. Maybe you're just mad that the armor mods and character model mods are favored for female characters? Perhaps not...


This kind of thing is so kindergarten... this is an M rated game, I don't know why they let people with maturity levels of 12 year olds be able to participate in discussion.


I'm sick and tired of having people force others to justify the way they live their lives... LIVE AND LET LIVE for goodness' sake. Is it so hard just to let it go? Is it so hard just to NOT ask such demeaning questions? Obviously not.


whatever, i'm not going to read into this anymore, but there's my two septims on the question, take it or leave it, I don't get a skeever's rear end.

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For me, Bethesda games are always played with a Female character for me. I'm not very good at making a good looking character, and I hate going into third person, but it's a bit of a tradition. Any other game, Runescape, All Points Bulletin, KOTOR, Dragon Age, everything else, I play as a male.


Not sure why, but I just work that way.


Also, I've never played in heavy armor, always been a light armor narb. May have something to do with it.

Edited by FourthOutsider
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I play both, depending on the look I want. I would never dream of playing a female char in a game until I played Dark Age of Camelot and made a Shadowblade. An assassin class, obviously, and Norse men was big and burly, while I wanted a smaller frame for my character but still be a human.


In Skyrim I have three characters so far, a female Breton Nightblade-ish character, an Imperial male Thief, and a male Norse Warrior type. I never, ever download nude patches or prostitute armor mods though. Tight fit leather on the other hand can be appreciated, but I am satisfied with the ones already in the game. My first character was a female Orc rogue type, but there was simply too many issues with that race, and they walked too burly and looks like men with hernia when standing still, so I simply had to reconsider my choice... I've usually played Dunmer in the TES series, but their eyes was annoyingly ugly, and I haven't bothered to find a mod for it yet.


So to answer you in short, I enjoy playing different types on characters, and I roleplay even on singleplayer games. Looking forward to a "total immersion" mod that adds the need for food, water and sleep and more.


Looking at mods made for Oblivion and the two latest Fallouts, I thought I was alone in doing what youve described, it seemed like everyone who played female characters did so they had more soft porn to jerk off to. I am glad there are more normal people out there who can roleplay female characters without roleplaying some kind of anime catwoman prostitute.

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Really? I'm reading a lot of guys saying they like looking at their female character. More than I expected. Lol, too funny. XD

I'm going to try making a hot looking guy and playing him....just so I can stare at him and make him do sexy things for me. Get him a nice pair of boxers and

have him run around in the wilderness in them, barefooted. Cool. Sounds like what my game needs. I'll upload a picture of my eye candy. I think this'll be fun. :D

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whenever game is 3rd person i play female character cos my perverted side dose not allow me to stare at male ass for next X hours. in skyrim i play male character due to first person and that way i can relate better. tho it starts to annoy me a lot when i have to chek how good gear looks on me :wallbash:
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